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欢迎阅读本文档,希望本文档能对您有所帮助!牛津小学英语6A单元练习 ( Unit 7-8 )听力部分(20%)一、找出与你所听到的属于同一类别的那个词。(10%)( ) 1. A. moonB. museumC. protectD. happy( ) 2. A. wereB. shouldC. fromD. rubbish( ) 3. A. livedB. underC. forestD. place( ) 4. A. plasticB. homeC. sunD. fresh( ) 5. A. ourB. energyC. riverD. rubbish( ) 6. A. waterB. bottlesC. protectD. into( ) 7. A. schoolB. coalC. longD. heavy( ) 8. A. undergroundB. lakeC. thirtyD. their( ) 9. A. woodB. sureC. dirtyD. listen( ) 10. A. squareB. careful C. quicklyD. usually二、根据所听内容,给下列图片标序号。(读两遍)(5%) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听录音,判断所听内容与图是否相符,用“”或“”表示。(5%)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )四、听对话。填写所缺的单词。(10%)Wang Dong: Hello, Liu Fei ,where are you going?Liu Fei: Im going to the .Wang Dong: What are you going to do ? w W w .Liu Fei: Im going to some on the .Wang Dong: Thats good. Trees can help the air .Liu Fei: You are right. We must do something to our earth.Wang Dong: Who will go with you?Liu Fei: Some of my .Wang Dong: Can I go with you?Liu Fei:Of .Wang Dong: Thank you. Lets go.笔试部分(80%)一、找出不属于同一类别的那个词。(5%)( ) 1. A. calculatorB. rulerC. pencil D. hairdryer( ) 2. A. ScienceB. ChineseC. Japan D. Maths( ) 3. A. volleyballB. pianoC. basketballD. table tennis( )4. A. sunnyB. whiteC. green D. yellow( )5. A. keeperB. relativeC. nurseD. teacher( ) 6.A. thirtiethB. elevenC. sixtyD. nineteen( ) 7.A. FebruaryB. FridayC. TuesdayD. Thursday( ) 8. A . youB. herC. themD. his( ) 9.A. sangB. sawC. stoppedD. sat( ) 0.A. quietB. wonderfulC. absentD. quickly 二、英汉互译。(10%) 1. 节约用水 2. visit your relatives 2. 在新年 4. a popular holiday 5. 在圣诞节 6. protect the Earth 7. 玩的开心 8. cut down lots of trees 9. 在校门口 10. your favourite holiday 三、选择填空。(10%)( )1.Can I your new video recorder? A. have a lookB. seeC. have a look at( )2.There two pairs of glasses on the TV just now. A. wereB. wasC. are ( )3.When is Earth Day? Its the22th April. A. onofB. atinC. onon( )4.That sign means you can not here. A. No smokingB. smokingC. smoke( )5. Are the students the magazines in the library now ? A. watchingB. seeingC. reading( ) 6. _ is in January or February . A. New Years DayB. Spring FestivalC. Halloween( ) 7. Christmas is on the _. A.20th of DecemberB.1st of OctoberC.25th of December ( ) 8. I _ very tired last week. A. wasB. wereC. am( ) 9. you have a party last night? No, I .A. Do, dont B. Did, dontC. Did, didnt( ) 10. _ visited the farm last Sunday. A. Mike and I B. I and mikeC. I and Mike四、从栏中找出能与栏相对应的句子。(10%) ( ) 1. Shall we go to walk in the mountains?A. Mid-Autumn Festival( ) 2. Were there any apple trees on the farm?B. Theyre in my pocket. ( ) 3. When is World Environment Day?C. All right.( ) 4. Wherere your ear phones?D. Yes, Id like to.( ) 5. Did you plant any trees last spring?E. OK, lets go. ( ) 6. Would you like to watch Japanese cartoons?F. Yes, we did. ( ) 7. Whats your favourite Chinese holiday?G. Yes, there were. ( ) 8. Dont use much plastic bags and bottles.H. Its on the 5th June.( ) 9. Should we save water?I. We eat chocolate eggs.( )10. What do you usually do at Easter?J. Of course. 五、看图完成对话。(10%)1. A: Its of December. is coming. B: Yes, it is. Its my favourite .2. A: What holiday May Day?B: Childrens Day.3. A: What are you going to do today? B: We buy some new clothes and tang yuan. 六、根据句意,用所给词的适当形式填空。(10%)1.Last summer holiday, I (go) to a party. It (be) fun.2.I like (eat) moon cakes at the Mid-Autumn Festival.3.It is the 18th of December. Christmas is (come).4. What holiday (come) after Christmas?5.They are (get) very excited now.6.What Nancy (do) last Spring Festival?
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