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六年级英语期末练习卷(6AUnit 56BUnit2) 班级 姓名 学号 听力部分一、 将所听单词的序号填入题前的括号内。10 A B C( )1. tall ball wall ( )2. minute moment mountain( )3. cold costume comb( )4. head heavy hand( )5. centimetre calculator carrot ( )6. met went meet( )7. walk work milk( )8. really read ready( )9. thin thinner think( )10.twin win mine二、 根据所听内容,选择正确的答语。10( )1. A. Yours is , I think. B. Liu Tao is. C. Hes tall.( )2. A. The yellow one is. B. Helen is. C. Helens is.( )3. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, she is. C. No, shes longer.( )4. A Im as tall as Mike. B. Yes, Im as tall as Mike. C. Yes, Im taller than Mike.( )5. A. Nanjing is beautiful. B. Yes, Shanghai is bigger. C. Shanghai is.三、 听录音,完成下列句子。101. What are in the park ? The are .2. is than the ?3. grandparents in a small town.笔试部分一、 找出一个画线部分与所给单词画线部分读音相同的词。5( )1. young A. about B. coat C. cousin( )2. heavy A. sweater B. great C. teapot( )3. work A. doctor B. world C. sports( )4. tall A. water B. coat C. popular( )5. child A. Christmas B. headache C. lunch二、 根据要求完成下列单词。101. drink (过去式) 2. I(名词性物主代词) 3. their (宾格) 4. ask (反义词) 5. smoke (现在分词) 6. fun (形容词) 7. ours (主格) 8. child(复数) 9. sun (形容词) 10. run(现在分词) 三、 词组英汉互译。101去散步 2和。一样 3聊天 4在。前面 5看赛跑比赛 6唯一的孩子 7在星期天的上午 8端午节 9look the same 10. stronger than 四、 选择填空。10( )1. Helen has two rulers. One is long, is short. A. other B. others C. that one D. the other( )2. Wang Bing is at Music than me. A. good B. well C. better D. looking( )3. Does Yang Ling skate Su Hai ? A. well than B. better than C. good than D. well ( )4. Liu Tao jumps than Mike. A. far B. well C. high D. farther( )5. This hairdryer is . Pleasa give it to ? A. she; her B. hers; her C.her;him D. his,he( )6. There arent any birds the tree. A. on B. in C. at D. of ( )7. Does Jim swim ? A. fast and slow B. fast or slower C. faster and slower D.faster or slower( )8. I like walking to school, but by bike. A. next time B. often C. sometimes D. every time( )9. Would you like bananas, please ? -No , thanks. I want some pears A. any;have B. some;to have C. any; has D. some;had( )10. good friends, and we often help each other. A. We all are B. All we are C. All are we D. We are all 五、 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。101. Last Sunday morning, Yang Ling and her parents (go) for a walk in the garden.2. Look, the children (play) football. ?3. Gao Shan (not) have any brothers or sisters.4. Your father (look) (young) than your mother.5. Which is (big), Changjiang or the Yellow River?6. Davids bag is (heavy) than ( I ).7. Where are (us) combs? (you) are on the table.六、 找错,并将正确答案写在右边横线上。4( )1. His jeans is longer than mine. A B C D( )2. My friend heavier than Mary. A B C D( )3. He doesnt has any masks. A B C D( )4. Did he drew pictures last weekend ? A B C D七、 按要求改句子。61. I think I can swim faster than the boy.(改为否定句) 2. Those butterflie
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