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英语介词口诀详解复不定 for、找,价,原,对,给,段,去,为,作,赞复不定 for,即用 for 引出的不定式复合结构,也就是 for 加名(代)加不定式;找,意为找到,提供; 价,意为价格、工资;原,意为原因;段,意为时间或距离; 去,意为去某地或开往某地;作,意为作为; 赞,意为赞成(用于系表结构。)例:It is high time for us to start. 我们不该再迟延了。The most urgent thing is for us to get the preparation done.最重要的事情是我们要把准备工作做好。I dont think it advisable for him to study medicine. 我想她学医不适合。Your parents and relatives are anxious for you to go to college.你的父母和亲戚渴望你上大学。My home town has changed too much for me to recognize.我的家乡变化太大,简直认不出来了。以上例句都是 for 在不定式复合结构中的用法。Someone is asking for you on the telephone. 有人找你接电话。(找)Youd better write to me for more information about it.如需更多这方面的资科和信息,你最好给我写信。(提问,索要)They worked in the company for 200 yuan a month. 他们在这个公司干活,每月嫌200元。(价格)How much did you pay for the second-hand colour TV? 这台用过的彩电你花了多少钱?(价格)Thank you very much for your coming. 谢谢您的光临。(原因)Thank you for your warm hospitality. 谢谢您的热情款待。(原因)Forgive me for being tardy. 请原谅我迟到了。(原因)Im much obliged to you for telling me. 非常感谢你给我谈了这个情况。(原因)We have boundless admiration for your struggle. 对你们的斗争我们无限钦佩。(对)Listening comprehension materials are good for training our minds.听力材料对训练我们的脑子根有好处。(对)Take the bitter medicine. Its good for you. 吃下这药吧,对你有好处。(对)There is a telegram for Mr. Wang. 这有一份王先生的电报。(给)May I use it for a minute? 我用一会儿好吗?(一段时间)I followed the stealer for some distance. 我跟踪那个小偷一段路。(一段距离)The ship was for Dalian. 这破船开往大连。(去某地)We are off for Shanghai tomorrow. 明天我们去上海。(去某地)The medicine is for reducing your temperature. 这药是退烧的。(为目的)After breakfast, Ill go for a stroll round the town.吃完饭我要在城里到处走走。(为目的)Ill keep the lighter given by a foreign friend for a souvenir.我要把外宾送给我的打火机作为纪念。(作为)It is only meant for a joke. 这只是当笑话说说罢了。(作为)We are all for cutting down the cost of production. 我们都赞成降低生产成本。(赞成)快到、对、向 towards,工、学、军、城、上、北、南例:Its getting on towards the end of term now. 现在已快到学期未了。(快到)Towards midnight my husband came back. 快到半夜了我的丈夫才回来。(快到)Our teacher was very lenient towards us. 我们的老师对我们很松。(对)What you have invented is really a big contribution towards our company.你所发明的对我们公司确实是一大贡献。(对)The boy came running towards his mother. 那个男孩向他母亲跑去。(向着)所谓工、学、军、城、上、北、南,是说 up 和 down 的用法。这也是汉英翻译时要注意的。例如:招工,上大学,参军,进城,上山,向北方等都属于 up。而相反的下乡,向南,落榜等都属于 down。“大军南下,北上抗日”大概由此而来。but for 否定用虚拟,复合介词待后言。but for 是“若不是”的意思。例:But for our great Communist Party, we could never have todays happiness.若没有伟大的共产党,我们决不会有今天的幸福生活。But for this chemical the vapour inside the system would not have been absorbed so completely. 若没有这个化学剂的作用,系统内的蒸汽不可能被吸收得这么彻底。but for 将在虚拟语气中详讲。之前讲过一些in, out, by, to 等的用法,但是以下固定搭配不可随意改动:例:in general 一般说来in short 简言之in other words 换言之in my opinion 依我看in simple words 简言之on the whole 基本上for instance 例如for short 简称after all 毕竟above all 首先此外考试中常出现的成语前置词也须牢记其用法。by appearance 从外表by the aid of 借的帮助by far 得多by course of 照常例by reason of 由于by request 应邀by right of 由于凭借out of date 过时out of harmony with 与不一致out of harmony with 摆脱困境out of bounds 超出权限out of proportion to 与不相称out of reach 力量不及out of ones wits 不知所措out of question 没问题out of the question 不可能的to a great extent 很大程度上to ones taste 合胃口to ones thinking 据看来to ones hearts content 尽情地to the utmost 尽力behind schedule 不准时behind the times 过时的behind the curtain 在幕后within reach 能力所及within a hairs breadth 差点within a stones throw of 在附近beyond description 无法形容beyond reason 毫无道理beyond reproach 无可指责beyond ones expectation 超出范围beyond expression 无法表达ing 型由于、鉴,除了,除外与包含。之后,关于,在方面,有关介词须记全。最后,英语中 v.-ing 分词转化而成的特殊介词,更须注意,根据其语法功能,把它们同现在分词,动名词和连同区分开来。即:respecting 由于, 鉴于; considering 由于, 鉴于; excepting 除了; concerning 关于; excepting for 除外; excluding 除外; without excepting sb. 包含; including 包括,包含; following 在之后; regarding 关于; respecting 在方面; concerning 有关;例:considering 由于;Considering that table salt is the commonest source of sodium in food, the diet usually calls for eating salt-free foods. 由于食盐是钠在食物中普遍的来源,医生给病人规定的,饮食通常要求吃无盐食品。respecting 鉴于:Respecting the heavy rain, we had to put off the match.鉴于下大雨,我们不得不推迟了这场比赛。excepting 除了:excepting 可单独使用,可以与 always 或否定词 not 连用,也可以与 for, without 之类介词连用。Excepting one of his close friends, they were present at the party.除了他的一个挚友外,他们都来赴宴了。He is an honest man, excepting for his quick temper.他是个老实人,只是(“除了” 脾气暴躁。(同类比较 except,加 for 异类记心间)。Everybody is in high spirits, always excepting him. 大家都情绪高昂,唯他“除外”(例外)。Only a few survivors without excepting him were living in the settlement.包括他在内,只有几个幸存者住在新拓居地。including 包含:The new apartment consists of three rooms including the kitchen.这套公寓有三间,包括厨房。following 在之后: 相当于 afterThe week following his first visit to the newsroom he was appointed editor of the important column. 在拜访该报社编辑部的“第二个”星期,他放任命为该报重要专栏的主笔。regarding 关于:相当于 aboutRegarding research investment and number of researchers engaged in this field of research, the U.S.A. commands an overwhelming position follow
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