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Unit 5 How much is it? Lesson1教学设计25团中学 韩玥一、 内容分析本节课是人教PEP英语四年级年级下册Unit 5How much is it?第一课时,主要学习四个描述服饰的形容词:expensive, cheap, pretty, colourful和评价衣服颜色、款式及价格句型:Its colourful / pretty / cheap / expensive.以及询问价格句型:How much is it? Its yuan.二、教学目标1.知识与技能目标(1)能够听、说、认读新单词: expensive, cheap, pretty, colourful理解他们的意思,并且能将它们用于新的情景。(2)能够听懂、会说、会认读句子:How much is it? Its yuan.并能够在具体的语境中灵活运用,能听懂里面物品的价格。(3)能听音跟唱本课chant, 理解单词expensive, cheap和句型How much is it?(4)拓展学习:能听懂课本59页Lets talk对话, 并能理解和运用提供帮助的句型:Can I help you?Yes在创设的三个情境(买衣服,买学习用品,买玩具)中灵活运用,最后以补全对话的形式完成一篇与它内容相似的对话。2过程与方法(1)通过唱歌激趣导入,围绕“学习用品、衣服”展开picture talking,复习巩固数字和句型:How many ?(2)通过听、看Lily购物的情景,对将要学的新知有初步感知;(3)通过展示真实的纸币进一步强化对句型:How much is it?的理解与运用;(4)用学生身边的学习用品展开师生生生交流,运用新知: How much is it? Its yuan.(5)观看小视频整体感知四个描述服饰的形容词:expensive, cheap, pretty, colourful,并结合图片学习4个新单词;(6)通过课本58页的chant和故事理解巩固新知;(7)综合运用本课所学句型,在创设的三个购物情境中进行简单的会话,完成补全对话。3情感态度价值观(1)激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学习英语的积极性,鼓励学生大胆开口,积极参与课堂活动,树立学习英语的自信心。(2)通过对购物的学习,增强学生合理消费的观念。三、教学重点:听、说、认读单词expensive, cheap, pretty, colourful和句子How much is it? Its yuan.并能够在具体的语境中灵活运用。四、教学难点:能够理解和在实际情境中运用句子Can I help you?Yes. How much is it?以及单词expensive发音。五、学习者特征分析1.本课的教学对象是四年级学生,他们对本单元的话题非常感兴趣,容易激发学习兴趣;2.通过本册书第二单元的学习,学生掌握了数字。3.在本册书第三、四单元里学习了衣服类单词。4.他们对英语学习仍旧充满着好奇,表现欲强,对英语学习在逐步建立自己的思维能力。六、教学资源PPT,跨越式拓展材料,(衣服)图片,纸币,实物(学习用品、玩具)多媒体教室七、教学过程设计Step1. Greeting(复习交际用语,将学生带入英语课堂的学习氛围。)T: Hello, boys and girls.Im Miss Han.Ss: Hello, Miss Han.T: Nice to meet you. Ss:Nice to meet you, too.Step2. Revision1.Listen to a song2.Review the sentence: How many ?T asks, Ss answer.(PPT)T: How many s? Ss: one/ three 【设计意图】以歌曲: 把学生的注意力吸引到英语课堂中,再围绕“学习用品、衣服”展开picture talking,复习巩固数字和句型:How many ?为本课说出物品的价格做好铺垫。Step3. Presentation 1.Lead-in: Watch( T say:Its nice.But how much is it?. So, today lets learn Unit 5 How much is it?)2.Show money( T say: I have some money. Lets look: How much is it?)Ask and answer(互问): How much is it? Its yuan. (集体/分男女问答)3.Ask and answer:( 学生身边的学习用品)1)T asks, Ss answer. T:How much is it? Ss:Its yuan.2)Pair work: T-S S-S Feedback(2pairs)【设计意图】通过听、看Lily购物的情景,对将要学的新知有初步感知,并引出句型:How much is it?点出本节课的课题,利用真实的纸币帮助学生理解这句话的意思,同时以师生生生交流方式,对纸币和学生身边的学习用品进行问答,运用新知: How much is it? Its yuan.Step4. Words learning1.Watch a magic show2.Learn the word: expensive, cheap1)Ask and answer(用衣服图片) T: How much is it? Ss: Its yuan. T: Its cheap / expensive.(板书单词)2)Listen to the tape twice, and follow.3)Look and say(T-shirt, coat): T: How about the T-shirt / coat?Ss:Its cheap / expensive.(师把衣服图片贴在单词旁边)4)Ask and answer(PPT): (1)T asks, Ss answer Boys ask, girls answer ExchangeT: How much is it? Ss: Its yuan. T: Its cheap / expensive.(2) T-S S-S Feedback(2pairs)3. Learn the word: colourful1)Listen to the tape twice2) Show a dress, T say:My dress is colourful.(贴单词), then read the word:Colour, colour. What colour? Its colourful.Ss follow4.Learn the word:pretty1)Listen to the tape twice2) Show a dress, T say:Look at my dress. Its nice / beautiful. Pretty is OK!(贴单词), then read the word:Pretty, pretty. Its pretty.Ss follow【设计意图】将4个描述服饰的形容词,以创设的情境:观看Magic show来整体感知,以听句子学单词,以句型:How much is it?集体问答衣服图片来学习单词expensive, cheap同时把图片贴在合适的单词旁来巩固这两个新单词。结合衣服图片帮助学生理解单词colourful,pretty,用nice / beautiful来解释单词prettyStep5. Practice1.Chant1)Listen .2)Listen again, and answer each question.3)Chant together.2. Ask and answer(PPT): (1)T asks, Ss answer Boys ask, girls answer ExchangeA:Look at my .B:Its ( pretty / colourful )How much is it?A:Its yuan.B:Its ( cheap / expensive )(2) T-SS-SFeedback(3pairs)【设计意图】将本课的重难点单词和句型通过chant和对话,综合运用,达到巩固的目的。Step6.Extention1.Story1)Show the questions( How much is the?), then listen.2)Answer the questions: Its yuan. 3)Point to the thing, say:Its cheap / expensive.2. Dialogue1) Listen and repeat (带着问题读) 2)Listen again,answer the questions:(1) How much is that pretty dress? (2)Is that dress expensive?3)Learn the sentence: Can I help you?(板书)4)Read ( Read together group read)【设计意图】让学生听读与本课学习内容相关的对话、故事,大信息量输入,丰富学生的语言,在语境中体会、理解新知。培养学生自主听读的能力及语感。Step7. Sum up:师生 生生购物(3个场景)A:Hello. Can I help you?B:Yes. Its pretty / colourful. How much is it?A:Its yuan.B:Its cheap / expensive.Here you are.A:Thank you.【设计意图】利用概念图提供语言支架,结合黑板上的重点句型,引导学生灵活、综合地运用所学语言Step8. Writing( Extention3)1.Listen to the dialogue, and complete it.2.Listen again, and check the answer.3.Ask Ss come to the front and write the answer, check the answer together.4.Read / Act out the dialogue.【设计意图】拓展知识情境,检测学生对重、难点单词和句型的掌握情况,培养学生听、说、读、写能力。八板书设计Unit5 How much is it?
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