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一. 起居類分類辭彙1.臥室blanket 毛毯cushion 墊子quilt 被子cotton terry blanket 毛巾被feather quilt 羽絨被cotton quilt 棉被bedding 床上用品mosquito net 蚊帳pillow 枕頭bolster 長枕pillow case 枕套tick 褥子carpet 地毯 (一般指大的整塊的,鋪房間的那種)rug 地毯(一般指小塊的,放在沙發等邊上的那種)bed frame/bed base 床架headboard 床頭板sofa bed 沙發床folding guest bed 折疊床loftbed frame 架在空中的床(下麵可放沙發、桌子等)bunkbed frame 上下鋪的床slatted bed base 板條床 sprung base 彈簧床bedspread 床罩sheet 床單mat 席子mattress 床墊 (厚的那種)mattress pad 床墊 (薄的那種)bed canopy 支在床上的篷子 (一般用於兒童床上的裝飾)bedside table 床頭櫃2. 廚房refrigerator 冰箱automatic rice cooker 電鍋steamer 蒸鍋oven 烤箱grill 燒烤架toaster 烤麵包機egg beater 打蛋器ice crusher 刨冰機food processor 食品加工機paper towel 紙巾apron 圍裙tableware 餐具plate 盤子dish 碟子bowl 碗cupboard 碗櫥dining table 餐桌larder 食品櫃drop-leaf table 可以折疊邊緣的桌子chopping board 案板cutlery tray 裝餐具的容器3. 衛生間bathroom 浴室,廁所flushing system 沖水系統flush toilet 抽水馬桶flush pipe 沖水管foul drainage system 排污水系統drainage 排水道ventilation shaft/pipe 通風管道toilet seat 馬桶坐圈toilet lid 馬桶蓋squatting pot 蹲式馬桶urinal 小便池toilet paper/tissue 衛生紙toilet brush 馬桶刷4. 浴室 bathtub 浴缸hand shower 手握式淋浴器shower nozzle 噴頭tap faucet 水龍頭plastic curtain 防水浴簾shower cap 浴帽bath slipper 洗澡用拖鞋bath mat 防滑墊towel hanger/holder 毛巾架towel ring 毛巾環bath towel 浴巾soap stand 肥皂盒comb 梳子soap 肥皂shampoo 洗髮露conditioner 護髮素dryer 吹風機razor 刮胡刀toothpaste 牙膏toothbrush 牙刷5. 桌椅tea table 茶几coffee table 咖啡台smoking set 煙具ashtray 煙灰缸thermos bottle/vacuum bottle 熱水瓶door knob 門把手safety door hook 安全門鉤corridor 走廊elevator 升降電梯escalator 滾梯rocking chair 搖椅hanging seat 吊椅swivel armchair 旋轉扶椅footstool 凳子chaise longue 躺椅folding chair 折疊椅6. 櫃子,架子wardrobe 衣櫃cloth rail 掛衣服的欄杆hook 鉤子wall shelf 裝在牆上放東西的架子bracket 牆上突出之托架magazine file 裝雜誌等的架子shoe cabinet/storage 鞋櫃wall cabinet 壁櫥hook rack 掛鈎架TV bench 電視櫃bookcase 書架braked castor 裝在傢俱腳上方便推行的輪子(如:storage unit on castors)10-drawer chest 十個抽屜的儲存櫃7. 電器dish drainer 晾乾餐具的容器(類似鐵絲筐)table cloth 桌布laundry bag 洗衣袋pail 洗衣桶ironing board 燙衣板steam and dry iron 蒸汽電熨斗electric iron 電熨斗laundry drier 烘乾機spin-drier 旋轉式脫水機washing machine 洗衣機radiator 暖氣片electric fan 電扇stand fan 落地電扇oscillating fan 搖頭電扇bed light/bed lamp 床頭燈fluorescent lamp 日光燈ceiling lamp/pendant lamp 吊燈desk/table lamp 臺燈wall light 壁燈floor lamp 落地燈chandelier 枝狀吊燈flashlight/eletric torch 手電筒 8.雜物。water gauge 水錶plug 插頭outlet/receptacle 插座paste 漿糊glue 膠水adhesive tape 膠條packing paper 包裝紙string 繩子carpenter 木工electrician 電工utility man 雜務工plumber 管道工painter 油漆工vacuum hose holder 吸塵器管子的托架watering can 澆水壺二. 旅遊英語辭彙room rate 房價standard rate 標準價en-suite 套房family suite 家庭套房twin room you 帶兩張單人床的房間double room 帶一張雙人床的房間advance deposit 定金reservation 訂房間registration 登記rate sheets 房價表tariff 價目表cancellation 取消預定imperial suite 皇室套房presidential suite 總統套房suite deluxe 高級套房junior suite 簡單套房mini suite 小型套房honeymoon suite 蜜月套房penthouse suite 樓頂套房unmade room 未清掃房on change 待清掃房valuables 貴重品porter 行李員luggage/baggage 行李registered/checked luggage 托運行李light luggage 輕便行李baggage elevator 行李電梯baggage receipt 行李收據trolley 手推車storage room 行李倉briefcase 公事包suit bag 衣服袋travelling bag 旅行袋shoulder bag 背包trunk 大衣箱suitcase 小提箱name tag 標有姓名的標籤regular flight 正常航班non-scheduled flight 非正常航班international flight 國際航班domestic flight 國內航班flight number 航班號airport 機場airline operation 航空業務alternate airfield 備用機場landing field 停機坪international terminal 國際航班候機室domestic terminal 國內航班候機室control tower 控制臺jetway 登機道air-bridge 旅客橋visitors terrace 迎送平臺concourse 中央大廳loading bridge 候機室至飛機的連接通路airline coach service 汽車服務shuttle bus 機場內來往班車三. 學科分類辭彙Chinese語文English英語Japanese日語mathematics數學science理科gymnastics體育history歷史algebra代數geometry幾何geography地理biology生物chemistry化學biochemistry生物化學physics物理physical geography地球物理literature文學sociology社會學linguistics語言學psycology心理學philosophy哲學engineering工程學mechanical engineering機械工程學electronic engineering電子工程學medicine醫學social science社會科學agriculture農學astronomy天文學economics經濟學politics政治學comercial science商學biochemistry生物化學anthropology人類學languistics語言學accounting會計學law, jurisprdence法學banking銀行學metallurgy冶金學finance財政學mass-communication大眾傳播學journalism新聞學atomic energy原子能學civil engineering土木工程architecture建築學chemical, engineering化學工程accounting and satisics會計統計business administration工商管理library圖書館學diplomacy外交foreign language外文botany植物major主修minor輔修四. 教育相關分類辭彙1. 由於中外學校結構差異造成一定程度上的做題困難國外大學結構及官銜president(大學校長) Universitydean(學校分院長) College/schoolhead of the faculty Facultyhead of the division Divisionchairman Departmentprincipal中學校長headmaster小學校長headmistress小學校長(女)2. 新生入學及入學後大致過程register/enrole(登記、報到) opening cer
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