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A healthy diet contains lots of fruit and vegetables; is based on starchy foods such as wholegrain bread, pasta and rice; and is low in fat (especially saturated fat), salt and sugar. 1. Base your meals on starchy foods 2. Eat lots of fruit and veg 3. Eat more fish 4. Cut down on saturated fat and sugar 5. Try to eat less salt - no more than 6g a day 6. Get active and try to be a healthy weight 7. Drink plenty of water 8. Dont skip breakfast an unhealthy diet is on the contrary of the healthy diet. the last question you consume energy when act,think,even doing nothing and you have to make it up! you can get it from eating. thats it! First we are talking about a healthy lifestyle.In the morning we get up at 6:30,then we must reading books for half an hour ,after that we can doing morning exercise for ten minutes .In the evening , we must brush our teeth ,and we go to bed at nine .So,you can have a good lifestyle . For breakfast, you can have an egg、a glass of milk and some bread .They can help you start the day. For lunch and dinner you can have some meat and vegetables and soup, This lunch you start the day.After dinner, you can have an orange or an apple. This is a healthy diet or lifestyleA healthy diet includes five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables every day, at least three servings of 100% whole grains each day, and two servings of fish each week. The total calories consumed should be just enough to keep you at a healthy weight, based on your individual activity level and metabolism. While dark green and colorful fruits and vegetables are not only great sources for antioxidants, their benefits also include folic acid and calcium. Both of these important nutrients also may help reduce the risk of cataracts and should be included in a healthy diet.To maintain a healthy diet, it is equally important to avoid eating unhealthy foods such as fried foods, processed foods, sugary foods, and foods high in sodium. Note that there is at least some evidence that high salt intake may increase the risk of cataracts, according to research conducted by University of Sydney (Australia) researchers. Some research also suggests that eating large amounts of sugary and starchy foods like white breads, pasta, soft drinks, and pastries also may increase your odds of getting cataracts or having them progress.Eating healthy foods potentially to reduce your risk of cataracts and other chronic diseases also means giving up those extra soft drinks, desserts, greasy snack foods, and fast foods. But dont worry. Once you get used to eating delicious fruits and vegetables, fresh fish and other healthy foods, you wont miss junk foods. Your reward just might be both a healthy body and healthy visionTips for a healthy diet 2009年02月25日08:55Shenzhen Daily Healthy eating is not about strict nutrition philosophies*, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving* yourself of the foods you love. Rather, it?s about feeling great, having more energy, and keeping yourself as healthy as possible all which can be achieved by learning some nutrition basics and carrying them out in a way that works for you. Choose the types of foods that improve your health and avoid the types of foods that raise your risk for such illnesses as heart disease, cancer*, and diabetes*. Expand your range of healthy choices to include a wide variety of delicious* foods. Learn to use guidelines and tips for creating a satisfying, healthy diet. Here are some tips for how to choose foods that improve your health and avoid foods that raise your risk for illnesses. 1. Eat enough calories* but not too many. Keep a balance between your calorie intake and calorie expenditure* that is, don?t eat more food than your body uses. The average recommended daily supply is 2,000 calories, but this depends on your age, sex, height, weight, and physical activity. 2. Eat a wide variety of foods. Healthy eating is an opportunity to expand your range of choices by trying foods especially vegetables, whole grains, or fruits that you don?t normally eat. 3. Keep portions* moderate, especially high-calorie foods. In recent years serving sizes have ballooned, particularly in restaurants. 4. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes* foods high in complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, low in fat, and free of cholesterol*. Try to get fresh, local produce. 5. Drink more water. Our bodies are about 75 percent water. Water is a vital part of a healthy diet. Water helps flush our systems, especially the kidneys and bladder*, of waste products and toxins*. 6. Limit sugary foods, salt and refined-grain products. philosophy哲学 deprive剥夺 cancer癌 diabetes糖尿病 delicious美味的 calorie卡路里 expenditure支出 portion一份 legume豆类 cholesterol胆固醇 bladder膀胱 toxin毒素 A balanced diet Do not eat meat more than once a day.Fish and poult ry are recommednded ab
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