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关键词:吸血鬼 形象分析 演变 北京论文 职称论文Abstract:Dracula, an ugly and bloodthirsty demon, is considered to be the ancestor of vampire since the publication of Dracula by the Irish novelist Bram Stoker. While in Anne Rices Interview with the Vampire, we find Louis sensitive and humanlike with love and hatred. Edward in Stephenie Meyers Twilight exists as a protector who is handsome, gentle and trustworthy. Through these three books, we know that the image of vampires has changed greatly and this change is inseparably related to the development of society. This paper aims to make an analysis of these three vampire figures and elaborate on the reasons for the evolution of vampire figures.Key words: vampire; figure analysis; evolution 摘 要:自1897年爱尔兰籍英国小说家布拉姆斯英语论文网托克的德拉库拉出版之后,Dracula便被人们普遍接受为吸血鬼的始祖。他嗜血残忍,丑陋邪恶,是个不折不扣的恶魔。在美国小说家安妮赖斯的小说夜访吸血鬼中,吸血鬼路易却被赋予了丰富的内心和个性,他们也有依恋,仇恨和孤独。在近年大热的暮光系列中,吸血鬼爱德华集英俊、温柔、可靠于一身,俨然成了人类的保护者。吸血鬼的形象有了如此巨大的改变,与作家生活的社会背景不可分。本文将对这三部作品中的吸血鬼形象进行分析,并阐述其形象演变的原因。关键词:吸血鬼;形象分析;演变Contents1. Introduction.12. Vampire and Vampirism .12.1 The Origin of Vampire .12.2 The Beliefs of Vampire in Folklore and Mythology.33. Analysis of the Evolution of Vampire Figures .43.1 Count Dracula in Bram Stokers Dracula.53.2 Louis in Anne Rices Interview with the Vampire.73.3 Edward Cullen in Stephenie Meyers Twilight series.94. Reasons for the Evolution.125. Conclusion.16References.18References 1 Boyd A. Gustav Meyrink and the Evolution of the Literary Vampire: From Feared Bloodsucker to Esoteric Phenomenon J. Neophilologus, 2006 (90).2 Brass Tom. Nymphs, Shepherds, and Vampires: The Agrarian Myth on Film J. Dialectical Anthropology, 2000 (25). 3 Meyer Stephenie. Twilight M. Little, Brown, 2006.4 Nayar Pramod K. How to Domesticate a Vampire: Gender, Blood Relations and Sexuality in Stephenie Meyers Twilight J. Nebula, 2010 (7).5 Rice Anne. Interview with the Vampire M. Time Warner Paperbacks, 1994.6 Stoker Bram. Dracula M. W.W.Norton, 1997.7 Tiziani Moreno. Vampires and vampirism: pathological roots of a myth J. Antrocom: Online Journal ofhttp:/www.51lunwen.com/search.html?search=英语论文 Anthropology, 2009 (5).8 姜秋霞. 夜访吸血鬼 (美赖斯Rice A.著 姜秋霞 魏向清 张沂昀译)M.上海:译林出版社, 1997.9 兰守亭,沈玲. 论西方文学中吸血鬼形象的神秘魅力 A. 华章, 2007.10 刘勃. 德拉库拉 (爱尔兰布拉姆斯托克著、刘勃译)M.北京:中国人民大学出版社, 2004.11 钱云华. 吸血鬼王国和它的缔 本论文由无忧论文网www.51lunwen.com整理提供摘 要夜访吸血鬼是安赖斯的代表作之一,深读赖斯的作品,我们能够发现,她的作品对于社会中存在的问题具有较深刻的揭示意义,而她的小说也多以此为创作目的。这部作品中赖斯多个吸血鬼形象,他们对生命和自我分别持有不同的态度。这部小说自问世以来,学者较多的研究这部小说所暗示的男性同性恋群体,而对于吸血鬼身份下的社会意义的研究较少。本文将从这个新角度,以赖斯所在的社会环境和时代背景为依据,以小说的三个吸血鬼人物路易、克劳迪娅、莱斯特为分析对象,阐述并展示边缘群体和主流群体的冲突,揭露同时代美国不同群体的生存状态,并揭示出安赖斯夜访吸血鬼所蕴含的积极地社会意义。关键词: 夜访吸血鬼;安赖斯;吸血鬼形象;分析;AbstractInterview with the vampire is a representative work of Anne Rice. By reading Annes novels, we can find that her works mainly focus on all sorts of social problems and put forward her critical views towards life and society. In Interview with the vampire, Rice has created many vampire images which have different attitudes towards life and themselves. Since the publication of Interview with the Vampire, scholars mainly concentrate on the problems of the minority groups, like the male homosexual community. Few scholars have analyzed the social meanings symbolized by the three different vampire images. This thesis deals with the conflict between the mainstream and the different marginalized groups represented by vampires like Louis, Claudia and Lestat. Through these perspectives, peoples situation during the contemporary society of America will be displayed. By doing this, the thesis reinterprets the aspiring social significance of Interview with the Vampire from a new perspective.Key words: Interview with the vampire; Anne Rice; Vampire image; Analysis目 录摘 要 IAbstract IIChapter One Introduction 1Chapter Two Vampire Louiss Double Marginalized Identity 22.1 Louiss Religious Crisis 22.2 Louiss Identity Crisis 32.2.1 Louiss Scorn on Lestats Brutality 42.2.2 Louiss Sympathy and Love for Human Beings 5Chapter Three Vampire Claudias Pursuit of Selfhood 83.1 Claudias Lacking of Selfhood 83.2 Claudias Self Awareness 93.3 Claudias Seeking for Sisterhood 11Chapter Four The Conflict between Vampire Lestat and Human Beings 134.1 Lestats Assurance of his Identity and Rebellion against Human Beings 134.2 Lestats Revenge to Human Beings 14Conclusion 16Reference 18Chapter One IntroductionBorn in October 4, 1941 in New Orleans of the United States, Anne Rice is a best-selling American author of erotic, gothic and religious-themed books. Before she gains her success, she has worked as w
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