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湘少版六年级下册英语语法填空同步专项练习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据所给提示写出单词。1That is a s_man.2The girl laughed_(大声地).3My grandpa is reading the newspaper q_in the study.4The little girl is so w_that she cant run quickly.5Many zebras_(经过)just now.2. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Helen_(tell) a story at the party yesterday.2People in China often_(eat) dumplings on Chinese New Years Eve.3The flower shop is on the_(two) floor.4She is a_(write). She wrote a lot of famous books.5Lucy and Lily are both good at_(swim).3. 填空题。1We can see some_(snowman) in winter.2Its hot and sunny. We can see the big sun. Its_.3This gift is for my sister. It is_.4There are four_(season) in a year.5Tina and Dino_a big family.4. 按要求写单词。1won(同音词) 2wish(复数)3speak(过去式) 4one(序数词)5cry(第三人称单数形式)5. 用下列单词的适当形式补全句子。1Two_(man) caught the lion two days ago.2We must_(listen) to our teachers in class.3Lets_(put) the things in order.4Li Ming never_(go) to school late.5He_(bring)some water and pours it into the hole.6What_(do) he usually_(do) after school.7Beckham(贝克汉姆) is good at_( play ) football. He is a good football_( play).8Liu Tao should listen to_(he ) mother at home.9They are_(Tina)good friends.10Liu Tao should listen to_(he) mother at home.6. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1The giraffe is the_(tall) animal in the zoo.2He_(hurt) his foot yesterday.3Come and look at my_(photo).4How_(is) your weekend?It was OK.5Did you do_(something) else?7. 写出下列规则动词三单形式,现在分词和过去式。1laugh 2try 3point 4plan 5hope 8. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1How can you cross the road_(safe)?2Nancy is good at music. She can sing and dance_(beautiful).3You can_(cross) the road when you see the green light.4You_(must) play football on the road.9. 写出下列形容词的副词形式。1excited 2easy3careful 4hard5late 6sad7safe 8healthy9bad 10heavy10. 填空题。1My mother is good at_the dish.2I_. So I didnt go to school.3Sarah_a_with her friend last night.11. 看图,写单词。1This is a f_.2B_is my favourite sport.3My brother is a p_.4Look! Those children are playing a g_.5Its e_for my brother to play basketball. He is good at it.12. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1I like that_. He_interesting stories. (write)2_Liu Tao going fishing?No, he_. (be)3Would you like_(go)_(shop)with me?Sure, Id love to.4Do you have any_(dream)?Yes, I want_(be) a_(dance)._(dance)makes people healthy and beautiful.13. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1I want_(find) out more about Australia.2This show is very_(excite).3Yang Ling cant wait_(have) the picnic.4Ill learn about_(cook) some day.5I_(read) newspapers and magazines tomorrow morning.6My uncle went to many_(city) last year.7There were many_(visit) in the park last Sunday.8My mother_(make) some sandwiches for us tomorrow.14. 按要求写出下列单词的正确形式。1. rain(形容词)_ 2. swim(-ing形式)_3. man(复数形式)_ 4. child(复数形式)_5. photo(复数形式)_ 6. shine(-ing形式)_15. 单词拼写。1他比我大一岁。(根据汉语完成句子)He is one year_than me.2_3_16. 根据句意,选择适当的短语完成句子,填序号。A. zebra crossing B. Ocean Park C. on your leftD. dirty and messy E. watch fireworks F. From then on1Ill go to Hong Kong next month. Ill go to Disneyland and_.2_, they became friends.3What are you going to do this evening?Were going to_.4Excuse me, wheres the cinema?Look, its_.5To cross the road safely, you should look for a_.6Who made the room_?The dog.17. 根据动词过去式,编写句子。Came spent 18. 按要求填空。1who(所有格)_ 2she(宾格)_3danger (反义词)_ 4free(反义词)_5busy(反义词)_ 6left (反义词)_7drive (名词)_ 8take(过去式)_9run(反义词)_ 10before(反义词)_19. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1What do they often_(do) on Saturdays?2Your parents_(read) newspapers every day.3The girl_(teach) us English on Sundays.4She and I_(take) a walk together every evening.5The Wangs_(drive) to the s
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