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苏教版牛津英语7A UNIT8 词组词组1在床上再睡十分钟2考虑要穿什么3考虑开个班会6在学校礼堂举办时装表演7设计一些服装,做张海报8系着一条黑白领带9一位系红黄相间领带的人10把羊拴在树上11把某物给某人看12带领某人参观某地13带我到你们学校四处走走14把某物借给某人15向某人借某物16向你们展示不同款式的服装17受年轻人欢迎18坐在你我之间19站在那些学生当中20看上去很酷/神气21看上去时尚又漂亮22把那件黄色棉衬衫和蓝围巾搭配起来23穿着羊毛短裙的女孩24由。制成(看得出原材料)25由。制成(看不出原材料)26产于某地27买了条丝绸领带28喜欢法国产的轿车29大多数学生30他们大多数31生活得舒服32写(一封)信给某人33和其他队员练习打篮球34等校车35等绿灯亮36等医生来37找我的舞鞋38躺在床上看电视39不得不参加一个盛大的宴会40计划穿白色41适合走远路42讨论他们所穿服装的不同材料43摸起来柔软而又光滑44戴上这个新帽子看上去很可爱45设计各种服装46我的时尚设计47想当最好的设计师48讨论不同服装的特征49和其他任何颜色搭配句子1我不知道今天穿什么2你打算表演穿什么?3你穿多大号的衬衫? 大/中/小号4这双运动鞋太大,有小点的吗?5女士们,先生们!欢迎来我们的时装表演。6穿一件黄色的棉衬衫和一双红色的长皮靴她看起来神气、时髦。7SIMON向我们走来,他穿着紫色衬衫和一条灰裤子。8他的红灰色领带和他的衣服很搭配。9AMY穿了件黄色棉衬衫和一条蓝色围巾。10他们两都穿着牛仔裤,年轻人真喜欢牛仔裤。11他和我都是足球队员。12我必须找个好你和他。13SANDY 穿了一件红色丝绸衬衫,一条黑色羊毛短裙和一双红色靴子。14今天的时装表演就到这!感谢你的光临。15她的红衬衫是丝绸/棉/羊毛制成的。16纸是木头做成的。17这种车是中国产的。18多棒的演出啊!19某人穿。看上去很漂亮。/某物穿在某人身上漂亮.20她穿牛仔裤好看。21你觉得我的红手套怎样?22它们是什么制成的?是皮革的。23她穿蓝色看起来不错。24这种自行车是上海生产的。25我确信这件真丝衬衫穿在任何人身上都看起来酷 。27我想我的牛仔穿起来舒服。28看看我的模特,这事我设计的衬衫,和夹克。29夹克既不太长也不太大。30我的设计包含了一条牛仔裤31这本书包含了4个部分。1spend 10 more minutes in bed =spend another 10 minutes in bed2think about what to wear3think about having a class meeting6have/give/hold a fashion show in the school hall7design some clothes and make a poster8wear a black and white tie9a person in/wearing a yellow and red tie10tiethe sheepto the tree (tying)11show sb. sth. = show sth.to sb.12show sb. around sp.13show me around your school14lend sth.to sb = lend sb sth.15borrow sth from sb.16show you different styles of clothes17be popular with/among young people18sit between you and me (两者之间)19stand among the students(三者或以上)20look cool/smart21look modern and beautiful22match the yellow cotton shirt with the blue scarf23the girl in /wearing a wool / woolen skirt24be made of sth.25be made from sth.26be made in sp.27buy a silk tie / a tie made of silk28like cars made in France29most of the students / most students30most of them 31live a comfortable life = live comfortablyuncomfortable 不舒服 uncomfortably32write (a letter ) to sb.33pratice playing basketball with other team members34wait for the school bus35wait for the green light36wait for the doctor to come37look for my dancing shoes38lie on the bed and watch TV/watch TV on the bed39have to go for a big dinner40plan to wear white41be fit for a long walk42talk about the different materials of the things they wear43feel soft and smooth44look lovely in the new hat45design all kinds of clothes46my fasion design47want to be the best designer48talk about the features of different kinds of clothes49match / go well with any other colour1I dont know what to wear today. = I dont know what I can/should wear today.2What are you ging to wear for the show?3What size is your blouse/shirt? = What size blouse do you wear ? Size L/M/S.4This pair of trainer is too large. Do you have a smaller pair?5Ladies and gentlement. Welcoome to our fasion show. 6She looks smart and modern in a yellow cotton blouse and a pair of long red weather boots.7Here copmes Simon. He is wearing /in a purple shirt and a pair of grey trousers.8His red and grey tie matches /goes well with his clothers9Amy is wearing a yellow cotton blouse and a blue scarf. (scarfs/scarves)10Both of them are wearing/They are both wearing jeans. Young people really like jeans!11Both he and I are members of the football team.= He and I are both .12I must look after both you and him well.13Sandy is wearing a red silk shirt, a black wool skirt and a pair of red boots.14Thats all for todays fashion show.Thanks for coming.15Her red blouse is made of silk/cotton/wool.16Paper is made from wood.17This kind of car(s) is made in China.18What a great show ( it is)! =How great the show is!19sb. Looks nice in sth. = sth looks nice on sb.20She looks nice in jeans.= Jeans looks nice on her.21What do you think of my red golves?= How do you like .?22What are they made of ? They are made of leather.23She looks good in blue/in blue clothes.24This kind of bike(s) in madein Shanghai.25Im sure the silk blouse looks cool on anyone.27=Im sure anyone looks cool in the silk blouse.28Look at the model. Here is my design fro a shirt and jacket.29The jacket is not too long or too large.30My design includes a pair of blue jeans.31The book includes 4 parts.友情提示:部分文档来自网络整理,供您参考!文档可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注!
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