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南山大厦给水排水工程设计重庆后勤工程学院 通风空调与给排水工程2011届 雍子豪指导教师:吴恬 教授摘 要:本工程为南山大厦的给排水设计,该建筑位于重庆市南岸区,属商场办公类高层建筑,共十九层,地下一层为车库和设备层,一层至五层为大型商业,六至十九层为办公区,建筑0.000,绝对标高为348.100米,建筑高度为65.2米,总建筑面积为16239 m2。本次设计范围为:室外城市给水管网接入点至用户各用水点,卫生器具至污水排入城市下水道为止。在该范围内进行了室内生活给水系统、室内外消火栓系统、室内自动喷淋灭火系统、室内排水系统和屋面雨水排水系统等的设计。本设计依据国家现有的设计规范、遵循节能节水原则、借鉴现有工程,并以建筑的实际情况作为设计基础。针对本建筑是商场和办公室综合高层建筑,生活给水时段性强,连续性不高,消防系统必须安全可靠,再考虑到适用、节能等因素,最终确定出以下方案。给水系统低区采用市政直接供水的下行上给方式,中区由十二层减压阀减压的上行下给方式,高区由屋顶水箱直接供水的上行下给方式式,因而可选用恒速泵节能;消火栓系统分为两个区,采用临时高压的给水方式;自动喷水系统设三套报警阀,采用湿式系统;排水系统采用污废水合制排水,专用通气管和伸顶通气结合的方式,充分排水;屋面雨水采用外排水系统。依据国家相关规范及设计手册,并结合设计方案进行了管线、设备的布置,和相关计算工作。绘制了平面图、系统图和各个卫生间给排水、泵房和各水箱大样图以及管道井处的详图,并在水箱、水池等处绘制了剖面图。计算得到各管段的管径、坡度、标高、扬程和流量等一系列参数,选定了水泵、水箱等设备和管道附件的型号。最后,通过相关规范校核验收,表明各方案设计合理,设备流量、扬程选择满足要求。关键词:建筑给排水系统;建筑消防系统;管道布置;水力计算ABSTRACTThis project is to design water supply and sewerage for the Nanshan Building, located in the South-bank area in the city of Chongqi. Classified as a building for commercial and offices use, it is composed by 19 floors, with underground floor for the garage and basic facilities, first to fifth for large-scale business, sixth to ninth for offices. The building is 348.100m in absolute altitude, 65.2m in height, and the total construction area is 16239m2. .The coverage of this design is : from the outside water supply pipe network to water point, from the sanitary ware to municipal sewers ,In which To design and calculate the indoor water supply system, in and outside hydrant system, indoor automatically sprinkler system, indoor sewerage system and rain water sewerage system etc.The design follows the current state design specification and the principle of energy-efficiency and water-saving, drams on the merits of existing projects, and bases itself on the actual situation of the building. Taking into consideration the fact that the building is the complex of malls and offices, the water-supply is highly time-bounded and not very successive, the fact that its public high-rise building, the fire extinguishing system have to be safe and reliable, and also the factors of feasibility and energy-efficiency, the following design scheme has been selected.Water supply system low area uses downfeed system directly from municipal water supply , middle area uses upfeed with Pressure reducing valve in twelfth floor, high area uses upfeed system directly from roof water tank, thus can choose constant speed pump for energy saving; Fire hydrant system is divided into two areas, uses the water way of temporary pressure; automatically sprinkler system set three sets of alarm valve; The sewerage system uses unclean and waste combined sewerage system, the combination of specific vent and stack stack vent for fully drainage; The roof rainwater uses outside sewerage system. In accordance with the relevant national specification, the design handbook, and the design scheme as well, the pipelines and facilities have been deployed, and also relevant calculation work has been done.Draw the floor plan, system graph and each toilet water supply and sewerage, pump room and the water tank detail drawing and the pipe shaft detail drawing, and draw the section in the water tank and pool. Get all the pipe diameter, slope, elevationand,head and flow Through Calculation, selecting the models of water tank, water pump and piping fittings .Finally, the flow and delivery head of each system have been checked to satisfy the operating requirements.Keywords: building water supply and sewerage; building fire protection system; Piping layout ; hydraulic calculation 目 录第一章 设计任务及设计资料11.1设计任务书11.1.1 毕业设计的任务和目的11.1.2 主要技术指标11.1.3 要求11.2设计资料21.2.1 建筑资料21.2.2 人员情况21.2.3 给水资料21.2.4 排水资料31.3设计依据3第二章 设计方案的确定42.1 生活给水系统方案设计42.1.1 生活给水方案选择的影响因素及要求42.1.2 生活给水系统方案的拟定、比较和确定42.2消火栓系统方案设计62.2.1 室外消火栓系统方案的确定62.2.2 生活给水方案选择的影响因素及要求62.3 自动喷水灭火系统方案设计82.3.1 自动喷水灭火系统方案选择的影响因素82.3.2 室外消火栓系统方案的确定82.4 排水系统方案设计92.4.1 排水系统的特点92.4.2 排水系统方案的确定102.5 屋面雨水系统方案设计10第三章 管道、附件、设备的布置及材料选择123.1生活给水系统123.1.1 生活给水管道的布置123.1.2 生活给水系统附件及设备的布置123.1.3 生活给水系统材料选择133.2消火栓系统133.2.1 消火栓系统管道布置133.2.2消火栓系统附件及设备的布置143.3自动喷水灭火系统143.3.1 自动喷水灭火系统管道布置143.3.2 自动喷水灭火系统附件及设备的布置143.3.3 消防系统材料选择153.4 排水系统153.4.1 排水系统管道布置153.4.2 排水系统附件的设置153.4.3 排水系统材料选择163.5 屋面雨水系统163.5.1 屋面雨水系统管道布置163.5.2 屋面雨水系统材料选择16第4章 设计计算174.1 生活给水系统的计算174.1.1 用水量计算174.1.2生活给水系统水力计算184.2 消火栓系统的计算284.2.1 消火栓间距校核、流量及压力的计算284.2.2 消火栓系统及消火栓给水泵流量、扬程的计算304.2.3 室外消火栓给水系统的计算324.3 自动喷水灭火系统的计算324.3.1 自动喷水灭火系统水力计算324.3.2 消防水池和消防水箱容积的计算374.4 排水系统的计算384.4.1 排水系统计算公式的选用384.4.2 排水系统水力计算方法384.4.3 排水系统水力计算394.4.4 集水池的计算444.5 屋面雨水系统的计算454.5.1 划分汇水区及雨水量计算454.5.2 雨水管管径的确定46第5章 设备选型47参 考 文 献48第一章 设计任务及设计资料1.1设计任务书1.1.1 毕业设计的任务和目的毕业设计是本科学员在校学完教学计划规定的全部课程后所必须进行的重要实践性环节。通过工程设计,综合利用和深化所学专业理论知识,培养独立工作能力及分析解决一般工程实际问题的能力,使学员受到具备工程师技能的基本训练。本设计为南山大厦
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