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鲁湘版五年级英语期末试卷( )1 . A. think B .this C .tooth ( ) 2. A. traffic B. place C. face ( ) 3. A. speaking B. street C .breakfast ( ) 4. A. French B. mime C.e ( ) 5. A .science B. favourite C. bin 二. 按要求做题。(10分)1. tooth (复数) _ 2. late (反义词)_3. wash(第三人称单数)_4. easy(反义词)_5.write (现代分词)_ 6.Jump (现代分词)_7.mustnt (完整形式)_ 8.do (过去式)_9.a lot(英译汉)_ 10.排队等候 (汉译英)_三.单项选择。(30分) ( ) 1. _ do you do at study time ?A. Where B. When C. What ( ) 2. Zhang Jia _ _ email to her friends in England. A. writes an B. writes a C. write an ( ) 3. Free time is _ 5:30 pm _ 6:30 pm.A. mustat B. fromto C.atat ( ) 4. He usually _ his face at 10:30 pm.A. wash B. washes C. washing ( ) 5. We go to the school library _ on Mondays.A. to read B. reading C. read ( ) 6. All students must go to _ classroom.A. they B. them C. their ( ) 7. She sometimes makes _ .A. she B. her C. hers ( ) 8. - _ do you usually put on your clothes? - I usually put on my clothes at 6:50 am.A. What B. What time C. Who ( ) 9. This is _ basketball team from _ American school.A. a ; an B. an; a C. a ; a ( ) 10.At 9:00 pm; all students must _ in a boarding school.A. go to bed B. watch TV C. get up( )11.Let me tell you _ my new school?A. about B. with C.in( )12. She must _ lunch at school.A. have B. has C. riding( )13. They must not _ late for school.A. Are B. to be C. be( )14.-_ do you do at study time ?- I read books.A. Where B. When C. What ( )15. I dont like milk. So I _ have milk for breakfast.A. usually B. always C. never四根据图片内容补全句子。(10分) 1. All students must _ _ _ on time. . 2.- _ _ does he get up? - He always _up at 6:00 am.3.- What do you usually do at 6:50 am? -I usually_ _ _. 4. We usually _ in the gym. 五、连词成句。( 15分)1. do; you; have; when; lunch(?)_2. read; sometimes; we; to; go; school; library; to; the (. )_3. listen; the; you; to; must; teacher (.)_4. play; must; near; street; you; not; the (.)_5. and; football; we; on; the; sports field; run; play (.) _七.按要求写句子。(10分)1. I read books at study time. (对划线部分进行提问)_2. Do you make your bed? (做肯定回答)_3. exercise; playground; we; on; Fridays; the; on (. ) (连词成句)_4. Lunch time is at 7:10 am. (改错)_5. You mustnt play near the street. (改为同义句)_八.根据短文内容;判断下列句子的正()误()。(15分) Betty studies in a boarding school. She has a new subject this term(学期). She has Science in the science lab. Now her favourite subject is Science. So she always goes to the science lab on time on Tuesdays. At her free time; she usually reads some books about Science. She thinks its very interesting.( )1. Betty lives in the school.( )2. She has IT in the science lab.( )3. Science is her favourite subject.( )4. She never gets to the science lab on time.( )5. She usually do her homework at her free time.页码 / 总页数
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