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-AbstractWith the development of economy and technology,advertising plays more and more important role in our daily life.Advertising language as a special kind of language is very different from mon language. It has its own features in morphology, synta*, and rhetorical devices. Based on that, we should choose proper words to e*press the advertising meaning when we translatethe four groups -Consumer Advertising, Business Advertising, Service Advertising, and Public Interest Advertising. This paper will be presented in four parts. The first part is the introduction and the last is conclusion. The focus ofthis paper is laid on the middle parts which respectively approach to the features of advertisement language, the cultural difference in Chinese and English advertisement translation, the principle of advertisement translation.Key words: Translation;English Advertisements; Principle; Cultural difference摘 要随着经济的开展,广告已经渗透到人们生活的各方面,而作为广告重要组成局部的广告语言文字,也脱颖而出,具有自己独特的风格和说明力。广告英语经过长期的开展,在用词、造句、修辞等方面具有一定的特点。根据不同的特点,在翻译消费广告、商业广告、效劳性广告及公益广告这四类主要广告时,也要同样注意使用恰当的词汇、修辞,来表现广告应有的含义。本文共分为四个方面着重探索广告的特征,以及广告翻译过程中的文化差异, 广告翻译的原则。Contents1 Introduction.12 Features of Advertising.1 2.1English Morphology in Advertising .1Simple and Informal.1Misspelling and Coin Words2Use of Adjectives.3 2.2 English Synta* in Advertising.32.2.1 More Simple Sentences, Less ple* Sentences. 32.2.2 Disjunctive Clause.43Cultural Differences in Chinese and English Advertisement.4 3.1Relationship Between Culture and Advertising Language.4 3.2Culture-Specific in Advertisement Translation6Differences in Related Cultural Background.63.2.2Differences in Cultural Values7 3.2.3 Differences in Numbers.74The Principle of English-Chinese Advertisement Translation.84.1 UnderstandingTarget Language Culture Adequately.8 4.2 Balancing the Relationship Between Metaphase and Paraphrase94.3AdoptingTransliteration and Free Translation95 Conclusion.10References.11. z-1. IntroductionWe live in a world of advertising. As potential consumers, we are endlessly bombarded with all kinds of products or services information from various media including newspapers, magazines, television, radio, posters and Internet, etc. Advertising provides a valuable service to society and its members, because it defines for consumers the meaning and the role of products, services, and institutions. Advertising also tells the consumer which a specific product, brand or service tochoose when it is used and thus helps him or her understand and evaluate e*perience with the products and services that he or she uses. On the other hand, by making people be aware of products, service and ideas, advertising promotes sales and profits. Finally, advertising is one of the major forces that are helping improve the standard of living around the world. bined these entirely municational factor with marketing and social functions, advertising bees indispensable in the modern world when they are translated into Chinese, and some methods are adopted.2. Features of AdvertisingThe wide use of advertising has created a special style of Englishadvertising English. Its unique features, simple language and immense attraction separate it from other kind of language. In the development of advertising English, advertising has formed its own features in several aspects. 2.1 English Morphology in AdvertisingAs a means to disseminate information, advertising English must be pact, vivid, visual, emotional and attractive. Therefore, morphology in advertising is quite different from mon English. 2.1.1 Simple and InformalThe function of advertising is to provide information, attract consumer, e*ploit market, and promise the quality. Therefore, advertisement must pay attention to its impelling language, and the first step is to use popular and oral language to make it easy to understand and memorize. Zhu Jifang,2004) For e*ample:“I couldnt believe it, until I tried it!“Im impressed! Im really impressed!“Youve gotta try it!“I love it! This is an advertisement of a microwave oven. The words in it are very simple and oral. It uses the slang “gotta, which means “got to in American English, to give an impression that this advertisement es from the real life. We have another two e*amples to make it clear:A: Lose ounces,save pounds!(失去几盎司,省下几英镑B:My goodness! My Guinness! 我的天啊!Guinness 啤酒2.1.2 Misspelling and Coin WordsIn some
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