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2022年考博英语-中国人民解放军陆军装甲兵学院考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题When Sally _ the criminal _ her house, she screamed at the top of her voice because she didnt want _.问题1选项A.saw; enter; killedB.sees; enter, killingC.sees; entering; be killedD.saw; enter; to be killed【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. saw; enter; killed看见;进去;被杀 B. sees; enter, killing看见;进去;杀C. sees; entering; be killed看见;进去;被杀 D. saw; enter; to be killed看见;进去;被杀【考查点】时态和固定搭配。【解题思路】根据screamed可知,时间发生在过去,所以第一个空格填入saw,而saw sb. do sth.表示“看见某人做了某事”,所以第二个空格填入enter原形;want的搭配是want to do(想要做某事),she和kill之间是被动,故用to be killed,所以该题选择D项。【干扰项排除】A、B项不符合语态;C项不符合搭配。【句意】当莎莉看到罪犯进入她的房子时,她声嘶力竭地尖叫起来,因为她不想被罪犯杀掉。2. 单选题If I had seen the movie, I _ you all about it now.问题1选项A.would tellB.will tellC.have toldD.would have told【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. would tell将告诉 B. will tell将告诉C. have told已经告诉 D. would have told本将告诉【考查点】虚拟语气。【解题思路】根据had seen可知,从句表示对过去的虚拟,而主句用了now,可知主句是与现在事实相反,结构要用would/should/could/might + do,所以该题选择A项。【干扰项排除】B项在虚拟语气中,情态动词不用will;C、D项不符合虚拟语气的语法。【句意】如果我看了那部电影,我现在就告诉你。3. 单选题The hindsight bias refers to a pervasive human tendency for people to be remarkably adept at referring a process _ the outcome is known but be unable to predict outcomes _ only the processes and precipitating events are known.问题1选项A.although; ifB.once; whenC.when; in caseD.where; for【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. although; if尽管;如果 B. once; when曾经;当C. when; in case当;以防万一 D. where; for哪里;为了【考查点】连词辨析。【解题思路】根据句意“事后诸葛亮偏见指的是一种普遍存在的人类倾向,即_结果已知,人们就会非常熟练地引用某个过程,但_只有过程和突发事件已知时,他们却无法预测结果”可知,第一个空格处表示的是条件,知道了结果,才会熟练引用某个过程,所以第一个空格填入if或者once符合;第二个空格根据句意可知,此处表示时间,填入when符合;故该题选择B项。【干扰项排除】A、C、D项由解题思路可知,这三项不符合句子逻辑。【句意】“事后诸葛亮偏见”指的是一种普遍存在的人类倾向,即一旦结果已知,人们就会非常熟练地引用某个过程,但当只有过程和突发事件已知时,他们却无法预测结果。4. 单选题Im writing to you _ my brother who is ill in the hospital.问题1选项A.on behalf ofB.by the name ofC.in place ofD.in favor of【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. on behalf of代表 B. by the name of以为名;名叫C. in place of取代 D. in favor of有利于,支持【考查点】词组辨析。【解题思路】按照句意“我_我生病住院的兄弟给你写信”可知,我是代表我的兄弟写信,所以该选择A项符合句意。【干扰项排除】B、C、D项不符合句意。【句意】我代表我生病住院的兄弟给你写信。5. 翻译题2. I climbed heights in order to see the splendid granite mountain in its fullest view. In this experience I had been seeking the aesthetic. I knew I would find it, for I had seen post cards in advance and was following the map. The seeking took considerable effort and time. It was a heavy investment. I was not going for the scientific purpose of studying rock formation, or was it for the recreational purpose of exercising my limbs in the fresh air, though that exertion added intensity to the experience and was its context.【答案】2. 为了饱览壮丽的花岗岩山峰的全景,我登上了高地。这次旅程中我一直在捕捉一种美感。我知道会如愿以偿,因为我事先看过一些有关的风景明信片,循着山路示意图一路找来。这样的寻找费时费力,投入颇大。尽管这次跋涉加深了我对美的体验,而且是这番体验的不可或缺的环节,但我此行的目的既不是出于对科学的动机来研究岩石的结构,也不是出于娱乐消遣的考虑在清新的空气中舒展肢体。6. 单选题Sometimes it is necessary to be careful _ the right date to sit for a test.问题1选项A.when choosingB.when you will chooseC.when you have chosenD.when you chose【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. when choosing当选择的时候 B. when you will choose当你将选择的时候C. when you have chosen当你已经选择的时候 D. when you chose当你选择了的时候【考查点】时间状语从句。【解题思路】根据句意“有时,小心是必要的,_正确的日期参加考试”可知,空格处是填入一个时间状语从句,由主句可知,这里用的是一般现在时,并且讲的是一般的事情,所以从句不用将来时态或者过去时态,when choosing相当于when you are choosing,所以该题选择A项。【干扰项排除】B、C、D项根据解题思路可知,这三项都与主句时态和逻辑不符。【句意】有时,当你选择正确的日期参加考试时,小心是必要的。7. 单选题Someone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see _.问题1选项A.who is heB.who it isC.who he isD.who is it【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. who is he他是谁 B. who it is它是谁C. who he is他是谁 D. who is it它是谁【考查点】宾语从句。【解题思路】分析句子可知,空格处为宾语从句,跟在动词go和see的后面,根据前一句“有人在按门铃”可知,宾语从句引导要用who,从句要用陈述语气,who指的是someone,所以要用代词he,该题选择C项正确。【干扰项排除】A、D项不是陈述语气;B项it不指人。【句意】有人在按门铃。去看看他是谁。8. 单选题_ when she started to complaining.问题1选项A.Not until he arrivedB.No sooner had he arrivedC.Scarcely did he arriveD.Hardly had he arrived【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. Not until he arrived直到他到达 B. No sooner had he arrived他一到达C. Scarcely did he arrive 他一到达 D. Hardly had he arrived他一到达【考查点】倒装句。【解题思路】根据句子中的when可知,scarcely/hardlywhen为倒装结构,表示“一就”,句子要部分倒装;根据started可知,事情发生在过去,她开始抱怨是在他到达之后,所以空格处要用过去完成时,所以该题选择D项。【干扰项排除】A项不与when搭配;B项一般与than搭配。【句意】他刚到,她就开始抱怨起来。9. 填空题Directions: In this section, there is a passage with five questions. After you have read the passage, answer each question in English. Write down your answer on ANSWER SHEET.A language is a system of sounds, gestures, or characters used by humans to communicate their ideas and feelings. There are about 4,000 spoken languages in the world. Some are spoken by millions of people. Other languages have only a few speakers.All languages have rules for forming words and
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