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Unit6 SectionB(2a-2e)教案I. Teaching aims【Knowledge aims】1) New words: hobby, own, self-improvement, take up, physical, personal, resolutionPatterns: Theyre going to take up a hobby like painting.Sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep.2) Learn how to understand a text and find the main idea.3) Develop students skimming and scanning skills.【Ability aims】To improve Ss reading and writing skillsBe able to talk about their resolutions.【Emotional aims】To help Ss learn to bring the best in themselves.To develop the spirit of cooperation through teamwork and pair discussion.To arouse Ss interest in English learning.The important and difficult points1) Ss can remember these new words and expressions.2) Ss will be able to use skimming and scanning skills and talk about their resolutions.III.Teaching methods1. The communicative teaching method.2. The audio-visual teaching method.3. Group work and pair work.4. Task-based learning.Teaching tools1. The blackboard2. A computer3. Some colorful cardsIV. Teaching proceduresProceduresTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesTeaching purposesWarming up and lead-in1. Divide the class into two groups to have a competition.2. Show a video about how the US celebrate New Year. Then ask some students to answer the questions.Ss watch the video, then answer the following questions: What are the people doing on the street?What is a resolution?To stimulate the enthusiasm of students and encourage Ss to take part in the activities actively and bravely.Pre-reading1. Teach new words andexpressions.2. Show some pictures of different kinds of resolutions.1. Learn new words by doing a memorizing game.2. Ss talk about some kinds of resolutions they know.3. Lead in the topic they are reading in this class.1. To lead the students into the topic and arouse their interest.2. To elicit the existing knowledge about the topic.3. Make preparations for the following reading.While- reading1. Fast reading1. Ask Ss to skim the passage and match the topics.2. Tell students the skills of matching.3. Check the answers with the Ss.Students are encouraged to look through the passage and match the topics.Para 1Different kinds of resolutions.Para 2The common problem among resolutions.Para 3The meaning of resolution.To improve Ss fast reading skills.2. Careful reading1. Let some Ss read the passage paragraph by paragraph and Finish the tasks on the paper.2. Encourage Ss to underline the difficult phrases or sentences and explain them if necessary.Students try to read carefully. And finish the tasks.Task11. What is a resolution?2. When do people usually make resolutions?Task2Fill in the blanks.Task 3Why do people hardly ever keep resolutions?Through careful reading, students can better understand the contents.Post reading1. Play a game2. Interview:1) Ss watch a video about others resolutions.2)Have Ss talkabout their ownresolutions andwrite them downon the colorful papers.1. Group work Interview their classmates resolutions.2. Use linking words to write about their own resolutions.Through speaking and writing to help Ss lay the foundation of the writing practice in the next class.HomeworkAssign the homework.1. Interview your friends and parents about their resolutions.2. Try to use linking words to write about your resolutions.a. Ideas for improving physical health.b. Ideas for doing better at school.To practice and consolidate the knowledge developed in class.Blackboard Design:New words: resolution, team, foreign, question, meaning, discuss, promise, beginning, write down, physical, have to do with; self-improvement, take up, hobbySentence Structures:1. Many resolutions have to do with self-improvement.2. Theyre going to take up a hobby like painting.3. Sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep.
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