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经济学基本词汇汇编Aacco un ti ng cost会计成本acco unting profit 会计利润 adverse selection逆 向选择 allocati on of resources 资源配置 allocative efficie ncy 酉己置效率 an titrust legislati on 反托拉斯法Elasticity 弹性Arrows impossibility theorem 阿罗不可能定理 asymetric information 非对称性信息 average product of capita 资本平均产量 average product of labou劳动平均产量 variable cost平均可变成本Bbarriers to entry 进入壁垒bilateral mono poly 双边垄断bliss point 极乐点boun dary point 边界点break eve n poi nt收支相抵点budget con stra int预算约束budget set预算集Ccapital stock资本存量capital output ratio资本产出比率Chamberlin model张伯伦模型choice选择Coase theorem科 斯定理Cobb-Douglas production function 柯布-道格拉斯生产函数 cobweb model 蛛网 模型collective barga ining 集体协议工资collusi on 合谋comma nd economy指令经济commodity comb in ati on 商品组合commodity space 商 品空间com mon property 公用财产compe nsati on prin ciples 补偿原贝 Ucompetitive market 竞争性市场compleme nt goods互补品complete in formati on 完全信息complete ness完备性condition for efficiency in exchange 交换的最优条件 condition for efficiency in product ion生产的最优条件 con sta nt retur ns to scale规模报酬不变con stra ints 约束con sumer prefere nc&肖费者偏好con sumer surplus?肖费者剩余con sumpti on bun dle 消费束con sumpti on comb in ati on 消费组合consumption possibility curve 消费可能曲线 consumption set消费集con sumpti on space消费空间contin uity 连续性contract curve 契约曲线cost mi ni mizatio n 成本极小化Cournot equilibrium 古诺均衡Cournot model古诺模型Cross-price elasticity 交 * 价格弹性dead-weights loss重负损失decreas ing cost in dustry成 本递减产业decreas ing returns to seal规模报酬递减deducti on演绎法dema nd elasticity 需求弹性derive dema nd派生需求differe ntiated good 差异商品differe ntiated oligoply 差异寡头diminishing marginal substitution 边际替代率递减 diminishing marginal return 收益递减diminishing marginal utility 边际效用递减direct taxes 直接税disco unting贴税、折扣disec ono mies of scale规模不经济visio n of labour 劳动分工duoupoly双头垄断、双寡duality 对偶durable goods耐 用品dyn amic an alysis 动态分析dyn amic models 动态模型EEcono mic age nts经济行为者econo mic cost经济成本econo mic efficie ncy 经济效率econo mic goods 经济物品econo mic man 经济人econo mic mode经济模型economic profit 经济禾U润econo mic region of product ion 生产的经济区域 econo mic regulati on 经济调节econo mic rent经济租金excha nge 交换excha nge efficie ncy 交换效率exchange contract curve交换契约曲线 economy of scale规模经济Edgeworth box diagram 埃奇沃思图exclusion排斥性、排他性Edgeworth con tract curve埃奇沃思契约线 Edgeworth model埃奇沃思模型efficie ncy效率,效益efficie ncy parameter 效率参数elasticity 弹性elasticity of substituti on 替代弹性 en doge nous variable 内生变量en dowme nt 禀赋en dowme nt of resources资源禀赋En gel curve恩格尔曲线en trepre neurship企.业家才能en try barriers 进入壁垒en try/exit decisi on 进出决策envo lope curve 包络线equilibrium 均衡equilibrium con diti on 均衡条件equilibrium price 均衡价格equilibrium qua ntity 均衡产量eqity公平equivale nt variati on in in come 收入等价变量 excess-capacity theorem过度生产能 力定理excess supply过度供给excha nge 交换exclusion排斥性、排他性exclusi on prin ciple 排他性原贝 Uexiste nee存在性existenee of general equilibrium总体均衡的存在性 exogenous variables外生变量 expa nsion paths扩展径expeetati on 期望expected utility 期望效用expected value期 望值explicit cost显性成本external benefit夕卜部收益exter nal cost夕卜部成本exter nal economy 外部经济exter nal disec onomy夕卜部不经济externalities 外部性Ffactor dema nd要素需求factor market要素市场factors of product ion 生产要素factor substituti on 要素替代fallacy of compositi on 合成谬误final goods最终产品first-degree price discrim in ati on 第一级价格歧视first-order con diti on 阶条件fixed costs固定成本fixed in put固定投入fixed proporti ons product ion fun cti on 固定比例的生产函数 flow 流量 fluctuati on 波动for whom to produce 为谁生产free en try自由进入free goods自由品,免费品free mobility of resources 资源自由流动free rider搭便车fun ctio n 函数future value 未来值Ggame theory 博弈论gen eral equilibrium 总体均衡general goods 般商品Giffen goods吉芬商品Giffe ns Paradox 吉芬之谜Gini coefficient 吉尼系数golde nrule黄金规则gover nment failure 政府失败gover nment regulati on 政府调控Hheterogeneous product质产品Hicks-kaldor welfare criterio n 希克斯一卡尔多福禾 U标准 homoge neity 齐次性 homoge neous dema nd fun ctior齐次需求函数 homoge neous products 质产品 homoge neous producti on fun ction齐次生产函数how to produce 女 M可生产huma n capital人力资本hypothesis 假说Iimperfect competi on 不完全竞争implicitcost隐性成本in come con strai nt 收入约束in come con sumpti on curve收 入消费曲线in come distributi on 收入分酉己in come effect收入效应in come elasticity of dema nd 需求收入弹性increasing cost industry成本递增产业in creas ing returns to scale规模报酬递增in efficie ncy缺乏效率in dex nu mber 指数in differe nee 无差异in differe nee curve 无差异曲线in differe nee map 无差异族in differe nee relatio n 无差异关系in differe nee set 无差异集in direct approach 间接法in dividual an alysis 个量分析in duced variable弓丨致变量in elastic缺乏弹性的in ferior goods 劣品in flecti on point 拐点in formatio n cost 信息成本in itial co nditio n 初始条件initial endowment 初始禀赋inno vati on 创新in put-output 投入-产出in stituti on 制度in stituti onal econo mics 制度经济学in termediate goods中 间产品intern atizati on of exter nalities 夕卜部性内部化inv erse dema nd fun cti
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