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Lesson 12 The Loons词汇补充练习. Word explanation1. dwellingA. residence B. dwarf C. lingering D. inhibit2. strand A. thread B. twist C. swing D. warp3. putA. set B. state C. offer D. all the above4. oddA. add B. irregular C. odds D. index5. vagueA. apparent B. flagrant C. equivocal D. conspicuous6. distressA. distract B. desperate C. agony D. annoyance7. miraculousA. irresponsible B. astonishing C. wild D. reckless8. scornA. disdain B. reverence C. contempt D. a and c9. swearA. curse B. swelter C. vote D. utter10. awarenessA. obliviousness B. realization C. frankness D. ware11. sullenA. light-hearted B. cheerful C. optimistic D. gloomy12. perseveranceA. penetration B. persecution C. persistence D. preserve13. flickerA. spark B. fresh C. shatter D. smash14. plaintiveA. bare B. lamentable C. clear D. painstaking15. appealA. disgust B. repel C. appal D. charm 16. odourA. ordeal B. smell C. dreary D. perm17. ramshackleA. shack B. young C. ram D. rickety18. obscenity A. vulgarism B. abomination C. filthiness D. all the above19. brawl A. dispute B. wail C. moan D. battle20. negligibleA. inconsequential B. oversight C. carelessness D. forgetful. Give the full spelling of the words according to the context.1. Something that is d_ contains a lot of things or people in a small area.2. A c_ is a small area of grass or bare ground which is surrounded by a much larger area of trees and other large plants.3. Your t_ are the top parts of your legs, between your knees and your hips.4. R_ is money, food, or clothing that is provided, often from public funds, for people who are very poor or hungry.5. Something that is e_ makes you feel shy, ashamed, or guilty.6. If you describe someone or something as p_, you mean that they are strange, often in an unpleasant way.7. If you tell someone to b_ or to behave themselves, you are telling them that they should act in a way that people think is correct and proper.8. When someone a_ you, they get nearer to you.9. If you s _ somewhere, you walk there quickly and noisily because your are angry about something.10. Someone who is d_11. If you are d_, you show aggression or independence by refusing to obey someone or refusing to behave in the expected way.12. If you w_ something, you see it happen. This is a fairly formal word.13. If you p_ something, you own or have it.14. If something c_ , it stops happening or existing. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the following words or expressions in its proper form. Each word or expression is to be used only once.add to, anyhow, at that, catch, fail, ill at ease, intend, scope, set about, strike 1. What do you_ to do today?2. The movie itself was marvellous, and the music_ our enjoyment.3. I thought I could depend on him for help, but he _ me.4. v_ of current physical theory.5. Five thousand yuan for a second hand 20-inch TV! And with the remote missing_! You nuts or something?6. As soon as she arrived she_ tidying up the room.7. It_ me that we ought to make a new plan.8. She_ me smoking a cigarette.9. The boy felt_ when the headmaster spoke to him.10. Do you want me to do this in any particular way or with special care, or can I do it_?第一册第12课练习答案1-1: / 答案:A 1-2: /答案:A 1-3: / 答案:D 1-4: / 答案:B 1-5: / 答案:C1-6: / 答案:C 1-7: / 答案:B1-8: / 答案:D1-9: / 答案:A1-10: /答案:B1-11: /答案:D1-12: /答案:C1-13: /答案:A1-14: 答案:B1-15: /答案:D1-16: /答案:B1-17: /答案:D1-18: /答案:D1-19: /答案:A1-20: /答案:A2-1: /答案:dense 2-2: /答案:clearing 2-3: /答案:thighs 2-4: /答案:Relief 2-5: /答案:embarrassing 2-6: /答案:peculiar 2-7: /答案:behave 2-8: /答案:approaches2-9: /答案:stamp 2-10: / 答案:devoted2-11: / 答案:defiant 2-12: /答案:witness up 2-13: /答案:possess 2-14: /答案:ceases 3-1: /答案:intend 3-2: /答案:added to 3-3: /答案:failed 3-4: /答案:scope 3-5: /答案:at that 3-6: /答案:set about 3-7: /答案:struck3-8: /答案:caught 3-9: /答案:ill at ease3-10: /
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