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牛津初中英语8A Unit 4 Wild animals分课时巩固练习(可做单元复习) 卡通漫画一、阅读并背诵卡通漫画,然后填写短文,一空一词.Eddie is having some bones. Hobo w_ like to have s_ of them. He thinks they are d_ and hell d_ if he doesnt have food. Eddie doesnt a_ with him. He says that he w_ talk to Hobo if he e_ his food. He will a_ die if he has no food. If he dies, no one will look a_ Hobo. Do you think Eddie is a good m_?二、完成下面对话(Simon is going to North Hill this Sunday.)Simon: Linda, North Hill _ beautiful. _ you like to go there with me?Linda: _ there are monkeys, Ill go.Simon: I hear there are many monkeys. They are _ at _ trees. They are the _ animals of all.Linda: Really? Are there _ in the hill? I am afraid of them. You know Im not Wu Song. I dont want to be _ _.Simon: Dont _. Ill _ you if you are in danger. Ill take you to see some bamboos. _ we are lucky enough, well meet some _ _.Linda: Thats very interesting. Ill go with you. 单元导入一、 猜猜它们分别是哪些动物:1. It is a heavy wild animal with thick fur and sharp claws. It can walk upward. (直立) 2. It jumps with its baby in its pocket. You can see it in Australia. _.3. It lives in China. Its favourite food is bamboo. _4. It is a sea animal and looks like a large fish. It is very clever and often plays some games for us in the park. _5. It is the king of the animal world. It has black stripes on its body. _6. It is a small animal with a long thick tail and red, grey or black fur. It eats nuts and lives in tress. _二、对话填空,一空一词。A: Hello, Jack. Which is your f _ animal?B: I like the dolphin b_.A: Why do you think so?B: Because I think dolphin is lovely and c_. It can swim very q_. It is also mans best friend.A: I like s_ best. It is very small and l_ in the tree. It has a big tail. When it sleeps, it can use the big tail to k_ warm.B: Thats very i_. Do you like t_?A: I dont like them at all. They are very dangerous and they are not as friendly as a cat.三、用所给词的适当形式填空1. Good _ is important to everyone. If you want to keep _, you need to exercise. (health)2. My little dogs _ (weigh) two kilograms.3. When she was five years old, she _ (begin) to study English.4. It is very important for us to _ (exercise) more often.5. At the _ (begin) of the 21st century, many young people liked wearing jeans.6. When autumn comes, the ground is covered with _ (leaf).7. He is not old enough to look after _ (he).8. _(hunt) like _(kill) wild animals for their fur.9. If people _ (cut) down all the trees and forests, pandas _ (die)10. Which animal is _ (interest), polar bear, zebra or tortoise?11. In a _ (mix) forest, monkeys and tigers live together.12. Simon has _ (little) orange juice than Millie.13. The lovely fox is ill. He was even _(ill) this morning.14. The dishes in the restaurant are very _(taste). We often eat there.15. Whats the _ (long) of your teddy bear? Its about one meter.16. If you want to be _(thin) and _(health), you have to take more exercise.17. He is very _. He is looking at the blackboard _. But his brother is _ because he often makes mistakes. (care)课文阅读一、阅读课文,背诵并默写以下短语:1. 十岁2. 看起来像一只小白鼠3. 重达100克4. 走出她的家5. 首次,第一次6. 长成一只健康的大熊猫7. 在一开始8. 吃竹笋9. 累计达一天14小时10. 令人难过的是11. 在未来12. 杀它取其皮毛13. 砍倒森林14. 无处居住15. 独立, 靠自己16. 取走, 拿走17. 处于危险之中18. 采取下面的行动来保护大熊猫19. 使保护区更大20. 鼓励农民离开保护区21. 不做任何事22. 继续生活(p61)二. 再次阅读课文, 回答问题. 巩固文章1. When did the writer first see the baby panda?2. What did the baby panda look like?3. Why did the writer call her Xi Wang?4. When did Xi Wang start to go outside her home?5. Can you say something about the Giant Panda when she was 8 months old?6. How many hours did Xi Wang drink milk at the very beginning?7. What did she eat when she was six months old?8. Why did Xi Wang have to look after herself when she was 20 months old?9. Why is it very difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild?10. What are the 3 problems will Xi Wang face in the future?11. Why did hunters kill giant panda?12. Why did mother panda leave baby pandas for two whole days on their own?13. What actions can we take to protect the giant pandas?14. What will happen if we do nothing to help pandas?三、阅读并背诵课文,写一写熊猫“希望”的成长过程。When Xi Wang was born, she _.When she was 10 days old, she _.At four months, she weighed _ and started to _ for the first time.When she was six months old, she ate _Eight months later, she was not _ and grew into
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