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班级 _ 组别_ 姓名_ 编写教师 林 辉 Module 2 Writing 【学习主题】英语习作:如何介绍家乡 【自主学习】 Make a summary about the passage Town Twinning_【合作探究】1. 介绍位置a.b.c.翻译句子:我的家乡位于山东省南部。_2. 介绍人口a.b.c.翻译句子:这座小镇拥有20万人口。_3. 介绍历史a.b.c.翻译句子:虽然它是一个小城,但它拥有令人惊叹的超过3000年历史。_4. 介绍面积及旅游业a.b.c.翻译句子:四川,位于中国的西南部,占地面积485,000平方公里,有很多的名胜古迹。(使用定语从句)_5. 相关词汇及短语 交通高楼便利的自然资源平方公里过着幸福的生活吸引人的呈现新面貌工业因为而出名气候在很丰富;富含平均气温一座历史文化名城经济在某方面起重要作用农业采取措施去做某事发展以为自豪 【拓展导学】1.高级词汇的运用 The pet dog is so lovely._There are fifty students in my class._As soon as she heard the news, she cried loudly._Its very important to celebrate the festival._2.丰富的语法结构的运用There are many places of interest in my hometown and they attract tourists from all over the world. (使用定语从句)_You set a good example to us in this way.(使用倒装句)_Life is filled with challenges. Those challenges make me who I am. (使用强调句型)_It is an unforgettable day today (使用感叹句)_Its time for us to take actions to protect the environment.( 使用虚拟语气)_After he graduated from senior high school, he went abroad.(使用V-ing形式)_The global warming is getting worse. More people choose to live a low-carbon life for the purpose of reducing greenhouse gases. (使用with 结构)_Unluckily, We have polluted the environment . (使用被动语态) _3.恰当的连接词的运用“启”-创造良好开端 firstly;first of all;to start with;in the first place; as is known to all/ as we all know;it is often said that “承”-承上启下 secondly;in addition;besides;furthermore moreover;whats more;as far as I know; there is no doubt that “转”-巧妙转折过渡 but;however;on the other hand;on the contrary while;despite;in spite of;regardless of;but for;every coin has two sides; “合”-完美结束全文 in a word;in short;finally;in conclusion; last but not least;to sum up;in my opinion; as far as I am concerned;we can draw the conclusion that 【当堂检测】假定由你负责接待一个外国旅游团。请你拟定一篇发言稿向游客介绍你的家乡沈阳。 要点如下: 1.沈阳位于中国东北部,是辽宁省会,人口约820万,占地面积逾1.3万平方公里。 2.沈阳是国家历史文化名城,有2300年的历史,素有“一朝发祥地,两代帝王都”之称。 3.沈阳很美,有许多名胜,如北陵,故宫,植物园等,还有许多现代化的工厂和高大的楼房。我因我的家乡而感到骄傲。 注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.开头语已为你写好。4.参考词汇:沈阳故宫Shenyang Imperial Palace;沈阳植物园Shenyang Botanical GardenLadies and gentlemen, Welcome to our hometown ,Shenyang. _
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