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Lesson19GetapresentforLiMing TeachingAims1.Master the new words of this lesson like: present, clothing, size,style, fitetc.2. Learnhowtogoshopping by using the useful expressions like: What can I do for you? / what colour?/ what size?/how much?;Does it fit?3 .Graspthedialogue;4. Let the Ss cherish the friendship between friends and care more about our parents.TeachingImportantPoints New words and useful structures about shopping.TeachingDifficultPoints1.What can I do for you? May/Can I help you? Is there anything I can do for you?2. I think hes the same size as Brian.3. Would he like a new jacket for his birthday?4. Does it fit?5.I dont think Li Ming would like that jacket anyway. TeachingAidsJackets, PPT, flashcardsTeachingProcedureStep1. Lead inPlay a piece of music to Ss about present to lead in. T: Class begins. S: Gooding morning T: Good morning boys and girls. Just now we listened to a piece of music, can you tell me what it is about? S: Present!T: Yes. Have you ever bought a present for a friend? Li Mings birthday is coming. His friends want to buy something for him. Lets guess what happened when they buy the present.Step2. Listen and answer: Listen to the dialogue once and answer the following questions:Q1: What does Jenny want to do? Where does she go?Q2: What is Li Mings size?Q3: What colour does Li Ming like best?Q4: What do they buy for Li Ming finally?T invents Ss to answer the questions and encourages them. Step3.Talk about the new words: T: Through listening, have you heard some new words? Lets find out together. They are: Present no matter how Clothing an exact measurement Size the shape or kind of something Fit be the right size and shape for somebody of something Style something you give to or get from somebody Anyway things you wear T: Read the new words after me; S: presentT: The right sentences are the descriptions of the left words, now match it.Step4.Readandfind out the language pointsT: Boys and girls, Letsrole-play the dialogue before class loudly. Girls, Jenny, boys Brain, and clerk is me. I will invent one student to read the aside, who want to have a try? T: Read it again silently, find out the important language points and underline the sentences. After reading, discuss the language points in your groups. You should learn from each other and help each other.Language points: Group work: show some colorful stripes on the screen, there are some key points and scores behind each of them, speak out the points and do the exercise correctly then they can get the scores. 1. Would he like a new jacket for his birthday? would like sth/to do 2. I think he is the same size as Brain. the same size as3. Try on this jacket, please. try it on, try on the jacket 4. Does it fit? sth fit sb, be fit for5. What size does your friend wear? Do you have any other sizes? another, other, the other, other6. I dont think LiMing would like that jacket anyway. I dont think/believe +that从句Each language point has some exercises, do the exercises to break through the difficult points. Step5.Activities: T: As Li Mings friends, Jenny and Brain are kind, I think most of you have bought presents for your best friends just like Jenny, but have you ever bought birthday presents for your parents who take good care of you everyday? Make up a dialogue with your partner, pretend you want to buy something for your mothers or your fathers birthday. You are in a shop talking to a clerk what to buy. There are some expressions may help you: Clerk: What can I do for you? May/Can I help you? Is there anything I can do for you?What color does your mother/father like? Would she/he like a coat/shirt/blouse/scarf/hat?What size is your mother/father? Does it fit? Your friend and you: I want to buy a coat/shirt/hatfor my mother/father. His/Her size is 165/170/180 His/Her favourite color is This size is too big/small, it doesnt fit him/her. Do you have any other styles/size? My mother/father must like it. How much is it? Ill take it.Step6. Sum up: T: What have you learned from this lesson?S: We learn how to ask size, some language points, such as try on, be fit for, the same size asT: Good, we learn some useful expressions and how to ask size today, and form the dialogue you made we also know we should cherish our friendship and care more about our parents. So, if your parents birthday is coming, please do something. Not only buy gifts but also help them do something. To be a dutiful boy/g
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