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Unit5 Can you come to my party?Section B: 2a2e 一、 教学目标1.知识目标1)掌握下列词汇:invitation, turn down, reply, forward, delete, print, sad, glad,goodbye, take a trip, help out, preparation, glue, without, surprised, look forward to, hear from. 2)掌握下列句型:What a great idea! Im sad to see her go. Id still like to help out with any of the party preparations, like planning the games. Bring Ms.Steen to the party without telling her so she can be surprised.I look forward to hearing from you all. 2. 能力目标:Students can use reading strategies to comprehend the passage.Students can learn to write an invitation and accept or turn down it.3. 情感态度价值观目标 在人际交往中,学会礼貌地邀请别人,或者礼貌地回应别人的邀请。能够在平时的生活中承担一定的职责,培养自己的能力。珍惜朋友之间,师生之间的真情!二、 教学重难点1、教学重点1、 Students master and use key words, phrases and sentences correctly.2、 Students improve their reading skills and writing skills.2、教学难点1、Students can use proper sentences to make, accept and turn down the invitations and give reasons correctly and fluently.三、 教学过程Step1 Warm-up1.Greetings2.Watch a video and think about the question:What is the video about?3.Free talk1)Do you like parties?2)Do you know how to make an invitation?3)Do you know how to reply to an invitation?Step2 Fast reading1.Skim the message below. Why did the people write them?Match the reason with each message below. Message 1 make an invitation Message 2 turn down an invitation Message 3 accept an invitationStep3 Careful reading1.Read the Message 3 and complete the chart.WhatkindofpartyWhyWhenTowhom ForwhomWhat(todo)RSVP2. Reading the message 2 and write T for true and F for false.1) Jake accepts the invitation from David.2) Jakes aunt and uncle live in Wuhan.3) Jake is going to Wuhan alone.4) Jake can help with the party preparations.3. Retell the massage. Jake _the invitation . He would love to come to the party , but he is not _. He _ to Wuhan with_ at the end of this month . However , he is still be glad to help out with any of the_.4. Read message 1 and answer the questions.1) What does He Wei think of Davids idea of having a surprise party? She thinks it is a great idea and this party is the best way to say “Thank you and goodbye.”2) Why does He Wei like Ms.Steen ? Because she helped her to improve her English so much.3) What can He Wei do ?She can help to buy some food and drinks.and she can also help to bring Ms.Steen to the party. 5. Ask one students to try to retell the massage. He Wei accepted the invitation . She really likes Ms. Steen a lot because Ms. Steen helped her to improve her English so much .She is sad to see her go and she thinks this party is the best way to say “Thank you and goodbye.”She can do many things for the party. For example, she can help to buy some of the food and drinks. And she has a great idea about how to bring Ms. Steen to the party. Step4 Make an invitation 1.How to make an invitation.What kindFor/To whomWhat to doWhenWhereWhyHow to make an invitation2.PracticeWe are planning a housewarming_at our new house this Saturday. Can you_?Our house is at 2 London Road. We are serving_ and_from 7:30 p.m. Please_your friends and family. A party is more_with more people! Please let us_by Wednesday _you can come to the party. Hope you can make it!Step5 Group workA new Chinese teacher is coming to our class next week. Lets have a welcome party for her. Try to make your own invitation with your partners, and then share your invitation with us. Step6 Homework1.Read the messages and retell them by yourself.2.Plan a party. Prepare everything you need for the party and invite your new Chinese teacher.
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