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Revision 4沪教牛津沪教牛津四年级上册四年级上册Lets revise()circlesHow many squares are there?starsTheres onecirclesquareThere arethreefivestars.询问可数名词的数量及回答:询问可数名词的数量及回答:How many+可数名词复数可数名词复数+are there?There is/are+数字数字.例句:有多少个正方形?有两个正方形。例句:有多少个正方形?有两个正方形。How many squares are there?There are two squares.Play rolesHow many squares are there?There are three squares.How many stars are there?There are five stars.Hows the weather?Itsrainy hot and sunny.询问天气情况及回答:询问天气情况及回答:Hows the weather?天气怎么样?天气怎么样?Its+表示天气的形容词表示天气的形容词.天气天气例句:天气怎么样?天气晴朗又暖和。例句:天气怎么样?天气晴朗又暖和。Hows the weather?Its warm and sunny.Hows the weather?Its sunny.Play rolesHows the weather?Its cloudy.Think and writeS1:How many stars are there?S2:_There are five stars.S1:_S2:Theres one square.How many squares are there?S1:Hows the weather?S2:_Its cold and cloudy.S1:_S2:Its hot and sunny.Hows the weather?Lets revise()IsAretherea parkany shopsnear your home?Yesthere is there areNothere isntthere arent.,there be的一般疑问句式:的一般疑问句式:Is/Are+there+名词名词+介词短语介词短语?某处有某处有吗吗?肯定回答是肯定回答是“Yes,there is/are.是的,有。是的,有。”,否定回答是否定回答是“No,there isnt/arent.不,没有。不,没有。”例句:你家附近有一个公园吗?例句:你家附近有一个公园吗?Is there a park near your home?Play rolesIs there a park near your home?No,there isnt.Is there a school near your home?Yes,there is.Play a gamehome park shoprestaurant school supermarketBlack StreetBrown StreetWhite StreetStar StreetS1:Are there any restaurants near your home?S2:Yes,there are.S1:Is your home on Star Street?S2:Yes,it is.Black StreetBrown StreetWhite StreetStar StreetS1:Is there a shop near your home?S2:Yes,there is.S1:Is your home on Black Street?S2:Yes,it is.Black StreetBrown StreetWhite StreetStar StreetS1:Is there a school near your home?S2:Yes,there is.S1:Is your home on White Street?S2:Yes,it is.Black StreetBrown StreetWhite StreetStar StreetS1:Is there a supermarket near your home?S2:Yes,there is.S1:Is your home on Brown Street?S2:Yes,it is.
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