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Passage 1Alice: Mr. Black, This is Alice speaking. Im calling to ask you 1 I can take the afternoon off today.Black: Well, of course. 2 can you tell me what the problem is, Alice?Alice: OK, Mr. Black. My son is going to take part in a singing 3 (compete) to be held in Washington tomorrow. Hes got so many things to take that he cant go there 4 .Black: So you want to take 5 there in your minibus?Alice: Yes. And as soon as I put him up in the hotel, I 6 (drive) back.Black: Well, that would be 7 too tiring journey. Its nearly 300 kilometers away and it will take you at least six hours 8 (travel) to and from Washington. Why dont you stay there until you have seen your son perform?Alice: But I have two 9 tomorrow morning.Black: Dont worry. Ill tell Mary to take your classes 10 . Shes always willing to help.Alice: Thatll be nice. Thank you and give my thanks to Mary.Black: Youre welcome.【语篇导读】这是一篇有关老师请假的对话。因为儿子要去华盛顿参加歌唱比赛,老师爱丽丝不得已而向布莱克先生请假,没想到,布莱克非常通情达理,不仅准假,而且要她送儿子去后多陪陪儿子,看看儿子的表演。【答案全解】1. if/whether考查连词。根据布莱克先生的回答语Well, of course.分析,爱丽丝是打电话询问布莱克先生是否能准她一下午的假。故填入if引导的宾语从句,表示“是否”,也可用whether。2. But考查并列连词。布莱克先生同意了爱丽丝的请假,但接下来又问can you tell me what the problem is, Alice?显然,前后存在转折关系,故用表示转折关系的并列连词but,且单词的首字母必须大写。3. competition考查名词。根据前面的限定词singing和后面的限制性动词不定式分析,此空该用名词形式,故填入动词compete的名词形式competition,意为“比赛”,符合语境。4. alone考查副词。根据下文爱丽丝肯定的回答布莱克先生的问话So you want to take there in your minibus?即可分析,爱丽丝的儿子不能独自带这么多东西去华盛顿参加比赛,故填入作状语的副词alone。5. him考查人称代词。根据上文的关键信息词Hes got so many thingshe cant go和下文的肯定回答yes即可分析,此处该填入指代爱丽丝儿子的人称代词he。6.will drive考查时态。由上文as soon as I put him up in the hotel即可分析,该句是as soon as引导的时间状语从句,从句一般现在时表示将来,而主句则用将来时态。故填入will drive。7. a考查不定冠词。根据下文的中心名词journey即可分析,此句表示:那会是一次太枯燥乏味的旅行啊。故用不定冠词a。8. to travel考查动词不定式。由前面的it will take you at least six hours即可分析,此处使用的是it takes sb. some time to do sth句式结构,句中的it是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式短语。故填入所给词的动词不定式to travel。9. classes考查名词复数。根据语境和上文的限定词two即可分析,此处该用class的复数形式classes。10. instead考查副词。根据语境分析,此句句意:我会请玛丽为你代课的。故用副词instead,意为“取代;代替”。Passage 2Hotel Clerk: Hi, can I help you?Man: Yes, Id like a room 1 the night, please. The sign outside says you have vacancies(空房). Hotel Clerk: Yes, 2 only a couple. I guess nobody wants to drive in such 3 (storm) weather.Man: I surely dont. How much are the rooms?Hotel Clerk: They are $50 a 4 .Man: Thats fine. Hotel Clerk: I can give you Room 14. It is right beside the coffee shop. I just need 5 to sign the register.Man: There you go. I am 6 (awful) hungry. Is the coffee shop still open?Hotel Clerk: Yes, it is 7 until nine oclock. If you want anything after that, there are a couple of machines 8 (sell) soft drinks, chocolate barsthings like that.Man: Thank you. By the way, is there a television in the 9 ?Hotel Clerk: Yes, weve got cable(光缆)TV. Man: Oh, thats great.Hotel Clerk: Well, here is your key. 10 you need anything else, more towels or anything, please call me, for the office is open until midnight. Man: OK. Thanks again. 【语篇导读】这是一篇有关宾馆住宿的对话。因为暴雨,男士需要留宿有空房的宾馆,但宾馆服务人员说,只有双人间,还可以提供餐食等服务。【答案全解】1. for考查介词。与上下文构成a room for the night搭配,介词for即含有“为(提供)准备”之意,符合语境。2. but考查并列连词。根据yes的回答语,即“有空房”,结合only a couple.分析,此处表示转折关系,故填入but。3. stormy考查形容词。根据下文的名词weather即可分析,此空该是形容词,故填入名词storm的形容词stormy。4. night考查名词。根据上文的a room for the night即可分析,此处询问的是“每晚”多少钱。故用night。5. you考查代词。根据语篇和上文的I can give you Room 14即可分析,此处该须you来签名登记。6. awfully考查副词。根据上下文I amhungry即可分析,此空该填入相应的副词awfully来修饰形容词hungry。7. open考查形容词。根据上文的Is the coffee shop still open?即可分析,此处该填入形容词open。8. selling/that(which) sell考查现在分词或定语从句。根据there are a couple of machines即可分析,该句谓语动词已存在,缺少的即为非谓语动词或相关部分,machines与所给的动词sell之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系,故填入现在分词selling,相当于that或which引导的定语从句,则该动词sell在定语从句中用其原形与先行词machines保持一致。9. room考查名词。根据上文语境分析,既然宾馆服务员给了房间钥匙,则房客会问“房间”有没有电视,故该表示为is there a television in the room?10. If考查连词。根据句中表述的you need anything else, more towels or anything以及please call me等关键信息分析,此句含有条件意味。故用if引导,但该单词的首字母必须大写。Passage 3Officer: Now could you tell me your 1 , please?Jenny: Yes, officer, its Jenny. Officer: And could I have your address too, please?Jenny: Yes, 2 . Its Fourth Avenue. Officer: So, could you tell me 3 (exact) what you saw about the incident?Jenny: Yes, well, I was just coming out of the supermarket exit, when all of a sudden I heard this cry, and when I turned around to see 4 it was, I saw this man sort of tugging(拽拉) at this womans handbag, and she 5 (hit) him with her free hand. Then he pushed her and 6 fell to the ground. He then ran off down the street and round the comer. Officer: I see. And could you describe the man for me?Jenny: Well, let me see. He was medium height, about thirty. It all happened so quickly 7 its hard to remember. Officer: Do please try, it could be very important in 8 (help) us to catch him. Jenny: Oh yes. I do remember something else. He was wearing a yellow ja
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