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Remarks at the New York University Commencement CeremonyHillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of StateYankee Stadium, New York CityMay 13, 20092009年克林顿在纽约大学扬基体育场2009年5月13日Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you. And does it get any better than this, a graduation ceremony for one of the great universities in the world in the home of New York Yankees? Nothing could be better. (Applause.) And thanks to all of you for cheering a visitor. I didnt realize that was permitted in Yankee Stadium.谢谢,谢谢,非常感谢。还有比这更好的事吗世界上最好的大学之一在纽约扬基队主场所在地举行毕业典礼?真是再好不过了。(掌声)谢谢大家如此热烈地为一位来访的客人加油。我原以为在扬基体育场不可以这样做。I am honored to receive this degree. And on behalf of the other honorees, I say thank you. Thank you for giving us this singular privilege of being part of this commencement ceremony. As I look out at this huge crowd of graduates, family, and friends, I can only reflect on what an extraordinary moment in history you are receiving your degrees, a moment in time of our country and the world where your talents and your energy, your passion and commitment is more needed than ever. There is no doubt that you are well prepared for a world that seems somewhat uncertain but which will welcome the education that you have received on behalf of not only of yourselves and your families, but your communities and your country.能够获得这个学位,我感到十分荣幸。我代表获得此一荣誉的其他人向你们表示感谢。谢谢你们给予我们参加这次毕业典礼的殊荣。当我看到眼前这一大群毕业生及其亲朋好友时,我不禁想到,你们是在一个不同寻常的历史时刻获得学位,我们的国家和整个世界比以往更需要你们的才智和精力、你们的激情和承诺。毫无疑问,你们已经为投入这样的世界作好了充分的准备:这个世界似乎前景不很明朗,但将赞赏你们不仅为了你们自己和家人而且为了你们的社区和国家所接受的教育。As Secretary of State, I am well aware of the challenges that we face. You, as new graduates, and your generation will be up against those challenges: climate change and hunger, extreme poverty and extreme ideologies, new diseases and nuclear proliferation. But I am absolutely convinced that you and we are up to the task. There is no problem we face here in America or around the world that will not yield to human effort, to cooperation, to positive interdependence that makes clear humanity is going on, our challenges are ones that summon the best of us, and we will make the world better tomorrow than it is today. (Applause.)作为国务卿,我十分清楚我们面临的各项挑战。作为新的毕业生,你们和你们这一代人将面对这样的挑战:气候变化和饥饿、赤贫和极端主义的意识形态、新的疾病和核扩散。但我深信,你们和我们能够胜任这样的任务。我们在美国和整个世界所面临的各种问题,都能够通过人们的努力、合作和积极的相互依赖得到解决,而这种相互依赖表明,人类社会正在继续前进。挑战将激发我们最好的一面,我们将把明天的世界变得比今天更加美好。(掌声)Now, I know that it is fashionable in commencement speeches to be idealistic, and that may sound so, but at the root of my conviction is a strong sense of reality. Because you see, I dont think we have a choice. We can sit on the sidelines, we can wring our hands, we can retreat into cynicism, and we know what the results will be: We will cede the field to those whose ideologies are absolutely anathema to people of conscience and faith all over the world. So our positive interdependence, which is a fact, will prepare us to meet these challenges. But they can no longer be seen just as government-to-government. There is a time and an opportunity, and with the new technologies available, for us to be citizen diplomats, citizen activists, to solve problems one by one that will give in to hard work, patience, and persistence, and will then aggregate to the solutions we seek.我知道,在毕业典礼上作理想化的演说是当前的时尚,我的讲话听起来也许很理想化,但我的信念深处有一种强烈的现实感。因为你们知道,我认为我们别无选择。我们可以袖手旁观,我们可以束手无策,我们可以采取悲观怀疑的态度,但我们知道这样做会产生什么样的结果:我们会把阵地拱手让给那些其意识形态为世界上所有有良知和信仰者所不齿的人。因此,我们之间积极的相互依赖 这是一个事实将使我们为应对这些挑战做好准备。但这不能再被仅仅视作政府与政府之间的事情。随着新技术的不断涌现,我们有时间和机会成为公民外交家、公民活动家,通过辛勤工作、耐心和毅力一个一个地解决问题,逐步积累成我们所寻求的解决方案。Now, I know we cannot send a special envoy to negotiate with a pandemic, or call a summit with carbon dioxide, or sever relations with the global financial crisis. To confront these threats and to seize the opportunities that they also present, we need to build new partnerships from the bottom up, and to use every tool at our disposal. That is the heart of smart power. But smart power requires smart people, people who have gone the distance for their education, who have opened themselves up to this increasingly complex and interconnected world, and this changing global landscape requires us to expand our concept of diplomacy.我知道我们不能派特使与大规模流行的疾病进行谈判,不能与二氧化碳召开高峰会,也不能与全球金融危机断绝关系。要抗击这些威胁并抓住这些威胁提供的机遇,我们需要自下而上地建立新的伙伴关系,利用手中可以利用的一切手段。这就是巧实力的实质。但巧实力来自精明的人,接受过良好教育的人,向日益复杂、相互关联的世界开放的人,而不断变化的全球场景要求我们必须扩大我们的外交概念。Now, when I was graduating so many years ago, diplomacy was the domain of privileged men working behind closed doors. Today, our diplomats are not limited, and our diplomacy is no longer confined to the State Department or our embassies. We are laying the foundation for 21st century statecraft. Where? In the classrooms of NYU, in the board rooms of the businesses of this great city, in the halls of academia, in the operating rooms of our great hospitals. We are looking for those personal commitments and connections, and that is where all of you come in.回顾我多年前从学校毕业的时候,外交是闭门谋事的高官要员的事情。如今,我们的外交人员来自各行各业,我们的外交工
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