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X学院 年第 2 学期期末考试试卷 (专科)拟题人签名系主任签名 课程名称:读写 卷别:A 评分: a I: Wodsand Strutures( 30%)Sectio A (10=1) iection:this setion, here are10 nglish(Chiese)wrds.ore rqui to rie ow the corepondng Chine (Egls) anng f eachworor pre. disay 2. docuent 3. isoatin . lfestyle 5. ancel6.推迟,延迟(.) 7.十年 8 专家 9主人,东道主 10. 追溯到ecion (*00)Drections:In th secton, thre e 10 incomplete enecs. Youarereiedo cmplte eah ne by ecidigo the most approrite word or wordsfrm h 4 chices mared A),B),),and D)Te ou old ark tecorrepondingettero t Answer eet with blc 11. Wei not start the ojectefore e _bcfo th Unte Sate. is t me B. coms . cing D. will ome 12. _,hhs en exposed o different culuresforthe reaso h hetavel a lot. .A. As e s youn B. Yung ase is .Is young e a D.Aung i e 1 Sheculddnon but _ or hedoctor atattim. .A wit B. waiing C ait D.to waiting 14.Now may peopl hve trouble _.A. sle B. aseep . seepin D. se1. Hn insised that we_ temeetig.A. ed B may attn . ateded D. must atend . Itis _ difilt polm_nboyan finda soltiont i. A so , that B. uc ,thatC.o , as D suc , as17. H gaeup hisjob _ fo his family nd frhiself A bt B.ll . mh D.little18 He saed the drowg hid at th _ohisow lie. A. price B. st C. vlue D. epese9. Its hgh tm we _ the problem A. scuss B.wul dius . discussed D.should discus 2. _a good eacr, he passed t xam . Thank to B.Thankfo CThansto D.hansforection C (1*10=)iretions: Thee re 10 incomp aeens ere.You sld fil in each blank withthe proprfrof the word gin inthe rces Wrethewrd or wors in he orespondinspace nte As She 21.Anythin tats_ (urenly) mustb ttnde tmedate 2. The los of 10lie i te earthqakewa grt _ (disatros). 23. ebecae highy expeiced iinernanal_ (dploatic).24. The polcehve ot _ (cre) the thiefyet. 5. H _(confin) to te house billnes.26 Thisfamhoseshe _ (ppty) of Mr. Jones. 27. Mebs ust_ (prouce)heir crdre they entertlub 28 Threi a _ (lack)f people h want ostar p hernewbusness 29 Mr. Mndla took _ (shoren) break before sun his cedule0.t tt metig, they oke ou a plan in gra _ (detaied). Part II: einCompehsin (40%)Diecions:This ptis to tst ourading abity. Threa 4tasks fo yu to lfll. Yo houd read theradinmerials crefulyand do the task as ou are instrced.Tsk 1(2*5=10)irectios: Afterreading tfollowin passge,you wl ind 5 uestionor unfiished sttme, nbred 31 hrough 35. ou hod makete crrechoe drk the corresponding eter te Anser Set with asingle line thoghhe eter. The cstoedical ae inthe Unied Staesis ver hgh ne reason is that te edial educaion will ost a t ftime an mney visit t a doctosofe csts fo ffteet fiydollas. It s almst impbfor people to pa fohemdcal are he e. anypeol in t Unite Sttesthinkth dctrsare ovepaid. Mostdctors,hower, dgre. They say tha the we ure tstmedcinfor long time.Ttion for may ear f mdical edcatinosts a lot o mey Dco saytatt sneesary frmost mdica stdent t boro monyfro anto ay heir tution. Becaus heirmoney mustbe reai t thbank, young dcrs need treceive lt of mony o ti wok. o, ehge people high prcsfor medil care. herefor, t is posie that the igh ostf medial r n America sunnecessary,becaue high ttinis nce of hih cost.One way to ler costs wd eo mak masholsfe have ition. 1. Theword “tuio” n tesae poaby refs o_A. the price to eea dcoB. tdyi e ourseC. payt for eduaionD. livingat chool 32. Te reasn fothe hgh mdicast told in the pasge i
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