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2022年商务英语高级词汇及例句2 demand di5mB:nd (n.) 1. request for payment恳求偿付 例 First demands were issued to all late payers. 2. need for products and services at a certain price需求 例 We are having difficulty meeting demand. demand management (n.) series of activities to recognize and manage all the demands for products需求的监视和调整 例 They decided to carry out demand management to get information from consumers. demotivated (adj.) not interested失去动力的 例 The depression of economy demotivated them at last. denationalize (v) to put a government-owned company or industry back into private ownership 私营化 例 Sooner or later, Chinas communication sector will be completely denationalized. 同义词 privatize department (n.) part of an organization部门 例 The employment manager would like to talk to some of the companys supervisors and department heads. 同义词 branch, division, subdivision deposit (n.) 1.money placed in a bank account存款 例 Once your deposit in our bank exceeds 50,000 USD, the monthly 20 USD account maintenance fees will be exempted. deposit account account earning interest有息存款,储蓄存款 例 We require 7 days notice of withdrawal on this deposit account. 2. money paid in advance in order to reserve a product押金 depot (n.) warehouse仓库 例 The goods are temporally stored in the depot near the port. depreciate (v.) reduce the value of assets in the accounts over a certain time贬值 例 We depreciate business equipment over 5 years. 同义词 devalue, devaluate depreciation (n.) reduction in the value of an asset贬值 同义词 devaluation, deflation deregulate (v) to free an industry , an organization, etc from price control, especially by a government 撤消管制 例 to deregulate the food market deskilling (n) the losing of skills by workers through unemployment , lack of training , etc.失去技能 例 The great depression caused many companies to lay off their workers which would result in deskilling of staff. desktop (n.) desktop computer 台式电脑 dispatch see: dispatch devalue (v.) reduce the value of a currency against other currencies(货币)贬值 例 The war inside the country severely hurts the consumers confidence and devalues its currency in the international financial market. 同义词 depreciate, devaluate devaluation (n.) the deduction in the value of a currency against other currencies(货币)贬值 同义词 depreciation, deflation differentiate (v.) to make something different or highlight the difference between two things区分 例 It is hard to differentiate the one from the other. 同义词 distinguish, set apart,separate differentiation (n.) making sure that a product has distinguishing features区分 例 Line 1 and Line 2 have little differentiation. price differential (n) the difference in prices charged for the same product in different shops, or for different products in a range 差价 例 The price for this air-conditioner is the lowest in Shanghai, and if you can find lower price for it within 15 days, we will refund the price differential to you. direct (v.) manage, be in charge of治理,指挥。 例 He directs our sales operation. 同义词 namage, control, run director (n.) person appointed by shareholders to help manage a company 主管,董事 managing director UK US Chief Executive Officer 执行总裁 direct flight flight without transfer 直航 direct mail (n.) selling a product by sending information through the post直接邮寄广告 例 We have to wait for 2 days if we send it by direct mail. direct selling (n.) selling directly to a customer without going through any middlemen直销 例 Direct selling can save a lot of money. directory (n.) reference book containing listings名目 例 a telephone directory, a trade directory discount1. (n.) percentage reduction in a full price打折 例 You can have 5% discount as a VIP customer. 2. (v.) reduce the full price打折 同义词 rebate disintegration (n) the breaking up of a company or group of companies 解散 例At last , the merger of these two big companies comes to disintegration. dismiss (v.) remove from employment, sack (inf)辞退 例 You are dismissed for your poor performance and bad working attitude. 同义词 discharge dismissal (n.) act of dismissing辞退 例 These rules are formal-such as the procedure for dismissal. 同义词 discharge dispatch 1. (n.) sending goods to a customer送货 例 dispatch department 2. (v.) send goods to customers送货 display1. (n.) show/exhibition of goods展览 例 There was a display of the latest research at the trade fair in Frankfurt. 2. (v.) show, exhibit展览 dispute1. (n.) a disagreement争辩 例 We hope the matter in
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