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与“控制、对峙”有关on demand 一经要求关键词demand n.要求、需求Is the check you gave payable on demand?你给的是可以即时兑现的支票吗?常见用语demand of 要求The demand of oil is growing stronger nowadays.现在对于石油的需求越发强烈。scream for 强烈要求关键词 scream v.尖叫、强烈要求We scream for a new president.我们强烈要求一个新的总统。常见用语scream curses 高声叫骂The scream curses of the drunk last night made my baby start crying.昨晚,一个醉鬼的高声叫骂让我的宝宝哭了起来。at the request of 在的请求下关键词 request n.要求、请求The rules will be revised at the request of the civilians.在市民的要求下这些法规将被修订。常见用语as requested 依照请求The room is rearranged as requested.房间已经依需求重新摆设了。instruct sb to do sth 指示某人做某事关键词instruct v.指示、命令Could you instruct me to use this software?您能教我使用这个软件吗?常见用语instruct sb in English 教某人英语Out boss hired a tutor to instruct us in English.我们老板请了一个家教来教我们英文。warn sb against 告诫某人关键词warn v.警告/against prep.提防I warned him against the icy road outside.我提醒他当心结冰湿滑的路面。常见用语warn off 告诫离开I was warned off the yard by the weird neighbor.奇怪的邻居警告我离开他的庭院。heed ones advice 听从劝告关键词 heed v.留心、注意/advice n.建You could have done it better if you had heeded his advice.你要是听从他的劝告,可以做得更好。常见用语take the advice 听人劝告You should have taken the advice of the experienced.你应该听有经验的人的劝告。advise sb against 劝某人不要关键词advise v.建议、劝告Her family all advise her against marrying too early.她的家人都劝她不要太早结婚。常见用语advise sb on sth 和某人商量某事The doctor advised me on the side effects of this new medicine.医生和我商量这种新药的副作用。discourage from 阻拦、劝阻关键词discourage v.劝阻、打消She discouraged me from quitting my job on impulse.她劝我别因为冲动就辞职。常见用语bar the way阻拦No one gets to bar the way of mine.没有人可以阻止得了我。dissuade from 劝阻关键词 dissuade v.劝阻Youd better dissuade him from investing money in stocks.你最好劝他不要做股票交易。常见用语advise sb against 劝告某人不要Even the salesperson advised me against buying the bargain.就连销售员都劝我不要买特价商品。point a finger at 指责关键词 point v.指出/finger n.手指If we did wrong,we have no right to point a finger at others.如果我们做错了,我们没有权利指责他人。常见用语lay the blame on 责怪某人Maggie laid the blame on me for being late.玛姬因为我迟到了就责怪我。scold sb for sth 因某事责备某人关键词 scold v.责骂My mom often scolds me for my forgetfulness.妈妈常常责备我健忘。常见用语 blame sb for sth 因某事责备某人You cant blame anyone for the bad weather.坏天气是没办法怪到任何人头上的。blame sb for sth 为某事责备某人关键词 blame v.责备You should be blamed for making such a delay.你应该为这么严重的延迟而受责备。常见用语 take the blame for为某事承担责Charlie took the blame for the mistake and quit.查理为此事担起责任并辞职。teach sb a lesson 教训某人关键词 teach v.教导/lesson n.课程、教I hope this accident has taught you a lesson.希望这个意外已经给了你一个教训。常见用语draw amoral from 吸取教训We all drew a moral from the mistake.我们都从错误中吸取了教训。license to被授权关键词license n.证明、许可证We used to have a license to sell tobacco, but less people smoke now, so we dont sell it anymore.我们过去有出售烟草的许可证,不过现在抽烟的人少了,我们就不卖烟了。Do we need a license to sell alcohol here?我们在这里卖酒,需要执照吗?be authorized to do sth 得到许可做某事关键词authorized a.经授权的/do v.做、从事We are authorized by the court to close down your shop.我们经法院许可关闭你的店铺。We have the warrant and are authorized to search your house.我们有搜查证,并且被许可搜查你的房子。on a mission 负有的使命关键词mission n.任务、使命The new manager is on a mission to change the troubling situation.这位新经理受命改变这个令人头疼的局面。常见用语mission in life 天职Being a doctor seemed to be his mission in life.成为一名医生似乎是他的天职。be commissioned to 被委任关键词commissioned Vp.p受委任The painter was commissioned to paint a portrait of the mayor.这位画家受委任画一幅市长的肖像。The correspondent was commissioned to cover the drug trafficking case.该驻地记者被委任报道贩毒案。be designated as 被指派为关键词 designated Vp.p被指定/ as prep.作为、如同The area has been designated as the new economic zone.这个区域被规划成一个新的经济特区。The newly wed manager was designated as the general manager in overseas market.这位新婚的经理被指派为海外市场的总经理。be master of 控制、掌握关键词master n.主人、能控制的人Ill be master of my time after retirement.退休后我可以自由支配自己的时间了。常见用语be master in ones own house 不受别人干涉I prefer to be master in my own house when I am working.我工作时不太喜欢别人干涉。hold the reins 掌控关键词hold v.掌控、握住/rein n.缰绳、驾驭Many experienced cooks quit when the son of the boss held the reins in the kitchen.老板的儿子掌管厨房后,许多资深的厨师都辞职了。The project manager holds the reins of the schedule.那位项目经理掌控着计划的进度。tighten the reins约束关键词 tighten v.使勒紧Shes tightening the reins on her sons spending by giving him less money.她用少给零用钱来约束她儿子的花费。My moms tightened the reins by not giving me money.我妈不给我钱从而约束我。barrier to的障碍关键词 barrier n.障碍、阻碍Dont let language become the greatest barrier to traveling.别让语言成为旅行的最大障碍。The greatest barrier to your dream is your fear.成就梦想的最大障碍,就是你自己的恐惧。deter from 阻止关键词deter v.威吓住、吓住The violent storm deterred him from goingout.狂风暴雨使他打消了外出的念头。常见用语hold back 阻止The heavy rain held back his idea of going out for dinner.暴雨阻止了他外出买晚餐的念头。prevent sth 防止关键词prevent v.防止Green tea helps prevent cancer.喝绿茶可以预防癌症。常见用语guard against 预防I run 10 km every morning to guard my
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