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2023学年高考英语模拟试卷注意事项1考生要认真填写考场号和座位序号。2试题所有答案必须填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。3考试结束后,考生须将试卷和答题卡放在桌面上,待监考员收回。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1The ordinary people all look at the intelligent man with admiration because under no circumstances _ to cope with emergencies.Ahe will fail Bis he failingChe is failing Dwill he fail2Thanks to the special chemical _ of the soil in the mountainous area, this economic plant grows well there.Acomposition BcompetenceCconstruction Dconclusion3Who _ the fight against the H1N1 flu _ it not been for the Chinese scientists great efforts?Acould have won; hadBwould win; hadCwould have won; hasDcould win; has4Its so humid these days!Dont worry! The rain _ to stop from tomorrow.Awill expect BexpectsCwill be expected Dis expected5With the nuclear crisis worsening in Iran, the worlds attention is fixed again on _is called the Middle East.AwhichBwhatCthatDit6You _ have booked the tickets in advance; there were plenty left.AneedntBcantCshouldntDmustnt7I like such houses with beautiful gardens in front, but I dont have enough money to buy .AitBoneCthatDthis8Dad, you should have taken me to the football match this morning.I had intended to, but I couldnt spare any time, I _ a report.Ahad written BwroteCwas writing Dwould write9He always keeps an eye on shortcomings of his brothers _ refusing to admit his own mistakes.Abut BwhileCalthough Dthough10As I opened my eyes, in _ direction I looked, I could see smiling, peaceful, calm and content faces.AwhateverBhoweverCwhicheverDwherever11 You should have come to the party last Saturday evening. It was really fantastic. But a friend an unexpected visit to me.ApaidBhad paidCwould payDhas paid12Along with the email was my brothers promise _ I came first in the competition, he would buy me an MP4.AwhatBthatCthat ifDwhether13Jess was sad and her friend helped her _ the first awful weeks after her husband Bill died.Abreak throughBbreak downCget throughDget rid of14We the sunshine in Sanya now if it were not for the delay of our flight.Awere enjoyingBwould have enjoyedCwould be enjoyingDwill enjoy15- Mom, can you give me an extra 200 yuan a month?- Son, we have just bought a house, and from now on we need to practise strict .Aeconomy Bmedicine Cself-control Dpatience16Be seated, please and Ill make you a cup of tea._. Lets come to the point first.AYou neednt do so BPlease dont bother CYou are welcome DYou are indeed too polite.17_ interested in English may join this club. AWhoever BAll who CAnyone DWho18. Some people say more but do less _ others do the opposite.AonceBwhenCwhileDas19Due to large investment in housing, many cities can _ the flow of new arrivals, improving the quality of their life.Agive rise to Bmake way for Ctake part in Dkeep pace with20Im not sure of the reason for the dogs illness, but it _ by eating too much.Amay have been causedBneed have been causedCshould have been causedDmust have been caused第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分) Leila s Hair MuseumBefore the invention of photography, people kept memories of loved ones by creating mementos(纪念物)using human hair. In 1986, Leila Cohoon opened a museum in Independence, Missouri, to show her collection of more than 2, 000 pieces of hair-based art collected over 30 years. Billed as the only hair museum in the world, it includes more than 400 braided hair wreaths(花环)and 2,000 pieces of jewellery dating back to the mid-1600s. “My museum is filled with other peoples families,” Leila says. “It tells a story. ”International UFO Museum and Research CenterOn July 7, 1947, a farmer discovered mysterious metallic debris(金属碎片)in his farm outside Roswell, New Mexico. Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF)originally said it recovered a flying disc. The next day, RAAF changed its words: The object was a weather balloon. Stories of a UFO and a government cover-up spread. Each year, 180,000 people check out the dirt from the UFO crash site, photos, and reports about the Roswell incident.Museum of Bad ArtNot all art is created equal. After finding an oil painting in the rubbish in 1993the now classic Lucy in the Field with FlowersScott Wilson started collecting bad art. Before long, he showed his finds at the Somerville movie theater. The Museum of Bad Art (MOBA) gives the public a firsthand look at some of the worlds worst “disaster-pieces”. Popular paintings include Mana Lisa, Hollywood Lips, and Drilling for Eggs. “MOBA is always o
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