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四年级英语第二单元测试题 孝南小学 乔丽萍听力部分:一、 听录音,选出你所听到的选项。( ) 1. A. short B. skirt C. shirt( ) 2. A. jeans B. pants C. shoes( ) 3. A. these B. those C. this( ) 4. A. neighbour B. colour C. yellow( ) 5. A. what B. jacket C. eight( ) 6. A. socks B. shoes C. sunny ( ) 7. A. windy B. cloudy C. sunny二、选出你所听到的句子。( )1. A. Is it cold? B. Is it sunny? C. Is it sunny?( )2. A. What are those? B. What are these?C. What is this?( )3. A. Whose is this ? B. Whose is it? C. Whose is that?( )4. A. Its hot today. B. Its cold today. C. Its warm today.( )5. A. Can I wear my T-shirt? B. Can I wear my new shirt? C. Can I put on my new jacket?三、听录音,填写所缺的单词。 1. Whats the like in Beijing? Its today. 2. Let me a shower. Its here. 3. I like the pants with the blue . 4. Whose is this ? And those are my . 5. What is your sisters ? Its purple. 6. I have a new for my birthday party.四、听录音,给下面句子排序。( ) Not much. ! ( ) Its rainy today. How about Tokyo?( ) Its windy now. I have to close the window.( ) Hi , Amy. What are you doing? ( ) Hello. ( ) Whats the matter?( ) Whats the weather like in Guangzhou?( ) Its sunny. ( ) Oh, no! My photo! ( ) Ok. Bye. 笔试部分:五、判断每组单词中划线部分发音是否相同。1. bike rice ( ) 2. milk kite ( ) 3. pig it ( )4. home hole ( ) 5. rose fox ( ) 6. nose lock ( )六、英汉互译。1. weather report 2. not much 3. have to 4. 一件绿色的T恤衫 5. Take your raincoat. 6. take off 7. 踢足球 8. Open up your umbrella. 9. 上床睡觉 10. 脱下你的夹克 七、按要求写单词。1. your (反义词) 2. shoe(复数) 3. those (反义词) 4. they are (缩写形式) 5. it (复数) 6. this (复数) 7. yes (反义词) 8. lets ( 完全形式) 9. it is (缩写形式) 10. that(反义词) 八、单项选择。( )1. Its cold Dalian. A. in B. on C. at ( )2. I wear my shirt today. A. can B. am C. is( )3. Its your baby ! A. brothers B. brothers C. brothers( )4. Please pass my T- shirt. A. me B. my C. I( )5. I like the red shirt the blue shorts. A. so B. but C. with( )6. Look the brown jacket. A. to B. at C. for ( )7. They are your feet! A. in B. on C. at ( )8. Heres your coat, Zoom. . A. Oh,no! B. Thank you. C. Its OK.( )9. are your baby pants. A. These B. these C. This( )10. Is this your sweater? No, A. its B. its not C. its not( )11. are the shoes? Theyre white. A. What is B. What colour C. How colour( )12. Are those my jeans? . A. Yes, it is. B. No,it isnt. C. No, theyre not.( )13. Its rainy now. I have to the window. A. close B. cleaning C. to open( )14. is it? Its Zhang Pengs. A. What B. Whos C. Whose( )15. I a cold. . A. have B. has C. is 九、连词成句。1. my are blue these jeans . 2. are socks where my ? 3. cold here is it . 4. yellow sweater is your ? 5. are what these ? 6. weather like the Whats New York in? 7. the matter you with Whats ? 十、将B栏中答语序号写在A栏前的( )内。 A栏 B栏( ) 1. What colour are they ? A. I have a cold. ( ) 2. Are these socks yours? B. It is nine ten.( ) 3. Whats the matter with you? C. They are white.( ) 4. What time is it ? D. Its cold.( ) 5. Wheres my coat ? E. Great!( ) 6. What ar
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