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Module4 Unit1 Do you want some rice?一、教学目标(一)Knowledge aims:(1)要求学生三会掌握词汇:Chinese, fast, food, want, chopsticks, difficult;(2)句型:Do you want some ?Yes, please. / No, thank you.(二)Ability aims:(1)能听懂、理解课文大意并回答出相关问题;(2)能自如地运用所学重点句式开展“点餐”活动,并能根据所给信息或实际情况做出应答;(3)能根据图片或实际情况认读食品的词汇及点餐、应答的句式并熟练朗读课文对话。(三) Emotion aims:激发学生对英语学习的积极性和自主性,培养他们乐于竞争、乐于交流、乐于合作、乐于助人的品质。二、教学重点 1. 学习新词并能自如地运用重点句型“Do you want some ? Yes, please. / No, thank you.”; 2. 能听懂、理解课文大意并回答出相关问题。三、教学难点如何在真实任务或情景中运用所学句式和词汇;四、教具准备课件、单词卡片四、教学过程增删Step 1 Warming up (1) Greetings:(2) Chant: Noodles and Rice【设计意图:以活泼的儿歌吟唱营造良好的英语学习氛围。】Step2 Leading-in(1) Guessing game:T: Noodles and rice are nice fast food. Do you want some? You can use “Have you got?” to ask for them.S1: Have you got some noodles / ?T: Yes, I have. / No, I havent.【设计意图:通过“猜猜看”的游戏,不仅进一步活跃了课堂气氛,而且复习了“Have you got?”的句式和食物词汇,为本课的教学和任务完成打下基础】(2) Culture input: T: Good, they are nice fast food.(出示词卡“fast food”并带读、操练)S1: 中餐和西餐!T: Excellent! These are Chinese fast food and these are western fast food.(出示词卡“Chinese”并带读词组“Chinese fast food”)【设计意图:通过食物分类,培养学生的探究能力并自然引入本课词组“Chinese fast food”的学习。】Step 3 PracticeT: Good job! Today well go to a fast food restaurant and learn how to order food. In the end, lets see who will be the best waiter or waitress.【设计意图:运用任务驱动,让学生对这节课将要完成的事情有一个大致的了解,激发他们的学习欲望,帮助他们在有意义的情境中开展认知活动,学习目的更明确,教学更有针对性。】Step 4 Presentation 1. Listen and answer questions:(1) T: Look, our good friends - Daming and Amy are ordering the food. Lets have a look and answer:What does Amy want? (出示词卡“want”并带读、操练) (2) Watch the CD-ROM:(3) Check the answers: What does Amy want? She wants noodles.【设计意图:通过好朋友Daming 和Amy的经历整体呈现课文,并通过设置语言学习的信息沟,让学生带着问题听录音,给学生思考的空间。】2. Learn and practice the key drill:(1)T: But how can Daming help Amy to order food? He ask ? Lets listen again and find out the key drill.(Watch the CD-ROM)S1: Do you want some?T: Good! He used “Do you want some?” to order food.(出示句卡“Do you want some?”并粘于黑板上、操练)T: And if you want, you can answer “Yes, please.”. If not, you can say “No, thank you.”(出示句卡“Yes, please.”与 “No, thank you.”并粘于黑板上、操练)【设计意图:通过第二遍观看CD-ROM,引导学生在真实的语境中学习本课的重点句式。】(2) Practice the key drill with cards: T ask and Ss answer: Ss ask and Ss answer:T: Now, lets look and say. These two groups ask, these two groups answer.For example, do you want some hamburgers? (引导Group1和Group 2一起问)Group 3 / Group 4: Yes, please.(根据图中的笑脸回答)【设计意图:利用单词卡片开展“ look and say”活动,不仅操练了本课的重点句型“Do you want some ? Yes, please. / No, thank you.”,而且大组合作操练的形式也有助于帮助学生们增强自信。】3. Card game:T: Excellent! Now, lets play a card game. These are 7 kinds of fast food, and those are 7 kinds of drinks. (T/Ss齐读饮料类词汇) I will give each of you 2 cards. And they are the food and drink you want to order, please keep them secret and use “Do you want some?” to guess what your partner want.Now, I will be the partner with .(Give Ss an example)【设计意图:在生动有趣的游戏中,引导学生进行重点句式的巩固和操练,同时词汇的呈现形式也从单纯的图片向图片与英文单词并存过渡,词汇的种类也由食物向饮料拓展。】4. Listen, point and read the text:T: I think most of you got the right food and drink. Are you happy?Ss: Yes.T: Daming and Amy are very happy too. They ate noodlesand knew something about fast food. Lets open the book. Listen, point and read the text.【设计意图:通过听音、模仿、指读,训练学生用正确的语音语调朗读课文,并进一步增强学生的认读能力。】5. Say and make a new chant: Say the chant:Do you want some noodles?Do you want some noodles?Yes, please. Yes, please.Yes, please.Do you want some rice?Do you want some rice?No, thank you. No, thank you.No, thank you. Make a new chant in groups: Show the new chant:【设计意图:以chant的形式加强学生对词汇、句式的记忆,并在小组合作创编、展示的过程中为学生提供拓展思维,融会贯通的机会,进一步培养了他们合作、创新的意识。】Step 5 Mission completed1. T: Its time to order food for our friends. Lets see who will be the best waiter or waitress. First, Ill be the waitress.(Give Ss an example)2. Ss do this activity. T: Ok, now take out your menu and lets go.【设计意图:让学生在大量习得语言的基础上,通过任务驱动学得语言。同时,真实、有趣的调查活动充分体现了学生的主体性,引导学生积极主动地参与语言实践,学以致用。】3. Evaluation T: Now, lets see how many students you have helped.(奖励帮助最多同学点餐的同学)T: You are the best waiter / waitress.(奖励勇于上台展示自己并表演最棒的同学)【设计意图:公平、公正的评价能大大激发和保持学生的学习积极性,并延续学生良好的评价习惯。】Step 6 Homework (1) Listen and read the text for five times;(2) Finish the exercises of SB P18-19 1,2;(3)Get more information about fast food.Step 7 Blackboard writing Module 4 Unit 1 Do you want some rice?Do you want some?Yes, please. No, thank you.
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