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Unit1 How do you study for a testPeriod 1Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects (1)Key Vocabulary:flashcard (2)Target Language2. Ability Objects (1) Train students listening skill. (2) Train students communicative competence.3. Moral ObjectStudying the right way is helpful, It helps you get good grades.Teaching key PointTarget Language Teaching Difficult PointsTrain students listening skill. Train students communicative competence.Teaching ProceduresStep GreetingsWelcome the students back to school and ask them if they had a good time during the summer holidays. Invite different students to describe what they did in the summer vacation. Step 1aThis activity reviews earlier vocabulary and introduces some new words.Read the instructions to the class.Call students attention to the box. Read the list of ways of studying to the class.Then hold up a flashcard, a cassette, a shopping list and a textbook brought to class or point to the items in the illustration to show the meaning of each item.Please check the ways you usually study for an English test. While the students are doing this, write the list of ways of studying on the blackboard. After they have finished checking the ways, ask the students to look at the blackboard. Ask, who study by working with friends for an English test? Please raise your hands.Write the number of hands you see after by working with friends on the list. Repeat the same approach with the other ways of studying on the list. Then discuss which are the most popular and least popular ways of studying.Say, And now please add other ways you use sometimes. While the students are doing this, move around the room to offer language support as needed. Invite several students to read their ways to the class.Step 1bThis activity provides students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.Read the instructions to the class.Focus attention on the illustration. Point to the pictures labeled a,b and c and elicithow each student is studying. Then point to the pictures with names Mei, Antonioand Pierre underneath. Say, You will hear one conversation. You are asked to writethe letter of each picture in front of the name of the person who studies that way.Point out the sample answer to the class.Call students attention to the speech bubble in the illustration. Say, Mei says, I study by making flashcards. so the answer to number 1 is a.Play the recording for the first time.Students only listen. Play the recording a second time. Students write in their answers. Check the answers with the whole class.Step 1cThis activity gives students oral practice using the target language.Read the instructions to the class.Call students attention to the conversation in the box. Invite a pair of students to read it to the class,S1:How do you study for a test?S2: I study by working with a group.Say, Now work with a partner. Start by reading the conversation in the box withyour partner. Then look at the other ways of studying in Activity 1 and ask yourpartner how he or she studies for a test.As students work, listen in on various pairs checking progress and helping withpronunciation as needed.After students have had a chance to practice several exchanges, ask pairs to cometo the front of the room and act out their conversations.Step SummarySay, In this class, weve learned some key vocabulary words, such as flashcard, cassette. And weve also learned the target language How do you study for a test? I study by working with a group.Step HomeworkAsk students to interview students in other classes, family members, and friends to try to discover some new ways of studying that havent been introduced in the book or in class.教学反思 Period 2Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabulary:aloud, pronunciation(2)Target Language2. Ability Objects Train students listening skill and communicative competence.3. Moral ObjectIf there is an English club in your school, join it to improve your English. Teaching Key PointsKey Vocabulary &Target LanguageStructure:verb + by with gerund.Teaching Difficult PointsWhat about?verb + by with gerundTeaching ProceduresStep RevisionCheck homework. Invite different students to report their discovery of new ways of studying that havent been introduced in the book or in class.S1: My friend Peter likes to listen to music while he studies.S2: My father used to go to the library where it was very quiet.S3 Step 2aThis activity provides listening practice using the target language.Call students attention to the picture. Ask, What do you think is happening?Who are they? Guide the students to say. They are members of an English club that meets after school once a week. They are talking about the ways to learn English.Play the recording for the first ti
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