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(7)Unt 4 Amaingtings Intgadskils and pronuciatiMaitask anyan Shiyan Midle Scol Jng YafTehingaiand emands:1. Topresent piec rting sing iorationotainedfrom serh.2. o presentactaliformation in wrting.3. To comivocua and moeletenc o poduown riting.4. To present anaticle aonnal.Ailyaims:1.Counicaiveability ooptve abilTaching os: Pojto,picuresThin proers:St1: Reisio(5) 1. Akome ustiost amaigthis. 2. Ak s to rea hearticle autamazig thngs, se if they haekow soehing aout te aaznthis. orec themistkes.Stp :Part A (20) 1. Sowtwo piture,pesent “amazing” .Beijing SunshinSecondry Shol ishdinga riingcompetio. The toic s Amazinhigere are Mlie,Smo dAmyotes xplin the talletan, andich, ad amng T to te students. 3Simn wote th drt about amazin tngs on hicompuer .oever, he oud nt rememb omo he actsHe him coplee itwt t nts Pat A. (1).Remind of he ifrent examples f stes fwrg pesented hrouou the book.(2). Explan thecontext of the witng cottn. heask them to read Suzysnotes ao fish inPart .(3).s stdent treadtemoel writin abut fsh. As temocompletet nts(4)Ak he Ss t chose an neresting aimal o n inersting act rie.().If Ss till fin it too dificult to find intesinfcts onthewn, ak the t read h notes abou eephas ().Ak S toaddpcures oddictures andilltrions o decrate heirwor.Ste: omtetion.(oys andgirl) (0) 1k omquesionsaout thetllest mn. 2 Fll in e bla abou the talt man. Ask sme uestonsabut Sandwis. 4Fil i thebaks about Sandwics . 5 Ask omequesionsu V 6 Fil n teblaks abut TV . 7 Te atPK.tp 4: Oen reding (5) 1 Epan me amazinhins to the studnts. 2o so eecises about fis Student ay soehigabut the mazin things, hy an red tartile aotelehants andngroos s oes.Stp 5: mewr Write amazihings for aompetetinBlakoardignUnt 4 mzigthings Ittdklsand runcitionMain ask 1be born 6 few f thm2amaer 7 kep o doig sth3 be sr 8 learntodoth. 4 in hsoy 9 at he sam yea5 a theage of 10 around the wrld
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