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Unit 3 A day out 单词测试Class_ Name: _一 根据汉语提示完成单词。1. Whats at the _ (顶部)of the street?2. How _ (宽的)this river is !3. My grandfather takes some _(锻炼)every day.4. My friend Jim is from _(澳大利亚).5. The _(总统)of the USA lives there.6. She is tall and slim. She wants to be a fashion m_ when she grows up.7. The sun s_ brightly in a cloudless sky.8. You can learn a lot about different c_ in the World Park.9. The s_ suddenly went dark and it started to rain.10. Steven _(take part in ) the school dancing club last year.11. We spent the _(full) day looking for you.12. I think you will be tired after the _(a long trip).13. Do you know the _(most important) idea of this part?14. The trip to the world Park is very _(bore).15. I cant see the words on the blackboard _(clear).16. We became very _(excite) when Tom told us the news.17. They took a lot of _(photo) in the park last week.18. You can go to my home page and see for _(you).19. You will enjoy the _(wonder) sights there.20. All of us couldnt wait _(get) off the bus.21. Our basketball team needs your _(支持).22. Work hard, and you will pass the f_ exam.23. They are playing so well. Lets c_ for them together.24. The policeman asked him how the accident t_ place.25. How much does the _(票) cost?26. The teacher told us to climb those big _ (岩石).27. Millie fell into the river, but _ (lucky) someone saved her.28. Many _ (climb) love spending much time climbing mountains.29. Peter and his sister Sally enjoyed _ (them) at the dancing party.30. Try _ (be) more careful when you do your homework.二、用反身代词的适当形式填空1.I bought _ a CD as my birthday present yesterday.2.The students enjoyed _ in the school trip.3.The girl is lucky . She didnt hurt _.4.Help _ to the fish, Eddie.5.Help _ to the fish, Eddie and Hobo.6.Simon and Linda kept the secret to _. 7.My brother is old enough to look after _.pull oneself, teach oneself, for oneself, hurt oneself, enjoy oneself7.Be more careful,or you will _ .8.She often _ French after work.9.Simon _ up the rocks. Lets go and help him.10. Can you cook food _, children?11.We want to _ in the park.三、句型转换1.Kitty is slimmer than Lucy.( 同义句)Lucy is _ _ _ _ Helen.2.Did you have a good time ? ( 同义句)Did you _ _ ?3.Sam is not as tall as Tom. ( 同义句)Tom is _ _ Sam.4.Learning foreign languages is fun. ( 同义句)_ _ _ to learn foreign languages.5. She seems to be a teacher. ( 同义句)_ _ _ she _ a teacher.6.We will go to the park by bus. ( 同义句)We will _ _ _ to the park.7. How tall is Sam? ( 同义句)Whats _ _ of Sam?四、翻译下列句子。1.加油,杰克。你能做好的。_ _ , Jack! You can do it well.2.你需要锻炼并保持健康。You_ _ _ and _ _/3.昨天我们乘船去旅行了。We _ _ _ _ yesterday.4.露西和李莉互相看着对方。Lucy and Lily _ _ _ _.5.我们应该保守我们自己的秘密。We should _ _ _ _ _.6.吴老师和两个女孩一样开心。Mr. Wu is _ _ _ the two girls.7.在你的支持下,我们获胜了。_ _ _ , we won.8.我们学校的足球队进入了总决赛。Our school football team is _ _ _ .9.他很无助。我们为什么不去帮助他呢?He is very _ . Why not _ _ _ _?10.不久,整个世界就在我们面前。Soon the _ world was _ _ _ us.11.公交车像美国的公交车一样舒服。The bus is _ _ _ _ in the USA .12.悉尼歌剧院的模型想澳大利亚悉尼歌剧院一样精彩。The _ Sydney Opera House is _ _ _ _ in Australia.13.费用是每个学生50元。The _ is about _ _ _.14.我认为那不是一个好主意。I_ _ that _ a good idea.
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