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新标准英语三年级起点第四册下册Module 3 unit 1 Robots will do everything.教案一、 教学知识点分析: 1.掌握词汇:robot, one day, everything, housework, learn, our. 2.学会用 “ Will they? Yes, they will./ No, they wont.”以及 “ I can walk / talk.”的语言结构。二、 教学内容: 能用 “will” 谈论将来可能发生的事情。三、 教学目标:1.学会用 “ Will they? Yes, they will./ No, they wont.”以及 “ I can walk / talk.” 的语言结构。2.用will谈论将来可能发生的事情;运用情态动词“can”描述能力。四、教学过程:Step1Warming upGreetings.T: Hello! Boys and girls. Im Ms Shan. Ss: Hello, Miss Shan.T: How are you? Ss: Im fine, thanks. And how about you?T: Im great. Thank you so much. Step2. Presentation1. Look at the picture on the screen.T: Today, a new friend comes to our class .look! This is a robot.Show the word card (robot; robots) and practice reading.2. Listen to the tape and answer the questions.T: Have you got a robot? Oh! No, you havent. But our good friend Da ming has got a robot. Lets take a look. Open your books and turn to page 14. What can Da mings robot do? 大屏出示 Listen to the tape and answer the questions.T: What can Da mings robot do?Write the sentences on the blackboard: It can walk/ talk .Boys and girls and read individually.3. Listen and underline.T: Yes, the robots are wonderful. In Sams mind , robots will do more things . Now listen and underline the sentences beginning with “will ” (大屏出示)Get them to say.(1.)Get them to answer : Will they do the housework ?Write the sentence: Will they do the housework? Show the word card (house ; work ; housework ) 齐读然后单个读。Ask the students “Will they do the housework? Yes or No ?”Practice reading the answer: Yes, they will. Show the card and put on the blackboard.(2.) Get them to answer the question: Will they do our homework? (板书)Show the word card (our)and practice reading . Do our homework Will they do our homework? 男女生读,单个读。T asks the whole class “Will they do our homework ? yes or no ?” 读卡No , they wont .Practice reading the answer : No , they wont .(3) Get them to look at screen. Will they help children learn? Encourage them say out the sentence.Get them to answer: They will help children learn. 板书Show the word card (learn ) and write “They will help children learn .”(4.) Yes, one day, robots will do everything. Show the word card (one day, everything) and practice reading.Step 3 .Consolidation 1. Read the sentences on the blackboard together.2. lets say a chant .Will they do the housework? Yes, they will .Yes, they will.Will they do our homework? No, they wont . No, they wont .Robots will do everything. Robots will do everything.示范后齐读两遍。3. Listen and repeat.Now look at your books, listen and repeat.4. Practice in pairs and show. lets say it in different roles . Group one is Sam and group 2 is Daming.5. Activity 3 in the studentsbook . Point and say. Say in pairs and show then. Show on the screen at the same time.6. Look at the pictures. guess what will they do by asking “will they ? Or They will ”Step 4 SummaryToday we learned “It will”句型以及情态动词“can”描述动作。Can you?Step 5 Homework画一个机器人,并使用“This is . It can . It will 等句型进行描述。五、教学反思
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