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21厘米)。英文及阿拉伯数字字体均为Times New Roman。页面左右页边距各2.5厘米,上下页边距各2.5厘米。页眉距边界1.5厘米,页脚距边界1.75厘米。本科生毕业论文开题报告论文题目微课在小学英语课堂中的应用研究以语法课堂为例The ppicti Miro-teching in Primary School Egsh Teacin -akig he rammr Cls s a Example作者所在系别外语系作者所在专业英语作者所在班级B1372作 者姓 名杨雨婷作 者学号202X23186指导教师姓名麻蕊指导教师职称讲师完 成时 间202X年12月此页无页码北华航天工业学院教务处制此页无页码本页不得删除说 明1.根据学校毕业设计(论文)工作暂行规定,学生必须撰写毕业设计(论文)开题报告。开题报告作为毕业设计(论文)答辩委员会对学生答辩资格审查的依据材料之一。2开题报告应在指导教师指导下,由学生在毕业设计(论文)工作前期内完成,经指导教师签署意见及所在专业教研室论证审查后生效。开题报告不合格者需重做。3.毕业设计开题报告各项内容要实事求是,逐条认真填写。文字表达要明确、严谨,语言通顺,外来语要同时用原文和中文表达。第一次出现缩写词,须注出全称。4开题报告中除最后一页外均由学生填写,填写各栏目时可根据内容另加附页。.阅读的主要参考文献应在10篇以上,其中外文资料应占一定比例。本学科的基础和专业课教材一般不应列为参考资料。.参考文献的书写应遵循毕业设计(论文)撰写规范要求。7开题报告应与文献综述、一篇外文译文和外文原文复印件同时提交,文献综述的撰写格式按毕业设计(论文)撰写规范的要求,字数在202X字左右。此页无页码本页三个单元格内格式为:楷体_GB2312(中文),Times New Roman(西文和阿拉伯数字),小四号字,两端对齐,首行缩进2字符(点击“格式”“段落”“特殊格式” “首行缩进”“度量值”2字符,单倍行距,段前0行,段后0行。不允许调整本页各单元格的大小。选题意义 he ew Enlih rriculum epasis that Egl teaching reor shold focus o cultvatingstudentsiteest in Enlish learnin, nd avoctd that the modrn eductoaltehnolog huld e cobine effeciely i thstuden English learing Mc-aching s welcome bymoread more euatorsbecaue of it ftorsuc s sort ndpith, stong knowedge, ich fors and on. hestudyaccording to te sujet chrctriisof rmaryschool Engli ad thcharacteristic of icro-tahin, cpativy anlysito ases of aplicatin f Mcro-tacg in imar scho English gramateain, whh not o as idisignificance fr designand develmen ofMiro-echng inprimary school Elish tehing, but als anric te study of Miceachin.国内外研究现状概述 ost of the knoedg aoutheMicro-eaingiChin asbeocusd n he knowledeptand ecig link,andth rrier is ico video. oweve,hdeinition thecceptof Mio-techn snot clear, iffrent schlas ae dfrent definition ofheiro-teahig. From te pptive of resouc oositin, Mco-teaching is resourc,suh as H Teshengand other cholarspnion;Fro th persctve of taching thory, icro-teachng i curriculum and teaching acitie, shas Zhag Yichn,Li ouand other sos inio.American enor instutional desin avd Penros putforwar the onceptofMicoteachig firstly i tatmn o02X. Hecaled Micr-tng “owldgepuse”. Heelievesthaith t sportof he correpog wo anddscusion,h micr knowledge pls c achieve thesamefectwih the lng time clasroomtechng.此页无页码预计研究过程中可能遇到的困难和问题,以及解决的措施Te diicui that mybe encotered nd the oions aeas folows:Firsty, Idont know muc abouthecurrentsitutin f Eglish teacing in rimar chools and the prolsthat ftenarise ue tom lited esonl ability an knwedg. T olve t problm, I ll search th ntenet orformon abou Englih Teahig nprimry chols. Beside, I wi otohea pmary schoo o condu a ied rvy, a to nsut som Enish crs about this.Scond,I m notvery undrstan th deignn puto fMcroteahng,o it is ifiult fr me toevaluea Mirteachig. Treore, I wil t onlysearch hread iration inliray ndon theintet, buto cslt my teacheswho ave exeriece esignMco-teachng.拟采用的研究思(方法、技术路线、可行性论证) Fisl, bif intruction of nlish grammar eachngi praryscools, hich desherequemnts ofnew curiclum sardfor Englishamatechngiprimary schoos, characteritso grammtechn nd blemeis in English graar teahng primary schools. hen, a bief itrocion of icoteaching, hch icluesthe ocep, chararitics ad efec of Micro-echi. hid,an aaysi f h elements theMicr-teahig desin ialy,seect a analyzeto ases ih thaeknoedgpoints.研究工作安排及进度 1022.26,wre andhand n th first raft; 202X20.4.20, odify he thesis and pit he finacpy. 参考文献目录 Bady Mico ectresin dstanc ndonline earnig,202X. e RoyA. c Gre. A 60Sec Crse in Organic Chemistr.ourna of ChmicaEdcation,1993. MelndS.Tremu, Miael J.Crn,Per J. Draus “The Infee of Intructr-eneratdVdeoott onStudnt Stisactnithand ngagemnt nAschronousOnine Classe”. Melotunal, 22X.4 Sieh,Dvid. Theseetuesaregoe in 60 seods.Choicle fighrEucain,20X.5 T Gudon. The tudyf Sor-tem gls GmarTeaching in PrimaySchol.Shax: anxiNoral Univsi, 22X.
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