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2022年高三2月联合调研考试卷(英语)无答案xx.2.16参加学校:华师大一附中、曹杨二中、市西、市三女子、控江、格致、市北、(育才、晋元高中)第I卷 (共 105 分)II. Grammar and VocabularySection A: GrammarDirections: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best pletes the sentence.25. Keeping a foreign pet is dangerous, as the owner might be infected _ the diseases brought along with the animal.A. in B. with C. by D. for26. All the ladies wear beautiful clothes for the celebration. Some are dressed in red, _ in purple.A. other B. another C. others D. the other27. According to some theories _ from psychoanalysis, life is supposedly easier; and more pleasant when anxiety is overe.A. obtain B. obtaining C. to obtain D. obtained28. To understand the plex situation pletely requires more thought than _ so far. A. gave B. has given C. has been given D. is being given29. To show our respect, we usually take our gloves off _ we are to shake hands with. A. whoever B. whenever C. whichever D. wherever30. You _ an A on your term paper, but you quoted a little bit more from others papers. A. should receive B. could have receivedC. would receive D. must have received31. Eric, a middle-aged fashion designer, is very happy because the clothes be designed have never been _.A. most popular B. the most popular C. less popular D. more popular32. We are strongly against the panys decision _ it will fire half of its staff in the following years. A. which B. that C. what D. when33. Nancy, _ for about half a year to apply for a job as an airline hostess, finally took a position at a shopping center. A. struggled B. having struggled C. struggling D. to struggle34. Dont start reading a book _ you find that its one you can read with ease and understanding. A. when B. if C. unless D. though35. I cant believe that anyone else in the school can swim as fast as you, _?A. can I B. cant they C. cant you D. can they36. One of the things that made me long _ back in prison was that I had little opportunity thinking and reflection. A. be B. being C. to be D. to being37. When you have a job interview, its _ youre dressed that sets the tone of it. A. however B. how C. what D. whatever38. The new lecture course differs from the old one, _ the students arent required to attend lectures. A. which that B. that C. which D. in which39. Fortunately, what the witness reported to the police on the phone led to _.A. the suspects being captured B. capture the suspectC. the suspect having captured D. be captured by the suspect40. _ they may have, the CEO of the corporation calls on all the staff to gather their courage to strive it.A. What a serious problem B. However a serious problemC. How serious a problem D. Whatever a serious problemSection B: VocabularyDirections: plete the passage by choosing the proper words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. reward B. ignore C. unique D. pleted E. perseveringF. solution G. ride H. recovery I. brush J. challengingWhat is your dream? What is the goal that you have set for yourself and are working to achieve? Realizing your dreams is not an easy _41_.Last fall I decided to write a new book for my publisher. Writing a book is a _42_ goal, which got off to a terrific start last October. The writing is flowing well. Then I got sick. In fact, I got ill that I needed surgery and the _43_ was long and exhausting. I did not work from the first week of November until the second week of January. By then I was nervous about meeting the April deadline for submitting the new manuscript to my publisher.Worried, I asked my author friends for some help, and they gave me this key piece of advice, “Lets start writing! they all said. So I did. It was not an immediate _44_ to my depression, but after a few weeks of _45_, I got back to normal. Several people in my circle of supporters helped me make some good connections and I got the book _46_, and to the publisher on time. It was an exciting goal for me to reach, so I took my family to Hawaii as my _47_.Sometimes you _48_ your own dreams because of self-doubt, fear, or extern
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