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读后续写升格微技能:情绪描写2HaPPY第四组11. The happiness in the air was contagious as everyone danced and sang at the party.12. The warmth of the sun on her face and the sound of the waves crashing put a huge smile on her face.13. She felt like nothing could bring her down as she basked in the glow of her recent success.14. The world seemed brighter and more beautiful as the happy couple walked hand in hand through the park.15. A burst of joy exploded inside her as she received the good news she had been waiting for.16. His heart overflowed with joy and love as he watched his granddaughter take her first steps.17. The happiness shimmering in his eyes made her heart skip a beat.18. The sheer happiness of being surrounded by loved ones made her feel grateful and blessed.19. Everything fell into place just perfectly, causing an indescribable wave of happiness to wash over her.20. The happiness she felt was so intense, she felt like her heart would burst with joy.第五组21. The sight of her old friend brought a surge of deep happiness flooding through her veins.22. A wave of happiness flowed over her body as she finally achieved her lifelong dream.23. The pure happiness on his face when he saw her again after so many years brought tears to her eyes.24. She felt giddy with happiness and couldnt help twirling around in excitement.25. Nothing could dampen his mood today as he was filled with a profound sense of happiness.26. Light and carefree, she danced along the street, her heart filled with boundless happiness.27. The feeling of contentment and happiness made the simple picnic in the park feel like the most magical event ever.28. Each time she thought about him, a feeling of intense happiness swelled inside her.29. She hummed a happy tune as she went about her daily tasks, feeling nothing but sheer joy.30. Overflowing with happiness, she hugged her sister tighter than she ever had before.第六组31. A massive smile spread across his face when he heard the good news, and he let out a loud whoop of happiness.32. She lay on her back in the grass, staring up at the sky, feeling content and happy with life.33. He felt like he was walking on air, his heart filled with unbridled happiness.34. Pure joy took over as she dove into the clear blue water, feeling nothing but happy and free.35. The happiness she felt in her heart made her feel lighter than air, making everything seem possible.36. The absolute euphoria of receiving a well-deserved promotion filled him with an overwhelming sense of happiness.37. The building sense of anticipation and happiness lit up the room like sunshine when the guests arrived for the party.38. Every time she thought about him, her heart filled with warmth and happiness.39. She felt like a child on Christmas morning, filled with pure anticipation, excitement, and happiness.40. The sight of the mountains in the distance filled her with an intense sense of happiness and awe.1学科网(北京)股份有限公司
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