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北师大版三年级下学期英语连词成句全能专项练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. an like act elephant (.)2. smallsoIts!(只写序号)3. like, I, green (.)4. are, those, what (?)5. 连词成句。1that, Tina, is, my, sister (.)2my, look, cap, at, Sam (, .)3ice cream, for, make, his, mum, an (.)4on, are, chair, what, those, the (?)6. 连词成句。1an, is, elephant, It (.)2boys, Good, and, evening, girls (.)3it, then, What, is (?)4a, Act, kangaroo, like (.)5parrot, is, my, This (.)7. is Yang Ling She (.)8. MissisGreenThis (只填序号)9. 连词成句。1four it oclock is(.)2a I storybook new have(.)3you for are these(.)4you to meet pleased(.)5my is this grandpa(.)10. 连词成句。1friend, my, too, He, is (.)2is, Yang Ling, She (.)3Tina, is, This (.)4John, you, Are (?)5Im, No, not (.)6sister, is, She, my (.)11. Good Sam Im . morning (只填序号)12. is, What, letter, it (?)13. crayon, have, I, a (.)14. please, Sit, down (, .)15. desk, your, The, is, ball, under (.)16. old you are How (?)17. old, are, you, How18. up, down, and, is, Paul, walking (.)19. 连词成句。1apples have Lets some (.)2you Do pears like (?)3I dont No (, .)4I Yes do (, .)20. Mike, This, is, (.)21. is boat my Where (?)22. HelloAmy Im(只填序号)23. pencil box a its (.)24. 连词成句。1at, duck, Look, the (.)2in, truck, the, Its (.)3is, It, fat (.)4bird, Act, a, like (.)5have, a, I, carrot (.)25. 连词成句。1my, is, this, family (.)2that, is, who, girl (?)3teacher, is, my, a, sister (.)4mother, she, my, is (.)5father, is, your, he (?)26. at, Look, panda, the (.)27. cat , a , it , is , red (.)28. body, shake, your(.)29. got kite has nice he a (?)30. the, pass, me, rice, please (.)31. does, what, Linda, at, today, school, have (?)32. its May in (.)33. Shes, driver, a, (.)页码 / 总页数
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