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课题Module 6BirthdayUnit 2 How old are you?课时2教学内容分析本单元的主要任务是用英语询问和回答年龄,巩固1-12各数,使学生能正确询问同学和朋友的年龄,并与How are you? Whats your name?进行对比,增强学生的交流能力。教学目标1使学生学会用英语询问并回答年龄,即A: How old are you? B: Im ten.2培养学生的交流能力。3培养学生谈论生日话题的兴趣。教学重难点使学生能用A: How old are you? B: Im ten. 句型询问回答年龄。教具学具准备Tape-recorder, some pictures教学设计思路含教法设计、学法指导 本单元采用“任务型”教学,通过调查活动等真实的任务, 让学生进行信息交流,使学生学会用句型How old are you? Im ten. 通过听说唱演圈画多种活动,调动学生积极参与,并通过游戏,歌曲激发学习兴趣。教学环节教学内容与教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1Warm-up1. Read Unit 1.2. Count to twelve.复习与本课有联系的知识,埋下伏笔。Step 2Lead-inLook, ask and answer:1. Write the following structure.A: How old are you?B: Im ten.2. Tell the students to ask and answer.1. Students ask and answer in groups of four.2. Act it out.运用真实的调查活动,根据实际情况进行问答。Step 3PresetationListen, point and say.1. Have the students look at the book.2. Get them to listen to the tape.1. Look and say.2. Listen and point.3. Point and read.本环节是听说指认读的基本训练。Step 4 Practice Listen and sing.1. Listen to the song.2. Point and sing.通过歌曲激发学生兴趣。Step 5RevisionFree talk:A: Hello. How are you?B:Im fine. Whats your name?A: Im Sam. How old are you?B: Im nine.Students act out the conversation.前后知识整合,对话形式可以让学生感到很有成就感。Homework1. Recite Unit 2.2. Recite the words.BlackboardDesign Module 6 Birthday Unit 2 How old are you? A: How old are you? B: Im ten.教学反思
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