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Unit 3Life in the future.单项填空1Johns brother has determined to _ farming when he graduates from university,which dissatisfies his parents.Apick up Bset up Ctake up Dgive up解析考查短语动词辨析。pick up“捡起;偶尔学到”;set up“建立”;take up“从事;开始”;give up“放弃”。从句子的意思判断“毕业后从事农业”得出答案为take up。答案C2The town came into _ as we turned the corner.Abeing Buse Cfashion Dsight解析通过语境考查come into短语。come into being“形成”;come into use“开始使用”;come into fashion“流行;入时”;come into sight“进入视线”。根据as we turned the corner得出答案。答案D3. Im afraid you have to_,or Ill miss the train.Apick up Bturn up Cspeed up Dtake up解析句意:恐怕你得加速,否则我就赶不上火车了。speed up意为“加速”符合句意。turn up“出现;调大”;pick up“捡起;学会;开车接”;take up“开始;接受”。答案C4Some insects _ the colour of their surroundings to protect themselves.Atake in Btake offCtake on Dtake out解析 考查动词短语辨析。句意:有些昆虫呈现它们周围环境的颜色来保护自己。take in吸收,收留,欺骗;take off脱下,起飞,腾飞;take on呈现;take out拿出。根据句意选择C项。答案 C5More and more highrise buildings have been built in big cities_space.Ain search of Bin place ofCfor lack of Dfor fear of解析 考查短语介词辨析。牢记短语介词的含义是正确解题的关键。难度中等。句意:由于缺乏空间,在大城市里已经建起了越来越多的高层建筑。in search of寻找,搜寻;in place of 代替;for lack of由于缺乏;for fear of由于害怕。答案 C6Everything will be all right.We must never stop taking a(n)_attitude toward life.Aunderstanding BoppositeCrelaxed Doptimistic解析句意:所有的一切都会好的,我们要始终对生活抱有乐观的态度。optimistic意为“乐观的”,符合句意。understanding体谅的;opposite相反的;relaxed放松的。答案D7Just a minute,Miss White,our glasses have been_.Oh,sorry,they look like the same,and I am so careless.Aswitched Bstolen Cbroken Drobbed解析由答语可以看出,说话者要表达的意思为“我们的玻璃杯对调了”。所以选switch,意思是“交换”。答案A8Much to my surprise,she_tears_she read the letter.Aburst out;instant Bburst into;the instantCburst out;instantly Dburst into;instant解析burst into后接名词;burst out后接v.ing形式;the instant/instantly用作连词,表示“一就”。答案B9Health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a _ of exercise.Alimit BlackCneed Ddemand解析 lack意为“缺乏”。根据常识可判断出健康问题与坏的饮食习惯和缺乏锻炼有关。limit意为“限制”;need意为“需要”;demand意为“要求,需求(量),需要”。答案 B10Do you think shell notice if I switch my glass_hers?Awith BintoCoff Dover解析 switch sth.with sth.意为“某物与某物交换”; switch off 意为“切断(电流)等”;switch over 意为“交换位置”。句意:要是把我的杯子跟她的换了,你认为她看得出来吗?答案 A11To keep healthy,Professor Johnson_cycling as a regular form of exercise after he retired.Acaught on Bset outCmade for Dtook up解析句意:为了保持健康,约翰逊教授退休后经常骑自行车进行锻炼。此处是表达“从事于”,只能选took up。set out意为“出发”;catch on意为“理解”;make for意为“促成”。答案D12If you_of Mary,ask her to come and see me.Alose sight of Bcatch sight ofCare in the sight of Dare at the sight of解析根据句意,此处表示“看见”,强调的是动作,因此用catch sight of。答案B13Though_money,his parents managed to send him to a key university.Alacked Blacking ofClacking from Dlacked in解析句意:尽管缺钱,但他的父母还是设法把他送到了名牌大学。答案B14She thought I was talking about her daughter,_in fact,I was talking about my daughter.Awhom Bwhere Cwhich Dwhile解析此处用while表示转折,意为“然而”。句意:她认为我在谈论她的女儿,而实际上,我在谈论我的女儿。答案D15The_on her face told me that she was angry when I said that.Aimpression BsightCappearance Dexpression解析句意:她的面部表情告诉我,当我说到那件事时,她很生气。impression印象;sight视觉;appearance外貌;expression表情。答案D.完形填空Armed with two overpacked suitcases,we arrived at the airport just in time for my flight.As I watched her unload my luggage,I could see the_1_in her eyes.One last hug and a final goodbye,and I would be on my way to a new life_2_.“Youd better go or youll miss your flight,”she said.“Ill_3_ you,”I replied,and with those words I_4_.By the time I reached the customs I was_5_.While boarding the plane I was still crying.I did not have the_6_to put my bag in the overhead locker,so I put it on the empty seat next to mine.Born barely fifteen months_7_,we not only looked alike,we were alike.We both had that same mix of_8_and fear of all things unknown to us.One sunny summer day I was playing outside when she came_9_to me and said,“What to come to the attic(阁楼)?”The answer was always“_10_”We were frightened of the attic but also_11_by its smells and sounds.Together we would flight many spiders and battle through the numerous boxes_12_we found what we needed.The plane shook_13_and my bag fell on the floor.My aspirin,hairbrush and some other things were_14_on the floor.I_15_over to gather them up when I saw a(an)_16_little book in the middle of my belongings.It was a diary.Immediately I_17_my sisters handwriting.“Hi Sis.What a day it has been today.You let me know that you are moving abroad.”Only_18_did I realize that my sister had been_19_a diary for the past month.I read about my sisters comings and goings d
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