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胡塞尔为大英百科全书撰写的“现象学”条目(1927) 胡塞尔应邀为大英百科全书撰写现象学条目,并邀请海德格尔合作。然而这是一次不怎么愉快的合作,二者在现象学方面的一些根本性分歧第一次显现。为此,海德格尔专门致信胡塞尔陈说解释,然而学术上的争论不可避免。稍后,胡塞尔在海德格尔赠给他的存在与时间扉页上无奈地写下了亚里士多德的名言“吾爱吾师柏拉图,吾更爱真理”。“phenomenology,” edmund husserls article for the encyclopaedia britannica* (1927) revised translation by richard e. palmer1 introduction 1. pure psychology: its field of experience, its method and its function 1. pure natural science and pure psychology. 2. the purely psychical in self;experience and community experience. the universal description of intentional experiences. 3. the self;contained field of the purely psychical.;phenomenological reduction and true inner experience. 4. eidetic reduction and phenomenological psychology as an eidetic science. 5. the fundamental function of pure phenomenological psychology for an exact empirical psychology. il. phenomenological psychology and transcendental phenomenology 6. descartes transcendental turn and lockes psychologism. 7. the transcendental problem. 8. the solution by psychologism as a transcendental circle. 9. the transcendental;phenomenological reduction and the semblance of transcendental duplication. 10. pure psychology as a propaedeutic to transcendental phenomenology. iii transcendental phenomenology and philosophy as universal science with absolute foundations 11. transcendental phenomenology as ontology. 12. phenomenology and the crisis in the foundations of the exact sciences. 13. the phenomenological grounding of the factual sciences in relation to empirical phenomenology. 14. complete phenomenology as all embracing philosophy. 15. the “ultimate and highest” problems as phenomenological. 16. the phenomenological resolution of all philosophical antitheses. husserls introductions to phenomenology introduction the term phenomenology designates two things: a new kind of descriptive method which made a breakthrough in philosophy at the turn of the century, and an a priori science derived from it; a science which is intended to supply the basic instrument (organon) for a rigorously scientific philosophy and, in its consequent application, to make possible a methodical reform of all the sciences. together with this philosophical phenomenology, but not yet separated from it, however, there also came into being a new psychological discipline parallel to it in method and content: the a priori pure or “phenomenological” psychology, which raises the reformational claim to being the basic methodological foundation on which alone a scientifically rigorous empirical psychology can be established. an outline of this psychological phenomenology, standing nearer to our natural thinking, is well suited to serve as a preliminary step that will lead up to an understanding of philosophical phenomenology. i. pure psychology: its field of experience, its method, and its function 1. pure natural science and pure psychology. modern psychology is the science dealing with the “psychical” in the concrete context of spatio;temporal realities, being in some way so to speak what occurs in nature as egoical, with all that inseparably belongs to it as psychic processes like experiencing, thinking, feeling, willing, as capacity, and as habitus. experience presents the psychical as merely a stratum of human and animal being. accordingly, psychology is seen as a branch of the more concrete science of anthropology, or rather zoology. animal realities are first of all, at a basic level, physical realities. as such, they belong in the closed nexus of relationships in physical nature, in nature meant in the primary and most pregnant sense as the universal theme of a pure natural science; that is to say, an objective science of nature which in deliberate one;sidedness excludes all extra;physical predications of reality. the scientific investigation of the bodies of animals fits within this area. by contrast, however, if the psychic aspect of the animal world is to become the topic of investigation, the first thing we have to ask is how far, in parallel with the pure science of nature, a pure psychology is possible. obviously, purely psychological research can be done to a certain extent. to it we owe the basic concepts of the psychical according to the properties essential and specific to it. these concepts must be incorporated into the others, into the psychophysical foundational concepts of psychology. it is by no means clear from the very outset, however, how far the idea of a pure psychology;-as a psychological discipline sharply separate in itself and as a real parallel to the pure physical science of nature has a meaning that is legitimate and necessary of realization. 2. the purely psychical in self;experience and community experience. the universal description of intentional experiences.to establish and unfold this guiding idea, the first thing that is necessa
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