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深圳牛津版七年级英语上Unit5基础知识练习Section A (For Reading)I. 根据句意及图片提示写单词,补全句子。 1. Look! The_ is going up in the sky. 2. They _ his hands in the game. 3. The _ is so heavy for him that he cant stand up. 4. When he is too tired at work he gets _. 5. Last week, he tried to take a photo by holding up his _ while he was in the river. 图1 图2 图3 图4 图5II根据句意及汉语提示写单词,补全句子。 6. She keeps a _ (日记) everyday. 7. Dont be _ (紧张的). The exam will not be very difficult. 8. At weekends, we usually go to the country to _ (呼吸)the fresh air.9. Can the clock _ (运行)? The time is not right. 10. We will _ (离开) school in three years. III从方框中选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空,补全句子。 more than, be able to, have to, so that, take photos, as . as, that is, in space, be excited about, too many 11. John does not have _ many English books _ Tom does. 12. He _ learn German, because he will go to Germany soon. 13. Living _ is not an impossible dream. 14. I wont keep on waiting _ half a minute. 15. He has enough money_ he can live comfortably. 16. I dont want _ people to come to the party. Please keep the guests to about fifty. 17. Were leaving on March 2nd, _, Friday. 18. The work is so difficult. No one _do it 19. She _ very_ _ wining the first prize. 20. It was so beautiful and we_ a lot of_. 根据汉语提示补全句子,每空一词。 21坐飞机去桂林只花费我们一个小时左右的时间。 It _ us only about one hour_ _ to Guilin by plane. 22我们应该经常帮家人做家务。 We should _ our family _ some housework more often. 23莉莉是我的最好的朋友之一。 Lily is _ _ _ _ _. 24我们将在会议室举行英语晚会。 We _ _ _ hold the English evening in the meeting room.25不要在演出时拍照。 _ _ _ during the show. 26没有水,我们就不能在地球上生存。 _ _, we cant live on Earth. 27他尽可能快地跑去追那辆公共汽车。 He runs _ _ _ _ _ to catch the bus. 28我必须按时完成作业。 I _ _ finish my homework on time. 29这座山离我们的家大约5千米远。 The mountain is _ _ _ _ our home. 30这道题如此之难,以至于没有人能做出来。 The question is _ _ _ no one can work it out. Section B (For Grammar)I用所给动词的正确形式填空。 1. There _ (be) a class meeting tomorrow afternoon. 2. We_ (swim) if it is sunny tomorrow. 3. Mary_ (help) me with my English at this weekend. 4. _ you _ (learn) French next term? 5. _ your mother _ (be) back soon? 6. Look at the cloud. It _ (rain). It often _ (rain) in summer. 7. I often _ (go) to school by bus, but I _ (go) to school by bike tomorrow. 8. I _ (do) my homework now. I_ (go) to the park with you in half an hour.II根据括号里所给的词,用一般将来时改写句子。 9. I often go to swim in the afternoon. (tomorrow morning) _ 10. There are two cinemas in my hometown. (in two years) _11. Mary spends her holiday in Shanghai. (in October) _ 12. He is a Grade Seven student. (soon) _ 13. People travel to the moon easily. (some day) _ 14. Do you study hard? (from now on) _ 15. We dont have any classes. (tomorrow) _ III根据汉语提示补全句子,每空一词,缩写算一词。 16李先生明天什么时候抵达这里? When _ Mr Li _ here tomorrow? 17他将不会再写信给我。 He_ _ to me any more 18他两天后会参加这个会议吗? _ he _ _ _ the meeting in two days? 19他们这个周末去野餐。 They_ _ _ have a picnic this weekend 20我不打算成为一个公车司机。 I _ _ _ _ _ a bus driver. 21你妈妈今晚会给你做饭吗? _ your mother _ _ _ dinner for you tonight? Section C (For Listening and Speaking)I根据下列单词划线部分的发音,选出每组中与其他三项发音不同的一项。 ( ) 1. A. afraid B. apple C. about D. cinema ( ) 2. A. or B. horse C. more D. work( ) 3. A. happy B. hour C. her D. hold( ) 4. A. water B. writer C. early D. singer( ) 5. A. first B. word C. learn D. color II翻译下列短语。 6例如 _
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