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小学十一册英语Module10测试题一 写出正确的单词和短语 (16)1 拿来 _ 2 方式 _ 3 排 列_4 美丽的 _ 5 当然_ 6 三明治 _7 左边 _ 8 右边 _ 二 根据提示和单词首字母,完成单词 (14)1 S_ in line!2.T_ right!3.Be _ . Dont make so much noise.4.Boys and girls come out to p_ .5Dont w _ , mum. We can drink water here.三 按要求写单词(10)1 do (否定形式) 2. like (第三人称单数)3.paint (现在分词) 4 country(复数)5 sandwich (复数)四 单项选择 (20)1._ in,please.A Come B Comes C Not come D coming.2.He didnt _ any hamburgers.A eats B eating C eat D ate3.Its easy_ English.A learn B learning C to learn D learns4.Daming _, Sit down.A say B says C saying D is saying 5.This water is very _.A cleaning B cleans C cleaned D clean6. I didnt _ any drinks.A forgot B bring C come D thirsty1. Only drink _ water.A clear B drank C clean D pass9 This is a _ park.A beautiful B our C I D his10 Its _ to drink this way.A what B my C badly D fun五 用所给动词的适当形式填空。 (10)1 Alice _(like) _(dance) very much.2 _(be) there any meat in the fridge?3 Tom _(have) a birthday last Sunday.4 My family _(be) going to _(see) a film tonight.5 Where _(be) you last night? I _(be) at home.六 连词成句 (10)1 clean / water / drink / only /!_2. learn / its / fun / to / English_3.book / your / open / !_4 noise / so / much / dont make / !_5 the / blackboard / look / at / !七 用下列单词的过去式填空 (10)drink go taste have be say come be forget giveDaming and Simon _ to a park . Simon and his mum _ there often. They _ a picnic. Simon _ hungry and Daming _ thirsty. Simons mum _ the boys their sancwiches. The boys _,”Thank you.” Simons mum _ to bring any drinks. The boys _ water. I _ good.八 读一读,判断正误Sam: Where are you going on your holiday?Mike: I am going to visit Kunming.Sam: Oh. Who are you going with?Mike: Im going with my mom, my dad, and my sister Kathy.Sam: What are you going to do therer?Mike: I am going to see folk dances. I am going to visit Stone Forest too.Sam: Thats great. How is your family going to get there ?Mike: We are going by plane.Sam: When are you going ?Mike : We are going this weekend.Sam: Have a good time ! 1. Mike is going to visit Kunming.2. Mike isnt going to visit Stone Forest.3. They are going there by bus.4. They are going this weekend.5. Sam and Mike are going to see folk dances.九、阅读短文,并填空。 Mr. King lived in a small town, but he has a job in a big city, so he moved there with his wife and his children last Tuesday. On thay day, Mr. King took his new car out of the garage(车库) and washed it. A neighbour came and looked at the new car for a minute. Then Mr. King turned and saw him. “Thats a new car. Is it yours?” the neighbour asked.“Sometimes.” Mr. King answered.“What do you mean?” The neighbour was surprised.“ Well, when there is a party in town, its my daughters. Where there is a football game, it belongs (属于)to my son. When I washes it and it looks very nice and clean, it belongs to my wife. And when it needs gas(汽油), its mine.”1 There are _ people in the story.2 Mr. King worked in a big _.3 Now, Mr. King is _ the car.4 Mr. Kings car is very _.5 What do you think of (认为) Mr. King? He is a very _ man.十、请用合适的介词填空。(in on under opposite from about with at around ) 1 What subjects does he study _school? 2 Suddenly, he sees something _ the grass. 3 They are talking _the Chinese festivals. 4 I like travelling, I would like to go _China. 5 I can learn a lot _ the Internet. 6 He can write _ his feet.十一、用第一人称,一般现在时态,写一次去你最喜欢的地方游玩的经历。不少于50词。提示词:often bring thirsty its fun to_附加题:认真观察,请把合适的单词写在相应的横线上。this _ _ _ _ _dad _ _ _ _ _clock _ _ _ _ _go _ _ _ _ _nice _ _ _ _ _in _ _ _ _ _
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