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办公室英语:介绍与问候 天天英语 2003-06-09 12:25:08 Introductions and greetings Introducing the lesson:Introductions and greetings in all languages have the same purpose: to establish contact with another person, to recognize his or her existence, and to show friendliness. There are two types of introductions: introducing yourself introducing someone else and also there are two types of greetings: formal grettings informal greetings If you want to introduce someone else to others, first you have to let others know whom you are. If you want to show your friendliness and politeness to someone who you meet at the first time, youd better use some formal greetings. So in this part, we will learn how to introduce yourself and greet people formally. - 一、内容简介: 以任何一种语言所做的介绍与问候都有一个共同的目的:与他人建立关系、意识到他人的存在、表现出自己友好的一面。介绍主要分为两种: 自我介绍 介绍他人 同时,问候也分为两种: 正式问候 非正式问候。 如果你想介绍两个素不相识的人认识,首先你要让他们认识你自己。如果你想给初次见面的人留下彬彬有礼的印象,那最好使用正式的问候用语。因此我们将在这一部分学习如何进行自我介绍及如何正式地问候他人。 Dialogues 对话 A. Good morning, Im Peter. B. Nice to meet you. My name is Annie. A. Hello, let me introduce myself. My name s (or Im) Jack.B. Pleased to meet you. Im Nancy. A. 早上好,我叫彼得。B. 很高兴见到你。我叫安妮。 A. 嗨,请允许我介绍一下我自己。我叫杰克。 B. 很高兴见到你。我叫南希。 Explanation 详细解释 1. Self-introductions often include three steps:Greeting - Introduction - Response 2.Sentential form: Good morning/afternoon/eveningLet me introduce myself.My names _ . Nice/glad to meet you. Im _ .How do you do? My names _. How do you do?Mines _.Hello Im _. Pleased/glad to meet you. Im _. 1.介绍一般分为三个步骤: 问 候 - 介 绍 - 回 应 2句型早上好/下午好/晚上好请允许我介绍一下我自己。我叫_。 很高兴见到你。 我叫_。 你好。 我叫_。 你好,我叫 _。 嗨。 我叫_。 很高兴见到你, 我叫 _。 3. Tips: In English-speaking cultures, people who greet one another the first time always shake hands. There is usually a difference between meet for a first meeting and see for a second and subsequent meet- ing, e.g. Nice to meet you (first time), Glad to see you(again) (subsequent time). 3.其他说明: 在英语习俗中,双方初次见面时应握手。 一般情况下,双方初次见面,用meet,如:Nice to meet you;双方以后再见面应该用see,如: Glad to see you (again)。 Quiz 1. Bill introduces himself to Lisa:Bill: Hello,_. Im Bill.Lisa: _. Im Lisa. Key: Let me introduce myself (to you). Nice (pleased/glad) to meet you.1 比尔向丽莎介绍自己: 比尔:嗨,_ 。我叫比尔。丽莎:很高兴见到你。我叫丽莎。 答案: 请允许我介绍一下我自己。 很高兴见到你。如何与难对付的老板相处 天天英语 2003-06-09 12:20:19 如何与难对付的老板相处 A difficult or abusive boss can poison the best of jobs. But you are not powerless; before you even consider quitting, try the boss-taming strategies below. 一个难缠或喜欢滥用权力的老板可能会将好端端的工作搞砸。但你并不是完全无能为力的;在你考虑不干之前,不妨试一试下面几种对付老板的策略:CHANGE YOUR OWN WAY Few people are randomly violent. They blow up on particular occasions over particular issues. Track your bosss peeves and patterns, then eliminate the triggers within your control. For example, if he snarls when you arrive just five minutes late to work or make one typo on a memo, avoid these slipups no matter how trivial they seem. If one of your coworkers manages your bosss moods skillfully, ask him what you could be doing more effectively, then borrow a few of his moves.改变你自己的办事方式 很少有人是随意发火的。他们一般是在特定场合因特定的事而发作的。你要摸清你的老板的脾气,并尽可能消除隐患。比如,他为了你上班仅迟到5分钟或打错了一个字便大发雷霆,那么你就要尽量避免这类疏忽,不论它们看起来多么微不足道。如果你的某位同事善于应付老板的情绪,那你就向他请教一下你怎么做才能更为有效,不妨借用他的一些手段。STAY COOL UNDER FIRE Respond to the content of your bosss tirade, not the curses. Whatever you do, dont cower, stammer or apologize. Some people get off on brutalizing others, and passivity makes you a target. Respond confidently: Say Id like to put together a report that will satisfy you. Lets discuss how I can make that happen.在盛怒下保持冷静 只可回应你老板所责骂的事,而不回应他的恶言恶语。不论怎样,都不要畏缩、支吾或抱歉。有些人自认为可以对他人蛮横,而逆来顺受就会使你成为其目标。你要自信地回应说:“我想准备一份令你满意的报告。让我们谈谈我怎么做为好吧。” USE CONSTRUCTIVE CONFRONTATION Your boss may be more willing to change his behavior than you think. Some managers dont realize how much their words or actions upset staffers. Tell him how his outbursts make you feel. Say for example, When you call me names and criticize my work in meetings I feel demoralized Please address me respectfully and take me aside to discuss criticisms in private. If he values your work, he may rein in his abusiveness.采用建设性的对抗方式 你的老板可能比你所想象的更乐于改变其态度。有些经理并没有认识到他们的盲行使下属感到多么不快。可以告诉他你对他发怒的感受。比如说:“当你在会议上责骂我,批评我的工作时,我感到很沮丧。请尊重我,把我叫到一边私下里提出你的批评。”如果他看重你的工作,他会对自己的谩骂有所收敛的。APPEAL TO A HIGHER AUTHORITY If your boss becomes intolerably abusive, you may have to go above his head to your personnel department or senior manager. But before you take this course, discreetly,
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