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2022年英语六级考试词汇速记1:精选词( clung , clung )vi 缠着,粘着,紧握The vine clung to its support . 这藤蔓缠绕在支持物上。同adherevi. 依附,依恋Shes the clinging sort. 她是那种老依靠他人的人。vi. 坚守,墨守,固执Why do they cling to the old custom ? 他们为什么要墨守陈规?难点cling to 粘着;紧握;靠近;坚持;依恋;萦绕不散cling together 粘在一起;相互忠诚chartern. 宪章;契据;特权vt. 租,包(船,车等)They chartered a bus for the picnic. 他们包了一辆公共汽车出去野餐。同hirechatterv. 饶舌She was chattering over her work. 她工作时说个不停。同chatn. 唠叨,喋喋不休the chatter of children 孩子们的喋喋说话声chipn. 碎片;薄片chordn. (乐器的)弦同stringn. (音)和弦,和音v. 协调;弹奏;调的弦,使和谐chorusn. 合唱,合唱队,合唱曲;齐声,一齐The proposal was greeted with a chorus of approval. 该项提议获得大家的齐声赞成。同accordv. 齐唱,齐声朗读难点in chorus 一起,共同sing in chorus 齐声唱歌Christn. 基督cigarn. 雪茄烟circularn. 传单,通告同noticecirculationn. 运行,循环(尤指血液循环)Exercise is good for circulation. 运动对血液循环有好处。n. 流通,发行That book has been withdrawn from circulation. 该书已停顿发行。n. 发行额,销数The magazine has a large circulation. 这杂志销路很广。n. (消息等的)流传,传播难点in ( out of ) circulation 在(不在)流通的Are there many forged banknotes in circulation ?有很多假币在流通吗?
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