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As you decide what to get dad for Fathers Day, you might want to consider what he gave you when you were conceived. If he smoked, your genes are likely damaged, and your odds for cancers and other diseases throughout your life could be increased.(conceive: vt. 怀孕;构思;)(odds n. 几率;胜算;不平等;差别)当你决定在父亲节送给给老爸什么东西时,你可能会想他带你了什么,当你在构想,如果他吸烟,你的基因会可能受损,而且贯穿终生你患癌症患病的可能性都会增加A new research report appearing online in the FASEB Journal, scientists show for the first time in humans that men who smoke before conception can damage the genetic information of their offspring. These inherited changes in DNA could possibly render an offspring in the womb susceptible to later disease such as cancer. This provides evidence showing why men should be urged to stop smoking before trying to conceive in the same way women have been urged to quit. Interestingly, a fertile sperm cell takes about three months to fully develop; therefore men would ultimately need to quit smoking long before conception to avoid causing genetic problems. 一个新的研究报告美国实验生物学学会联合会杂志在网上出现,科学家们首次展示了人类吸烟的男人怀孕之前会损害他们的后代的遗传信息。这些继承了DNA的变化可能使一个孩子在子宫里容易后疾病比如癌症。这提供了证据显示为什么男人应该敦促戒烟尝试怀孕之前同样女性一直敦促戒烟。有趣的是,一个肥沃的精子大约需要3个月完全开发,所以男人会最终需要戒烟多久概念,以避免引起遗传问题。That smoking of fathers at the time around conception can lead to genetic changes in their children indicates that the deleterious effects of smoking can be transmitted through the father to the offspring, said Diana Anderson, Ph.D., a researcher involved in the work from the School of Life Sciences at the University of Bradford, in the United Kingdom. These transmitted genetic changes may raise the risk of developing cancer in childhood, particularly leukemia and other genetic diseases. We hope that this knowledge will urge men to cease smoking before trying to conceive. “父亲在孩子被怀上的时候吸烟会导致孩子的基因发生变化表明,吸烟造成的有害影响可以传递给后代,”参与英国的布拉德福大学生命科学学院工作的研究员戴安娜安德森博士说,“这些传递来的遗传变化可能会提高在童年患癌症的风险,特别是白血病和其他遗传性癌症,我们希望这方面的知识可以让男人在怀孕之前戒烟。”To make this discovery, Anderson and colleagues used DNA biomarkers to measure genetic changes in the paternal blood and semen around conception, as well as maternal and umbilical cord blood at delivery in families from two different European regions in central England and a Greek island. Information regarding the lifestyle, environmental and occupational exposures of these families was taken from validated questionnaires. The combined analysis of exposures and DNA biomarkers was used to evaluate the role of exposures before conception and during pregnancy in the causation of genetic changes in the offspring. These results have strong implications for the prevention of disease. 为了得到这个结果,安德森和他的同事用DNA生物标志物来测量的父亲血液和胚胎周围的变化,以及孕妇和脐带血的变化,源自英格兰中部和一个希腊岛屿两个不同的欧洲地区的家庭中。这些家庭的关于生活方式、环境和职业暴露的信息取自验证的调查问卷。风险预估和DNA生物标志物的联合的分析用于评价怀孕前和怀孕期间的后代的遗传变化怀孕期间的作用。这些结果对疾病的预防有巨大影响。This report shows that smoking is a germ cell mutagen. If dad uses cigarettes, his kids will be affected even before they are born, said Gerald Weissmann, M.D., Editor-in-Chief of the FASEB Journal. As Fathers Day approaches, family members may want to give dads and prospective dads the help they need to quit smoking for good. “这显示了吸烟可以导致生殖细胞变异,如果爸爸吸烟,那么他的孩子可能在出生之前就被影响了,”美国实验生物学学会联合会杂志的首席作家,杰拉尔曼魏思曼博士说,“父亲节就要来了,家庭成员可能想帮助爸爸或准爸爸研究戒烟。”友情提示:部分文档来自网络整理,供您参考!文档可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! /
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