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Unit 5 Review and check第二课时教学目标: 1.复习四会单词和句子。 2.完成书上练习:B. C. 教学过程: 一.Warm up: 1.师生对话: T:Whats in/on/under/beside/between/behind? S:There is/are .T:Is/Are there ? S:Yes, there is/are. No, there isnt/arent.T:How many are there? S: There is/are T:Can you ? S:Yes, I can. No, I cant.T: What can you do? S: I can T:Do you ? S:Yes, I do. No, I dont.2.Sing song: What are you doing? 二.Reviesion: 1.(示单词图片)T: Whats this in English? S: Its a . T:Can you spell it? S:. T:What is/are doing? S: T:Can you spell the word ? S:. 先指名答,然后齐答。以此复习所有四会单词。 2. A game:Whats missing? 先出示四幅图,大家齐读一遍,然后拿掉一张。Ask:Whats missing? 由学生猜出。老师先示范一遍,然后让学生来操作。以此复习所有单词。 3.A game:Whats in P1/P2.? 多媒体出示几幅图的背面,编上号码。 T:Whats in P1?Guess! S:Its a .? T:Yes,youre right. Ss:Its a . 三.Exercise. 1.Look and answer. Look at the pictures.In pairs,talk about :Where is the fish?.先同桌练习,然后两两问答。2.Look,read and complete. 1)让学生看图完成填空。 2)校对答案,请八个同学上黑板将题目和答案写于黑板上。 四.Say a rhyme: Halloween. 五.Assignment: 1.Copy allthe four-skilled words and sentences. 2.Review from Unit 1 to Unit 4. 板书设计:Unit 5 Review and checkA: Where is the fish?B: Its in the river.教后感:英语是用于交际的工具,英语教学一定要放在交际的环境下才能取得良好的教学效果。我遵循这个原则,创设情景把语言置于交际中。不但复习了所学内容,而且取得了学习的愉悦。
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