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小学英语教师“基于标准的教学”教学设计设计者:甄爱红教学内容教学设计授课教材版本义务教育课程标准试验教科书英语单元名Unit6标题Unit6The story of rain年级Grade6课型对话新授课话题The story of rain设计思路 本节课是一节对话教学,谈论的话题是水循环的过程,标准第二级为6年级结束时应达到基本要求,倡导学生在体验、参与、合作与交流的学习方式,发展综合语言运用能力。基于以上原因,本科采用任务型教学,本节课对老师的创新教学有一定的难度,我主要以水污染的图片和一个水循环的生动故事来引出新课的教授,再适当地运用游戏、活动、练习、写作、对话交流等多种形式加以操练和巩固,让学生在大量的操练中掌握知识,从而突破难点,解决问题。最后用美丽的风景图做结尾,教育学生保护环境,保护水源,整节课做到前后呼应。教学目标1. 能够理解对话内容意思。2. 尝试运用以下句型进行问答本课重点是让学生能够听、说、读、写“Where does the rain come from? It comes from the clouds” 能替换运用于水循环的整个过程.3. 基本能够口头表达水循环的过程。教学重、难点教学重点:1. 理解功能句的意义及其使用的语言情境,并能尝试迁移到新的语言情境。2. 理解水循环的过程。3. 学生能够听、说、读、写“Where does the rain come from? It comes from the clouds” 能替换运用于水循环的整个过程.教学难点:能运用“How can the water become vapour?”来问答。教学流程图Intrduce the taskWarm-upBuild the backgroundPresent the contextPRESENTATIONTalk about the textPracticePRACTICEComplete the taskEXTENSIONONSummary HomeworkHOMEWORK教学过程教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Warm up./ Revisiona)Chant together.b)Ask and answer questions.T:What can you see in the chant?复习 “rain, cloud, sun, sea” 引出 “water”,并提出现在某些地方水污染的情况。Lead-in a)利用水污染的图片倡议人们保护水源,引出本课的内容“水是怎样循环的” 。b)Watch a story about the water cycle and answer some questions.T: The little water drop wants to tell us how the water cycles.Watch the story and answer some questions.(1)Where does the rain come from?(2)Where does the cloud come from?(3)Where does the vapour come from? 根据故事内容,思考并回答问题,引出重点句子并板书:“Where does come from?It comes from”Then read the sentences together.1、Lets chant. (上节课自编的chant)2.Watch a story about the water cycle and answer some questions.3.Ask and answer the three questions in pairs, then check.操练句型“Where does come from? It comes from呈现任务,激发学习动机,从情绪和知识上作好准备。Presentationa) Listen b) and answer.T: The vapour comes from the water. But how can the water become vapour? (听课文内容回答问题,引出句子“How can the water become vapour?”)b) Ask and answer one by one.(操练难点句型“How can the water become vapour? The sun shines and the water becomes vapour.”)c)Read“Lets talk”together.1.Ask and answer one by one.(操练难点句型“How can the water become vapour? The sun shines and the water becomes vapour.”)2.Read“Lets talk”together初步感知、理解新知,策略性地处理重难点落实教学目标一Practicea) Fast pictureMake a dialogue in pairs.1. “Make a dialogue in pairs. (For example we choose “A”.You can make a dialogue like this:A: Hello, Mr Black. B: Hello.A: Can I ask you some questions?B: Sure.A: Where does the vapour come from?B: It comes from the water in the river.A: Where does the rain come from?B: It comes from the clouds.A: Thank you.B: Youre welcome.创设情景、充分感知和必要的练习相结合,内化所学知识。Consolidationa) 教师边提问边在黑板上逐个贴出雨、云、蒸汽和水的图片, 学生运用”comes from”口述水循环过程。T: Where does the rain come from?S: The rain comes from the clouds.T: And the cloud comes from the vapour. The vapour comes from the water in the river seastreamlak培养综合语言能力,给学生选择空间,充分尊重学生。总结及作业教师布置作业聆听老师布置作业将本课学习知识通过作业形式延伸板书设计:Unit6 PartA Lets talkWhere does the come from?It comes from
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