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Uint1 ColoursTeaching aims:Knowledge aim: Make the students know how to describle the colour of the things Master the words red yellow blue green white black and pattern sentences What colour is your Its Ability aim: Develop the students ability of using the language.Emotion aim: Motivate the students interested in learning English,develop the students consciousness of cooperation and competition.Important points:creative an atmosphere of langue ,make sure that the students can understand and use the language correctly.Difficult points: how to creative a real circumstance to make the students use the language correctly.Teaching aids : PPT paints water cardsBlackboard designColours white red yellow What coulou is Its green black blue Teaching procedures:Step-1 :GreetingT: Good moring ,boys and girls .this is the first class in our new term. First let shout our slogan. Step2:Warming up Lets sing a chant Follow follow follow meStep3: lead inLets have a magic Step4: presentationShow the bottles and pictures and read the words Each word has a different ways of checking.Step5: PracticeLets play a gamewhats missing?found colours in our classroom?Step 6:lead-in the sentenceT: look! Whats this ?Ss: Its an apple.T: what colour is it Ss: Its red.T:now ,Ill give each one a card .listen to me ,show your apple. What colour is your apple?Ss: Its redT:What colours you star?SS:Its yellowStep7: PracticeT :Now,read after me .Three times! More and more loudly!T: OK, now lets play a game now .Step 8 : ConsolidatePlay a game : find friendsStep9: summary.In this class ,we have learned six colours and one sentences .now lets sing a song to finish our class.
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