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初三上周末英语练习5 Unit2 Topic1 一 短语 1 计划一个野炊 2 不要在多变的强光下长时间待 3 听见某人正在干某事/干过某事 4致癌和引起高血压 5 所有的草都死了 6 随着人口的增长 7 有一小孩正在乱扔垃圾 8 用许多方式 9 对有害(3) 10不要往湖里倒脏水 11 一切都没有改变 12一个呼吸问题 13 各种各样(2) 14 听起来很好15 做一些有效措施来提高英语(2) 16 这道菜尝起来恶心 17 对他们来说呼吸很困难 18 听力丧失 /变耳聋(3) 19 据报道 20 化工厂生产难闻的气体 21 在嘈杂的环境中 22 心情差 23不是所有的人能忍受这里的环境 24 在午夜 25 他最好不干某事 26 我不能忍受住在城里27 这糟糕的空气使我胸疼 28 不要在公共场合发出大的噪音29 相当多的苹果/面包 30 导致某人干某事 31 他像这样有多久了? 32 打扰了附近的工厂二 根据首字母或所给词填空 1.Im sorry to d_you,but can I talk to you for a moment.2.He works in a factory. His work is to p_ newpapers.3.Loud noise can cause h_loss.=Loud noise can _peolpe_their hearing.4.Lucy can hear nothing.Maybe she is d_.5.Tom is so w_ that he has a bad cold easily.6.He feels very nervous and he holds his b_.7.A_,we shouldnt destroy our living environment.8.Playing computer games does great harm to us.=Playing computer games _ _ _to us.9.Its so easy to be a g_person.10.I cant stand him_(speak) around me.11. Every unite _four parts,_A,B,C and D.(include) .13.Farmers use_chemicals in the fields.Using chemicals_can cause pollution.12.I read the news in _(today)newspaper. 初三上周末练习4南开初三上学月英语试题一 单项选择。 (每小题1分,共15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。21They asked the police _ help because they were _ trouble Awith, in Babout,with Cfor, in Dfor, with22This poor family cant afford _for the kids education _ Apaying,any longer Bto pay, no longer Cpaying,no longer Dto pay, any longer23Its very helpful _ us _ more listening practice every dayAof, to do Bfor, doing Cof, doingDfor, to do24If you dont understand the meaning of the word,you can _.Alook up it in the dictionary Blook them up in the dictionary Clook up them in the dictionary Dlook it up in the dictionary25He found _ his duty to face the challenges in his education Aits Bit Cthat was Dthats26Please tell me _ to leave for ShanghaiIs tomorrow OK?Ahow Bwhen Cwhat Dwhere27The old mall is lonely, he needs someone _ Atalking to Bto talk to Cto talk about Dtalking about28His mother looked after him _ when he was young Aas good as possible Bas carefully as she can Cas careful as possible Das well as she could29-Oh,Mary is not here these daysIs she ill? - _. Her mother told me that she was in hospitalAI am afraid so BI hope not CI dont think soDI dont mind30I wont be frustrated _I fail in the math test Abecause Bbut Ceven though Das31The _ news made everyone _.Aterrifying,terrifying Bterrifying,terrified Cterrified,terrified Dterrified,terrifying32-I cant stop playing computer games -For your health, my boy, Im afraid you _.Acan Bmay Cwill Dhave to33We waited for a taxi for a long timeWe gave up _ and walked homeAat the beginning Bin the end Cat first Dat least34He _ go to school by bus,but now he takes the bus every dayAisnt used to Bdidnt use to Cuse to Dused to35-Be careful! You might fall into the water-Thank you. I _ I _ so close to the lakeAdont realize, am standing Bdont realize, stood Cdidnt realize, would stood Ddidnt realize,was standing二 句型转换。(每空0.5分,共5分) 36They didnt watch the football matchThey stayed at home(同义句) They stayed at home _ _ watching the football match37He studies English by working with friends(对划线部分提问)_ _ he study English?38Susan used to paint pictures after school(反意疑问旬)Susan used to paint pictures after school,_ _39He wont buy the house unless he has enough money(同义句)He wont buy the house _ he _ have enough money40父母应该多关注自己的孩子Parents should _ more _ to their kids三 用所给单词的适当形式填空。(每小题0.5分,共5分)41After lots of practicing, her _ (pronounce)improved a lot42We can try our best _ (get)good grades in the final exams43Your father will take _ (proud)in everything good you do44Dont spend too much time _ (chat)with your
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