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新东方在线职称英语串讲补充资料网络课堂内部资料第一部分 词汇选项第一章 教材词汇复习下面共有150组词汇练习题,从括号内选出括号外单词的同义词。1. complain (feel unhappy, say bad things, care, praise)2. effects (results, reasons, causes, bases)3. realize (know, think, doubt, remember)4. for love or money (at any place, at any price, in any language, in any country)5. quarter (third, fourth, tenth, fifteenth)6. arouses (confuses, excites, scares, diverts)7. planes (highways, railroads, sailboats, aircraft)8. at stake (in danger, in despair, out of condition, out of danger)9. called me up (shouted at me, visited me, telephoned me, waked me)10. gets up (arises, raises, arrives, stands up)11. immediately (far away, right away, right here, soon)12. looking for (finding, looking up, looking at, trying to find)13. talked over (discussed, mentioned, accepted, rejected)14. While (When, But, Although, Where)15. attended to (waited on, talked to, spoke to, stayed with)16. spurred (encouraged, endangered, endorsed, enlarged)17. coverage (baggage, orphanage, reportage, usage)18. dimly (inadequately, hardly, faintly, sufficiently)19. mildly (gently, shyly, weakly, sweetly)20. inevitable (strange, certain, inconsistent, proper)21. isolated (solitary, gloomy, feeble, frugal)22. called off (put off, ended, cancelled, participated in)23. made up his mind (want, promised, decided, agreed)24. now and then (always, occasionally, constantly, regularly)25. finds fault with (criticizes, praises, evaluates, talks about)26. grasped (understood, had a hold over, took hold of, left hold of)27. consideration (thought, mind, account, memory)28. tolerate (put up with, accept, take, memory)29. abandoned (left, given up, turned down, refused)30. lately (lastly, shortly, recently, immediately)31. manual (expressive, physical, exaggerated, dubious)32. harness (convert, store, utilize, receive)33. residents (managers, occupants, landlords, caretakers)34. steadily (continuously, quickly, excessively, exceptionally)35. remedy (disrupt, diagnose, evaporate, cure)36. draft (clarify, formulate, revise, contribute)37. Practically (Simultaneously, Almost, Absolutely, Basically)38. occasionally (regularly, accidentally, sometimes, successfully)39. try (grow, wrap, hide, test)40. rarely (normally, seldom, continuously, usually)41. readily (willingly, suddenly, firmly, quickly)42. extract (take out, repair, pull, dig)43. shine (lighten, clean, wash, polish)44. decent (honest, rich, good-looking, high-ranking)45. deadly (contagious, serious, fatal, worrying)46. insist on (demand, rely on, prepare for, create)47. damaging (slight, surprising, sudden, harmful)48. seldom (crudely, rarely, originally, symbolically)49. speeds (velocities, impulses, ratios, atrocities)50. physician (doctor, professor, physicist, resident)51. particularly (conventionally, obviously, especially, inevitably)52. safe (clean, pretty, distant, secure)53. a branch (a unity, a division, an embassy, an invasion)54. abnormal (bad, frightening, repeated, unusual)55. an abundant (a steady, a plentiful, an extra, a meager)56. accelerate (step up, decrease, stop, control)57. accumulate (increase, spread, collect, grow)58. allocate (assign, persuaded, ask, order)59. childish (simple, immature, beautiful, foolish)60. barren (hairless, bare, empty, bald)61. regardless of (as a result of, considering, on purpose, whatever)62. pressing (puzzling, difficult, terrifying, urgent)63. scene (location, view, event, landscape)64. final (last, best, ugliest, longest)65. satisfactorily (responsibly, acceptably, patiently, respectfully)66. realized (fulfilled, affiliated, advocated, received)67. massive (extensive, negative, responsive, explosive)68. explored (rejected, investigated, proposed, postponed)69. bearing (result, factor, cause, influence)70. cater for (meet, reach, provide, fill)71. collaborating (cooperating, merging, combining, associating)72. collided with (came across, ran into, met, knocked)73. compelled (pleaded, appealed, forced, instructed)74. comprehend (interpret, read, understand, translate)75. confidential (private, safe, personal, secret)76. vanish (develop, disappear, linger, renew)77. phase (stage, notion, pattern, alternative)78. deters (facilitates, overwhelms, inhibits, loosens)79. porcelain (silverware, crystal, china, linen) 瓷器80. prior to (in, around, from, before) 81. last (close, near, past, final)82. lethal (toxic, harmful, deadly, contagious) 致命83. conscientious (worried, careful, anxious, nervous) 有责任心的84. consolidated (strengthened, won, hardened, united)85. contaminated (blackened, polluted, darkened, mixed)86. depicts (writes, sketches, describes, indicates) 描述87. distres
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